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Lee Altenberg.
Emergent phenomena in genetic programming.
In A. V. Sebald and L. J. Fogel, editors, Evolutionary Programming -- Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference, pp233-241. World Scientific Publishing, 1994.

Peter J. Angeline.
Subtree crossover causes bloat.
In John R. Koza et. al., editors, Genetic Programming 1998: Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference, pp745-752, Wisconsin, 22-25 July 1998. Morgan Kaufmann.

Blickle and Thiele1994
Tobias Blickle and Lothar Thiele.
Genetic programming and redundancy.
In J. Hopf, editor, Genetic Algorithms within the Framework of Evolutionary Computation (Workshop at KI-94, Saarbrücken), pp33-38, 1994. Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik (MPI-I-94-241).

Tobias Blickle.
Evolving compact solutions in genetic programming: A case study.
In Hans-Michael Voigt et. al., editors, Parallel Problem Solving From Nature IV. LNCS 1141, pp564-573, Berlin, 22-26 September 1996. Springer.

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Philippe Flajolet and Andrew Oldyzko.
The average height of binary trees and other simple trees.
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Chris Gathercole.
An Investigation of Supervised Learning in Genetic Programming.
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Hooper et al.1997
Dale C. Hooper, Nicholas S. Flann, and Stephanie R. Fuller.
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In John R. Koza et. al., editors, Genetic Programming 1997: Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference, pp174-179. Morgan Kaufmann.

Iba et al.1994
Hitoshi Iba, Hugo de Garis, and Taisuke Sato.
Genetic programming using a minimum description length principle.
In Kenneth E. Kinnear, Jr., editor, Advances in Genetic Programming, pp265-284. MIT Press, 1994.

John R. Koza.
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Langdon and Nordin2000
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Langdon and Poli1997
W. B. Langdon and R. Poli.
An analysis of the MAX problem in genetic programming.
In John R. Koza et. al., editors, Genetic Programming 1997, pp222-230. Morgan Kaufmann.

Langdon and Poli1997b
W. B. Langdon and R. Poli.
Fitness causes bloat.
In P. K. Chawdhry et. al., editors, Soft Computing in Engineering Design and Manufacturing, pp13-22. Springer London, 1997.

Langdon et al.1999
W. B. Langdon, T. Soule, R. Poli, and J. A. Foster.
The evolution of size and shape.
In Lee Spector et. al., editors, Advances in Genetic Programming 3, pp163-190. MIT Press.

W. B. Langdon.
The evolution of size in variable length representations.
In 1998 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, pp633-638, Anchorage, 1998. IEEE Press.

W. B. Langdon.
Data Structures and Genetic Programming,
Kluwer, 1998.

W. B. Langdon.
Scaling of program tree fitness spaces.
Evolutionary Computation, 7(4):399-428, Winter 1999.

W. B. Langdon.
Size fair and homologous tree genetic programming crossovers.
Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 1(1/2):95-119, April 2000.

McPhee and Miller1995
Nicholas F. McPhee and J. D. Miller.
Accurate replication in genetic programming.
In L. Eshelman, editor, Genetic Algorithms: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference (ICGA95), pp303-309, 1995. Morgan Kaufmann.

Nordin and Banzhaf1995
Peter Nordin and Wolfgang Banzhaf.
Complexity compression and evolution.
In L. Eshelman, editor, ICGA95, pp310-317, 1995. Morgan Kaufmann.

Nordin et al.1996
Peter Nordin, Frank Francone, and Wolfgang Banzhaf.
Explicitly defined introns and destructive crossover in genetic programming.
In Peter J. Angeline and K. E. Kinnear, Jr., editors, Advances in Genetic Programming 2, pp111-134. MIT Press, 1996.

Peter Nordin.
Evolutionary Program Induction of Binary Machine Code and its Applications.
PhD thesis, der Universitat Dortmund am Fachereich Informatik, 1997.

Poli and Langdon1999
Riccardo Poli and W. B. Langdon.
Sub-machine-code genetic programming.
In Lee Spector et. al., editors, Advances in Genetic Programming 3, pp301-323. MIT Press, 1999.

Rosca and Ballard1996
Justinian P. Rosca and Dana H. Ballard.
Complexity drift in evolutionary computation with tree representations.
Tech Report NRL5, University of Rochester, Computer Science.

Justinian P. Rosca.
Analysis of complexity drift in genetic programming.
In John R. Koza et. al., editors, Genetic Programming 1997, pp286-294. Morgan Kaufmann.

Conor Ryan.
Pygmies and civil servants.
In Kenneth E. Kinnear, Jr., editor, Advances in Genetic Programming, pp243-263. MIT Press, 1994.

Soule and Foster1997
Terence Soule and James A. Foster.
Code size and depth flows in genetic programming.
In John R. Koza et. al., editors, Genetic Programming 1997, pp313-320. Morgan Kaufmann.

Soule and Foster1998
Terence Soule and James A. Foster.
Removal bias: a new cause of code growth in tree based evolutionary programming.
In 1998 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, pp781-186, 1998. IEEE Press.

Soule et al.1996
T. Soule, J. A. Foster, and J. Dickinson.
Code growth in genetic programming.
In John R. Koza et. al., editors, Genetic Programming 1996: Proceedings of the First Annual Conference, pp215-223, Stanford, 28-31 July 1996. MIT Press.

Terence Soule.
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Walter Alden Tackett.
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Byoung-Tak Zhang and Heinz Mühlenbein.
Balancing accuracy and parsimony in genetic programming.
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Bill Langdon