@InProceedings{langdon:1999:fairxo, author = "W. B. Langdon", title = "Size Fair and Homologous Tree Genetic Programming Crossovers", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference", year = "1999", editor = "Wolfgang Banzhaf and Jason Daida and Agoston E. Eiben and Max H. Garzon and Vasant Honavar and Mark Jakiela and Robert E. Smith", volume = "2", pages = "1092--1097", address = "Orlando, Florida, USA", publisher_address = "San Francisco, CA 94104, USA", month = "13-17 " # jul, publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming, bloat reduction, evolution of shape, subquadratic length growth, linear depth growth, uniform initialisation, binary tree search spaces", ISBN = "1-55860-611-4", URL = "ftp://cs.ucl.ac.uk/genetic/papers/papers/WBL.gecco99.fairxo.ps.gz", abstract = "Size fair and homologous crossover genetic operators for tree based genetic programming are described and tested. Both produce considerably reduced increases in program size and no detrimental effect on GP performance. GP search spaces are partitioned by the ridge in the number of program versus their size and depth. A ramped uniform random initialisation is described which straddles the ridge. With subtree crossover trees increase about one level per generation leading to sub-quadratic bloat in length.", notes = "GECCO-99, part of banzhaf:1999:gecco99 See also langdon:1999:fairxoTR A joint meeting of the eighth international conference on genetic algorithms (ICGA-99) and the fourth annual genetic programming conference (GP-99)", }