@TechReport{Langdon97, author = "William B Langdon", title = {Scheduling Planned Maintenance of Electrical Power Transmission Networks Using Genetic Algorithms}, institution = {University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science}, number = {CSRP-97-26}, month = {November}, year = {1997}, email = {W.B.Langdon@cs.bham.ac.uk}, file = {/1997/CSRP-97-26.ps.gz}, url = {ftp://ftp.cs.bham.ac.uk/pub/tech-reports/1997/CSRP-97-26.ps.gz}, abstract = {The maintenance of the electrical power transmission networks must be planned in advance so as to minimise costs taking into account: location and size of demand for electricity, generator capacities and availabilities, electricity carrying capacity of the remainder of the network, i.e. that part not undergoing maintenance, resilience of the network to faults (contingencies). This complex optimisation and scheduling problem is currently performed manually (albeit with some computerised assistance). This paper reports recent work aiming to automatically generate low cost schedules using genetic algorithms (GA) and genetic programming (GP) using the South Wales region as a demonstration network. }, }