/* // Simple Genetic Program // // W. B. Langdon, cwi.nl, 21 February 1999 // // Modifications: // Author: WBL // Date : 21 Feb 1999 // Change: Increase portability by replacing drand48() by park-miller, // and renaming functions to avoid name clashes // Author: WBL // Date : 18 Feb 1994, 21 April 1994 // Change: Replace rand() with drand48(), // reduce POPULATION_SIZE from 500 to 16 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* SUNos v4 */ #define EXIT_FAILURE 1 #define FILENAME_MAX 80 #define POPULATION_SIZE 16 #define PCROSS 0.6 #define PMUT .01 #define MAX_GEN 50 #define MAX_PROG_SIZE 25 #define STACK_SIZE 25 #define LINE_WIDTH 200 #define THRESHOLD 0.01 #define MAX_TEST_POINTS 10 float x[MAX_TEST_POINTS]; float y[MAX_TEST_POINTS]; int num_x; char output_file[FILENAME_MAX]; struct prog { char string [MAX_PROG_SIZE+1]; float fitness; int hits; }; struct prog population [POPULATION_SIZE]; struct prog new_population [POPULATION_SIZE]; /*Data for display purposes only */ #define COPY_MUM -1 #define MUTATE -1 struct par { int mum, mumcross; int dad, dadcross; }; struct par parents [POPULATION_SIZE]; int num_tests = 0; int best_prog, max_hits, required_hits; float new_sumfitness; float total_fitness; int generation; /* start code */ int seed; read_inputs() /*read pairs of numbers from stdin // //outputs: required_hits // x, y, num_x */ { int i; time_t now; printf ("Enter up to %d x y pairs of numbers> ", MAX_TEST_POINTS ); fflush(stdout); for (i = 0; i < MAX_TEST_POINTS; i++ ) { if ( scanf("%e %e", &x[i], &y[i]) != 2 ) break; } if (i <= 0) {printf ("\nNo data pairs! Stopping!\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE);} num_x = i; required_hits = num_x; strcpy (output_file, "gp.c"); printf ("\nGP regression on %d points\n", num_x); for( i=0; i < num_x; i++ ) { printf("(%e,%e) ",x[i],y[i]); if ( (i%2) == 1 ) printf("\n"); } time (&now); seed = now; printf ("\nPop = %d, PCross %.5f, PMutate %.5f, Max gens %d, seed %d\n", POPULATION_SIZE, PCROSS, PMUT, MAX_GEN, seed ); printf ("\nGP starting\n"); } /*end read_inputs() */ /*park-miller.cc Park-Miller random number generator W. Langdon cs.ucl.ac.uk 5 May 1994*/ int intrnd () /* 1<=seed<=m */ { double const a = 16807; /* ie 7**5 */ double const m = 2147483647; /* ie 2**31-1 */ double temp = seed * a; seed = (int) (temp - m * floor ( temp / m )); return seed; } float rand_0to1() { return (float)(intrnd()) / 2147483647.0; } float random_number() /* single precision ok */ { float r; for (; (r = rand_0to1() ) >= 1.0; ) {printf("random number >=1.0 %e\n",r);} /* ensure we dont return 1.0 */ return ( r ); }/* end random_number()*/ int random_point ( char string[] ) { /*return a random point in the string, ie from pos zero to length of string -1 */ return ((int) (random_number() * (float) (strlen(string) ) )); }/*end random_point ()*/ int matching_point ( char string[], int subtree ) /*Return: Point in string immediately after subtree starting at subtree*/ { int i; int dangling_limbs; if ( string[subtree] == '\0' ) dangling_limbs = 0; /*already at end of tree */ else dangling_limbs = 1; for (i = subtree; dangling_limbs > 0; i++ ) { switch (string [i]) { case '+': case '-': case '*': case '/': dangling_limbs++; /*function (all have two limbs)*/ break; case '\0': assert (1 == 0); /*oh dear*/ break; default : dangling_limbs--; /*terminal*/ break; } }/*end for*/ return ( i ); }/*end matching_point()*/ int random_function() { #define N_FUNCTIONS 4 int function [ N_FUNCTIONS ] = { '+', '-', '*', '/'}; return ( function [ (int) (random_number() * N_FUNCTIONS)] ); }/*end random_function()*/ int random_terminal() { return ( 'x' ); }/*end random_terminal()*/ int random_tree (char buff[], int size) /*generate random program, place in buff // //Inputs: size of buff // //Returns: length of tree */ { int dangling_limbs = 1; int i; for ( i = 0; (dangling_limbs > 0) && (i <= size) ; i++ ) { /*chose function or terminal at random*/ if( random_number() > (float)(dangling_limbs*dangling_limbs+1)/(float)(size-i) ) { buff[i] = random_function(); dangling_limbs++; /*all operators have two limbs*/ } else { buff[i] = random_terminal(); dangling_limbs--; } }/*end for*/ assert ( dangling_limbs == 0 ); /*Opps...*/ return (i); }/*end random_tree()*/ int splice ( char output[], int outsize, char buff1[], int end1, char buff2[], int end2, char buff3[], int end3 ) /*returns: 0 if ok*/ { if (( end1 + end2 + end3 ) >= outsize ) return ( 1 ); memcpy ( output, buff1, end1 ); memcpy ( &output[end1], buff2, end2 ); memcpy ( &output[end1+end2], buff3, end3 ); output [end1+end2+end3] = '\0'; /*terminate string*/ return ( 0 ); /*ie ok*/ }/*end splice()*/ mutate(int mum, int child) /*make a single random change to mum from old population and store //child in new_population */ { int mum_end1; int mum_start2, mum_end2; int mut_length; int sanity = 0; char buffer [MAX_PROG_SIZE]; do { assert (sanity++ < 1000); mum_end1 = random_point ( population[mum].string ); mum_start2 = matching_point ( population[mum].string, mum_end1 ); mum_end2 = strlen ( population[mum].string ); mut_length = random_tree ( buffer, MAX_PROG_SIZE ); } while (splice ( new_population[child].string, MAX_PROG_SIZE+1, population[mum].string, mum_end1, buffer, mut_length, &population[mum].string[mum_start2], mum_end2 - mum_start2 ) != 0 ); /*display data */ parents[child].mum = mum; parents[child].mumcross = mum_end1; parents[child].dad = MUTATE; parents[child].dadcross = mut_length; }/*end mutate()*/ int stack; float value_stack [STACK_SIZE]; char op_stack [STACK_SIZE]; char output_stack [STACK_SIZE][LINE_WIDTH]; push_operator ( char op ) { op_stack [stack++] = op; value_stack [stack] = 0.0; /* keep it clean */ output_stack [stack][0] = '\0'; /* and tidy */ }/*end push_operator()*/ push_value ( float value ) { float a; float result; if ( (stack <= 0) || (op_stack[stack-1] != 0) ) /* operator on top of stack */ { /* or stack empty */ op_stack [ stack ] = 0; /* operand on top of stack */ value_stack [stack++] = value; } else { a = value_stack[--stack]; /* pop first operand */ switch (op_stack[--stack]) /* pop operator */ { case '+': result = a + value; break; case '-': result = a - value; break; case '*': result = a * value; break; case '/': if (value == 0.0) result = 1.0; else result = a / value; break; default: assert (10 == 0 ); /* opps */ break; } push_value ( result ); } }/*end push_value()*/ float prog_value (char string[], float input ) /* return value of program child in new_population with input*/ { int i; stack = 0; for ( i = 0; string[i] != 0; i++ ) { switch (string [i]) { case '+': case '-': case '*': case '/': push_operator(string[i]); break; default: push_value ( input ); break; } }/*end for*/ assert (stack == 1); /*printf("prog_value: %s = %e, input = %e\n", string, value_stack[0], input ); */ return (value_stack[--stack]); /*pop value*/ } /*end prog_value()*/ update_hits_etc ( float fit, int n_hits, int child ) /* //store fitness and hits of child in new_population //update best program statistics. // //Nb best program is defined to be one with highest number of hits //regardless of fitness */ { new_population[child].fitness = fit; new_sumfitness += new_population[child].fitness; new_population[child].hits = n_hits; if (max_hits < new_population[child].hits) { max_hits = new_population[child].hits; best_prog = child; } }/*end update_hits_etc()*/ test_fitness (int child ) /*evaluate test_fitness of child in new_population, store answer with it.*/ { int i; int test_hits = 0; float error; float total_error = 0.0; for ( i=0; i < num_x; i++ ) { error = fabs ( y[i] - prog_value( new_population[child].string, x[i] ) ); if (error <= THRESHOLD || error <= THRESHOLD * fabs(y[i]) ) test_hits++; total_error += error; }/*end for each test switch*/ num_tests++; update_hits_etc(num_x/(total_error+num_x), test_hits, child); /* update_hits_etc(1.0/(total_error+1.0), test_hits, child); */ }/*end test_fitness()*/ display_stats() /*display info on new_population */ { int i; time_t now; float min_fitness = FLT_MAX; float max_fitness = -FLT_MAX; int mi_hits = num_x; int mx_hits = 0; int sum_hits = 0; float sum_fitness = 0.0; float sum_squared = 0.0; float mean; time (&now); printf ("\n Generation %d on %s\n", generation, ctime(&now)); for ( i=0; i < POPULATION_SIZE; i++ ) { sum_fitness += new_population[i].fitness; sum_squared += new_population[i].fitness*new_population[i].fitness; if (min_fitness > new_population[i].fitness) min_fitness = new_population[i].fitness; if (max_fitness < new_population[i].fitness) max_fitness = new_population[i].fitness; if (mi_hits > new_population[i].hits) mi_hits = new_population[i].hits; if (mx_hits < new_population[i].hits) mx_hits = new_population[i].hits; sum_hits += new_population[i].hits; }/*end for*/ mean = sum_fitness / POPULATION_SIZE; for ( i=0; i < POPULATION_SIZE; i++ ) { if ( parents[i].mumcross == COPY_MUM ) printf ("copy [%3d]=%3d ", i, parents[i].mum) ; else if ( parents[i].dad == MUTATE ) printf ("mutate [%3d]=%3d(%2d)+(%2d) ", i, parents[i].mum, parents[i].mumcross, parents[i].dadcross ); else printf ("crossover[%3d]=%3d(%2d)*%3d(%2d) ", i, parents[i].mum, parents[i].mumcross, parents[i].dad, parents[i].dadcross ); printf ("fit = %.5f hits = %2d pselect = %.3f %s\n", new_population[i].fitness, new_population[i].hits, new_population[i].fitness/mean, new_population[i].string ); } printf ("Generation %d, new_sumfitness %e %s", generation, new_sumfitness, ctime(&now)); printf ("Mean fitness = %.5f, variance = %.5f, min = %.5f, max = %.5f \n", mean, (sum_squared - POPULATION_SIZE*mean*mean )/POPULATION_SIZE, min_fitness, max_fitness ); printf ( "Min hits = %2d, max = %2d, best_prog = %3d, fitness = %.5f hits = %2d %s\n", mi_hits, mx_hits, best_prog, new_population[best_prog].fitness, new_population[best_prog].hits, new_population[best_prog].string ); }/*end display_stats()*/ replace_old_population() { int i; total_fitness = new_sumfitness; /* best_prog - retain current value until new generation*/ for (i = 0; i < POPULATION_SIZE; i++ ) { strcpy (population[i].string, new_population[i].string); population[i].fitness = new_population[i].fitness; population[i].hits = new_population[i].hits; } }/*end replace_old_population()*/ initialise_population() { int i; for ( i=0; i < POPULATION_SIZE; i++ ) { population[i].string[0] = '\0'; mutate (i,i); test_fitness(i); } display_stats(); replace_old_population(); } /*end initialise_population() */ int select_parent() /* return index or parent in old population*/ { /*consider binary chop if POPULATION_SIZE becomes big*/ int i; float cumlative_fitness = 0.0; float r; r = total_fitness * random_number(); for (i = 0; i < POPULATION_SIZE; i++ ) { cumlative_fitness += population[i].fitness; if ( r <= cumlative_fitness ) return (i); } return ( POPULATION_SIZE - 1 ); }/*end select_parent() */ crossover ( int mum, int dad, int child ) /*choose a random point in program from old population and another //also from old population to produce a child which is stored in the new //population */ { int mum_end1; int mum_start2, mum_end2; int dad_start, dad_end; int sanity = 0; do { assert (sanity++ < 1000); mum_end1 = random_point ( population[mum].string ); mum_start2 = matching_point ( population[mum].string, mum_end1 ); mum_end2 = strlen ( population[mum].string ); dad_start = random_point ( population[dad].string ); dad_end = matching_point ( population[dad].string, dad_start ); } while (splice ( new_population[child].string, MAX_PROG_SIZE+1, population[mum].string, mum_end1, &population[dad].string[dad_start], dad_end - dad_start, &population[mum].string[mum_start2], mum_end2 - mum_start2 ) != 0 ); /*display data */ parents[child].mum = mum; parents[child].mumcross = mum_end1; parents[child].dad = dad; parents[child].dadcross = dad_start; }/*end crossover ()*/ copy (int mum, int child) /*copy from old population to new_population, including test_fitness*/ { strcpy (new_population[child].string, population[mum].string); /*display data */ parents[child].mum = mum; parents[child].mumcross = COPY_MUM; update_hits_etc (population[mum].fitness, population[mum].hits, child ); }/*end copy()*/ push_string ( char value[] ) { char a[LINE_WIDTH]; char result[LINE_WIDTH]; if ( (stack <= 0) || (op_stack[stack-1] != 0) ) /*operator on top of stack*/ { /*or stack empty */ op_stack [ stack ] = 0; /*operand on top of stack*/ strcpy (output_stack[stack], value); stack++; } else { --stack; strcpy (a, output_stack[stack]); /*pop first operand*/ switch (op_stack[--stack]) /*pop operator*/ { case '+': sprintf (result, "%s+%s", a, value); break; case '-': sprintf (result, "(%s)-(%s)", a, value); break; case '*': sprintf (result, "(%s)*(%s)", a, value); break; case '/': sprintf (result, "div(%s,%s)", a, value); break; default: assert (11 == 0 ); /* opps!*/ break; } push_string ( result ); } }/*end push_string()*/ output_program (char string[] ) /* Convert string to c format*/ { char buff [] = " "; int i; FILE *stream; stack = 0; for ( i = 0; string[i] != 0; i++ ) { switch (string [i]) { case '+': case '-': case '*': case '/': push_operator(string[i]); break; default: buff [ 0 ] = string [i]; push_string( buff ); break; } }/*end for*/ assert (stack == 1); if ((stream=fopen(output_file,"w"))==NULL) {printf("Failed to open file %s for output! Stopping!\n", output_file); exit (EXIT_FAILURE);} fprintf (stream, "\nfloat div ( float top, float bot )\n"); fprintf (stream, "{if (bot == 0.0)\n"); fprintf (stream, " return (1.0);\n"); fprintf (stream, " else\n"); fprintf (stream, " return ( top/bot );\n"); fprintf (stream, "}\n"); fprintf (stream, "\nfloat gp( float x )\n{\n"); fprintf (stream, " return (%s);\n}\n", output_stack[--stack] ); fclose (stream); }/*end output_program()*/ int main() { int i, mum, dad; read_inputs(); generation = 0; new_sumfitness = 0.0; max_hits = -1; initialise_population(); while ((++generation <= MAX_GEN) && (max_hits < required_hits)) { new_sumfitness = 0.0; max_hits = -1; for (i = 0; i < POPULATION_SIZE; i++) { mum = select_parent(); if (random_number() < PCROSS) { dad = select_parent(); crossover (mum, dad, i); test_fitness(i); } else if (random_number() < PMUT) { mutate(mum,i); test_fitness(i); } else { copy (mum,i); }; }/*end for - create new_population */ display_stats(); replace_old_population(); } /*end while */ output_program( population[best_prog].string ); printf("GP done. %d tests completed\n", num_tests ); return (0); }/*end main() */ /*end program GP*/