// chrome.cxx version to support stack.cc, from GPQUICK-2.1 // W.Langdon cs.ucl.ac.uk $Revision: 1.262a $ #define debug //Modifications (reverse order): // WBL 4 Nov 2020 bugfix init all of children[] 1.264a // WBL 13 Sep 2020 Move delete chrome to sequential code, display max_used, add fitness_times // WBL 10 Sep 2020 Bugfixes // WBL 2 Sep 2020 With threads minimise num expr buffers (cf. Jaws 3 pages 1044-1045) // WBL 2 Sep 2020 merge r1.241 //WBL 27 May 2020 simplify display for 2048_anal.awk // WBL 9 May 2020 Add INCEVAL // WBL 16 Feb 2020 dirty hack to get compiling INTRON64_not_yet // WBL 12 Jan 2019 Since gp.cc does not use DisplaySolStats remove oldpop // WBL 5 Jan 2019 avx.cc nolonger using SetupEval, remove expr_table // WBL 1 Jan 2019 Init treeinfo, matesizeavail only if used, // add NUM_TREES+1 index to tree_starts and use to replace many traverse // WBL 30 Dec 2018 Tidyup PTHREADS debug code // WBL 15 Dec 2018 Add PTHREADS // WBL 23 Nov 2018 for avx split retval into reteval and retval // WBL 26 Aug 2016 experiment with reporting size and maxdepth // WBL 24 Jun 2016 To count children with perfect score add oldpop // WBL 28 Oct 1999 Add displaydepthlimit (cf r1.155) as option on Write // Nb r1.155 may be buggy // WBL 29 Sep 1999 Add JoinTree // WBL 22 Sep 1999 Reimplement MutateC, MutateShrink // Turn off MutateNode on terminals if MutateC is active. // WBL 21 Sep 1999 Significant speed in MutateNode by using RndOp // WBL 20 Aug 1999 Improve debug in chrome::Load, remove displaydepthlimit // WBL 17 Aug 1999 For Quintic poly re-runs // Add displaydepthlimit and remove debug // Add negative values for pCrossFairLimit // Add (Boolean) pInitSparse // WBL 29 Jun 1999 Add Homologous diference monitoring code, assumes simple // fitness function, like BOOL_LIB // NOT SUITABEL FOR GENERAL USE // WBL 30 Apr 1999 Conversion for SiliconGraphics MIPS4, avoid EXPRLEN arrays // WBL 27 Apr 1999 Allow chromes to exceed 32767 // WBL 13 Jan 1999 Add pUniInitWt, pMinInitSizeExpr and pInitSizeExpr // WBL 8 Dec 1998 Change algorthim for CrossFair to ensure expected size // change on all crossovers is zero and increase range // WBL 10 Aug 1998 Make iscomment dump comment if #debug // Add display of depth to write_trace // WBL 31 Jul 1998 Implement constants // WBL 7 Jul 1998 Implement FASTTRAVERSE, add arityop // WBL 26 Mar 1997 BUGFIX 1ptXO (include roots of non-matching subtrees as // potential crossover points, cf discussion with rmp) // WBL 24 Mar 1997 Make adjustable point mutation rate ensure prog is changed // WBL 24 Mar 1997 Add pMuteCrossWt and adjustable point mutation rate // replace newchrome by calling same // WBL 22 Mar 1997 Add 1-point crossover plus its variants // MULTREE required by these changes // WBL 22 Mar 1997 Ensure calls clear_rank at start of each GENERATION // WBL 30 Dec 1997 Make Pop::Fitness display rval if pTraceTest is set // WBL 1 Sep 1997 Add CrossSubTree_t_chnglen and CrossSubTree_calls // WBL 31 Aug 1997 Add pCrossFairWt and pCrossFairLimit // WBL 18 Aug 1997 Fix MutateSubTree crossfile output for pMuteFairLimit<>0 // WBL 18 Aug 1997 BUGFIX pMuteFairLimit<0 code to avoid parsimony bias // WBL 16 Aug 1997 Simplify code of MutateSubTree by completly // separating RAND_TREE conditional code from the rest and // removing other conditionals within it // Make negative pMuteFairLimit mean 1st rand_tree pMuteFair // Remove rand_tree size exceeded displays // WBL 12 Aug 1997 To eliminate parsimony bias, tweak new version (RAND_TREE) // of pMuteFair so reselects both mutation points if either // indicates a tree that its too big for rand_tree to // generates // add pMuteFairLimit, if==0 then old version of pMuteFair // WBL 9 Aug 1997 Add support for RAND_TREE // WBL 1 Aug 1997 Add pMaxHaltExpr and Temperature // WBL 30 Jul 1997 make pStartTemp and pEndTemp doubles // WBL 28 Jul 1997 Allow pMuteFair to grow single terminal trees // WBL 28 Jul 1997 BUGFIX ensure Pop::Pop sets initeval ok if popsize=1 // Dont try and delete newpop unless it has been created // WBL 25 Jul 1997 Ensure doanneal and docrossanneal are working, // rewrite GetAnnealTarget to use selectParant, add accept // WBL 24 Jun 1997 BUGFIX ensure go_until does not stop early, this ensures // newpop is copied to pop // WBL 23 Jun 1997 Disable crossfile output // WBL 8 Jun 1997 Restrict pMuteFair to doubling tree size etc. // WBL 10 May 1997 Add crossfile output to MutateSubTree // WBL 10 May 1997 Add pMuteFair // WBL 30 Apr 1997 Add first level of PDGP support // WBL 2 Apr 1997 Add ORIGINAL_DEME to allow queue2 to operate identically // WBL 14 Mar 1997 BUGFIX Ensure only one individual per crossfile line // Ie copy clones to appear on own line. // WBL 15 Feb 1997 BUGFIX (GENERATIONAL) ensure answer returned by generate // refers to chrome just created. Was going wrong if last // chrome in the population was a copy. Improve layout of // generate while about it. // WBL 13 Feb 1997 Add pTournOff // WBL 31 Dec 1996 Reduce number of warnings with newer C++ compilers, // Make deleting newpop cleaner, // ensure lastchrome is initialised // WBL 14 Dec 1996 Add pMaxDepth // WBL 23 May 1996 Add pCPU // WBL 16 May 1996 BUGFIX ensure MutateSubTree dont crash with depth==0 // WBL 26 Apr 1996 Add display of location of parents and offspring // to crossfile. Trace deme bug // BUGFIX correct calculation of offset in select_candidates // further testing required // WBL 12 Apr 1996 BUGFIX move update_rank to InsertMember so mutation and // seeding work with pElitist. Nb remove other calls to it // WBL 11 Apr 1996 Allow multiple seeds in gp.load // Allow comments in gp.load (based on isscoment from test.cc) // WBL 8 Apr 1996 Get mutation working // WBL 21 Mar 1996 Add chrome differs from mum or dad to crossover log // WBL 28 Feb 1996 Add logfile of crossover details // WBL 27 Feb 1996 Disable static_check when used in stack problem // Restore oldversion of GetTarget for STACK_LIB // WBL 12 Dec 1995 Make Chrome::Chrome more robust to errors in the dumpfile // WBL 10 Dec 1995 Ensure Pop::Pop calls clear_rank // WBL 13 Jun 1995 Add binary save mode to Pop::Write // and input stream to Pop::Pop and Chrome::Chrome // WBL 27 Jun 1995 Add reinitialise and reinit_trees // WBL 23 May 1995 Add reporting which tree is used for crossover // WBL 6 May 1995 Remove MaxExpr, ExprBytes, MaxTreeExpr, funccount, // from Chrome. Replace with params pMaxExpr, pMaxTreeExpr // and probl->funccount. Replace depth with new SubWrite arg // WBL 4 May 1995 Restore copying fitnessvalue on crossover (see r1.29,1.28) // in order to support STORE_FIT. Add call to update_rank // Add pStoreFit // WBL 2 May 1995 Add pDirCrossWt // WBL 26 Apr 1995 Reduce size of chrome by removing idx from node // since it is never used. Mainly done by redefining // macros in chrome.h but minor change to load // WBL 18 Apr 1995 Improve layout of debug info // WBL 17 Apr 1995 Add optional last_tree argument to chrome::write // Add and use pMaxTreeExpr // WBL 8 Apr 1995 Add check function exists in tree. This also // ensures we get right function where they are ambigious // WBL 7 Apr 1995 Make gp.load case sensitive by chaning FindFunc // WBL 23 Mar 1995 Move pElitist from Worstof to select_candidates // WBL 23 Mar 1995 Add Chrome* optional parameter to GetFitnessObj // WBL 22 Mar 1995 Dont call Copy when creating a new Chrome by crossover // WBL 15 Mar 1995 Add pElitist // WBL 12 Mar 1995 Add pTournComp and pNicheSize // WBL 19 Feb 1995 Add passing target to Bestof and Worstof // WBL 19 Feb 1995 Add call to static_check in chrome::Load // WBL 28 Jan 1995 Add some debug traces to chrome::Load() and SubLoad() // WBL 29 Nov 1994 Implement pnames, change Load and Saveto use it. // add Load(char*) // WBL 15 Oct 1994 Make chrome::Load() work with MULTREE // NB I have not implemented constants // WBL 14 Oct 1994 Call static_check when creating entirely new chrome // WBL 13 Sep 1994 Make compilable by solaris gcc // WBL 9 Sep 1994 UNDO part of 17 Aug 1994: ``InsertMember nolonger // places worse child into pop'' // WBL 8 Sep 1994 Make crosstree call static_check // WBL 25 Aug 1994 Make funcbag and array, add funcbagcount. // Replace getfuncbag by addtofuncbag // WBL 24 Aug 1994 Add Problem::Bestof and Worstof and use it in place // of IsBetter tournaments. Add Pop::select_candidates // WBL 23 Aug 1994 Remove copying hits and write_hits() (to problem // specific file). Replace call of write_hits by // write(nfitness*). Use this inplace of fout< //for DisplayStats #include #include "pch.h" #include "chrome.h" #ifdef PTHREADS #include #include #endif #ifdef INCEVAL #include "incfit.h" #endif #include "tick.h" //#define CROSSFILE true #ifdef CROSSFILE #define crossfile cout #endif // Global variables char scratch[100]; int gpquick_seed = 1; #ifdef FASTEVAL // Global evaluation variables. Eliminates parameter passing // If you can get IpGlobal into a register, you will run near the speed // limit for S-expression evaluation Chrome * ChromeGlobal; // currently evaluating Chrome evalnode * ExprGlobal = NULL; //[EXPRLEN]; // expression expanded to evalnodes evalnode * IpGlobal; // Current instruction pointer #ifdef FASTEVAL evalnode* fast_tree_starts [NUM_TREES]; // start of each tree #endif #endif //************************************************************************** //////////////////////////////////// Utility functions int min(int value1, int value2) { return ( (value1 < value2) ? value1 : value2); } int max(int value1, int value2) { return ( (value1 > value2) ? value1 : value2); } // Comment out if included in your implementation (e.g. Borland) // upper case string char* strupr(char* s) { int i=0; while (s[i]) if (s[i]>='a' && s[i]<='z') s[i]=s[i]-32; i++; return s; } // compare strings without case sensitivity int strcmpi(char* s1, char* s2) // only checks equality { int mismatch=0; while (*s1 && *s2 && !mismatch) { if (*s1>='a' && *s1<='z' && *s2<='Z') mismatch = *s1-32 != *s2; else if (*s1>='A' && *s1<='Z' && *s2>='a') mismatch = *s1+32 !=*s2; else mismatch = *s1!=*s2; s1++;s2++; } return mismatch || *s1 || *s2; } //************************************************************************** //////////////Function member function (separated for use in a DLL) char* Function::getprint(Chrome* chrome) { // NUMBER has its own getprint to write the correct number // This is fancy footwork for other functions with operands // these are written as _ if (varnum) sprintf(scratch,"%s_%-d",name,VARNUM(chrome->expr[chrome->ip])); return (varnum? scratch : name); } #if (!defined(INTRON64)) && (!defined(INCEVAL)) //WBL 7 Sep 2016 ignore new parameters for bool.cc intron64 char* Function::getprint(Chrome* chrome,const int dummy_ip,char* dummy_scratch) {return getprint(chrome);} #endif /*not refined in bool.cc or incfit.cc*/ Pop* thispop = NULL; //************************************************************************** /// Chrome functions /////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef PTHREADS int DoCross = 0; //ugly hack to see if in initial generation or not #endif Chrome::Chrome(ChromeParams* p,Problem* pr,Function** f,retval* c,BOOL doinit, istream* fin ) #ifdef TRACE :num_children (0) #endif #ifdef PTHREADS ,expr(NULL) #endif { // initialize a expr using the functions in array f //cout << "Chrome::Chrome\n"; int depth = p->params[pInitExpr]; const int md = p->params[pMinInitExpr]-1; // funcbag=cf; params = p; probl = pr; funclist = f; constlist = c; #ifdef PTHREADS if(DoCross == 0 || params->params[pThreads]==0) //delay till thread #endif thispop->get_expr(this); //expr=new node[params->params[pMaxExpr]]; ip=0; birth = 0; nfitness = probl->GetFitnessObj(this); // allocates a FitnessValue object; GetFitnessObj calls new //cout<<"Size of chrome "<params[pMaxExpr]<params[pPDGP]) assert(0==1);//not implemented yet #endif /*PDGP*/ int ip = 0; #ifdef MULTREE tree_starts[NUM_TREES] = -1; for (int t = 0; t < NUM_TREES; t++ ) { tree_starts[t] = ip; #endif char c; for(c=fin->get(); (c != '\n') && (c != EOF); ip++) { //cout<<"`"<params[pMaxExpr]); expr[ip].op = c-'A'; c = fin->get(); };//endfor each line if(c == EOF) { //sanity checks cout<<"Unexpected EOF on loading dumpfile\n"; assert(c != EOF); } if( (ip-tree_starts[t]) <= 0) { cout<<"Empty tree in dumpfile\n"; assert( (ip-tree_starts[t]) > 0 );} if( (ip-tree_starts[t]) != SubLen(tree_starts[t]) ) { cout<<"Corrupt tree in dumpfile\n"; assert( (ip-tree_starts[t])==SubLen(tree_starts[t]));} #ifdef MULTREE //cout<<"end tree "<static_check(this,t); if (valid>0) cout<<"static_check reports "<params[pPDGP]) initpdgp(); else #endif /*PDGP*/ #ifdef MULTREE tree_starts[NUM_TREES] = -1; for (int t = 0; t < NUM_TREES; t++ ){ tree_starts[t] = ip; #ifndef STACK_LIB const BOOL UniInit = (params->params[pUniInitWt] > 0 && rnd(100) < params->params[pUniInitWt]); do { #endif ip = tree_starts[t]; //discard earlier attempt at tree #endif if(UniInit) { // DO uniform random of size between pMinInitSizeExpr and pInitSizeExpr int limit=0; do {//loop because there may be no tree of the chosen length assert(limit++<1000); //beter than infinite loop? } while(!rand_tree(params->params[pMinInitSizeExpr] + rnd(1 + params->params[pInitSizeExpr] - params->params[pMinInitSizeExpr]), t)); } else { // DO "ramped half and half from pMinInitExpr to depth" if (depth > 0) { #ifdef MULTREE SubInit(probl->funcbag[t],1,rnd(depth-md)+md,rnd(2), md, t); #else SubInit(probl->funcbag[0],1,rnd(depth-md)+md,rnd(2), md); // go to some depth less than max, full or half full #endif } else SETNODE(expr[ip],0,0); // stick in a stub constant }//endif UniInit #ifdef MULTREE #ifndef STACK_LIB }while (probl->static_check(this,t)>rnd(100)); #endif }//end for each tree tree_starts[NUM_TREES] = ip; //ip set by SubInit #endif }//end else fil }//end doinit } #ifndef PDGP #ifdef MULTREE void Chrome::reinit_trees(BOOL flag[NUM_TREES]) { node* save = new node[params->params[pMaxExpr]]; memcpy(save,expr,params->params[pMaxExpr]*sizeof(node)); int save_starts[NUM_TREES+1]; save_starts[NUM_TREES] = tree_starts[NUM_TREES]; {for (int t = 0; t < NUM_TREES; t++) { save_starts[t] = tree_starts[t]; }} const int depth = params->params[pInitExpr]; const int md = params->params[pMinInitExpr]-1; ip=0; tree_starts[NUM_TREES] = -1; {for (int t = 0; t < NUM_TREES; t++ ){ tree_starts[t] = ip; //debug if(tree_starts[t] != save_starts[t]) // cout<<"New tree_starts["< 0) { SubInit(probl->funcbag[t],1,rnd(depth-md)+md,rnd(2), md, t); } else SETNODE(expr[ip],0,0); // stick in a stub constant } }while (probl->static_check(this,t)>rnd(100)); if(t == NUM_TREES-1) tree_starts[NUM_TREES] = (depth<=0)? 1 : ip; //ip set by SubInit }//endif flag else { ip = tree_starts[t] + save_starts[t+1]-save_starts[t]; if(ip>=params->params[pMaxExpr]) { cout<<"reinit_trees OUTOFSPACE on tree "<Dup(this); return nw; } void Chrome::Dup(Chrome* source) // make a copy nondestructively { #ifdef TRACE source->num_children++; mum.birth = source->birth; #endif #ifdef MULTREE memcpy (tree_starts, source->tree_starts, sizeof(tree_starts)); #endif // funcbag=source->funcbag; params=source->params; funclist=source->funclist; constlist=source->constlist; #ifdef PTHREADS if(DoCross == 0 || params->params[pThreads]==0) //delay till thread #endif memcpy(expr,source->expr,params->params[pMaxExpr]*sizeof(node)); nfitness->Copy(source->nfitness); #ifdef ORIGINAL_RANK nfitness->update_rank(); #endif ip=0; } #ifdef PTHREADS reteval Chrome::evalAll(int tree) {assert(strlen("PTHREADS Chrome::evalAll not implemented ")==0);} #else #ifdef MULTREE reteval Chrome::evalAll(int tree) // eval the whole expression anew #else reteval Chrome::evalAll() // eval the whole expression anew #endif { #ifndef FASTEVAL #ifdef MULTREE ip=tree_starts[tree]-1; #else ip=-1; #endif return eval(); #else #ifdef MULTREE IP=fast_tree_starts[tree]; #else IP=ExprGlobal; #endif //cout<<"FUNC="<< IP->op; return (IP->ef)(); #endif } #endif /*PTHREADS*/ #if 0 //debug code. inefficient but fewer side effects void Chrome::SetupEval(const int tree /*= -1*/,evalnode* xip /*NULL*/) { assert(tree_starts[1]>0); const int length = tree_starts[1]; //SubLen(0); if(xip==NULL && ExprGlobal==NULL) { ExprGlobal = new evalnode[params->params[pMaxExpr]]; } evalnode* ip = (xip!=NULL)? xip : ExprGlobal; int args=1; //sanity check only for(int i=0;iop,constlist[spp->op]); args += PARGNUM(spp)-1; } assert(args == 0); } #else /*end debug code*/ void Chrome::SetupEval(const int tree /*= -1*/,evalnode* xip /*NULL*/) { // expand stack into evalnodes in global eval stack #ifdef FASTEVAL if(xip==NULL && ExprGlobal==NULL) { ExprGlobal = new evalnode[params->params[pMaxExpr]]; } int args; evalnode* ip = (xip!=NULL)? xip : ExprGlobal; #ifdef MULTREE node* spp; int start; int end; if(tree==-1) { spp=expr; start = 0; end = NUM_TREES;} else { spp=expr+tree_starts[tree]; start = tree; end = tree+1;} for (int t = start; t < end; t++ ){ fast_tree_starts[t] = ip; #else node* spp=expr;? #endif #ifdef PDGP if(params->params[pPDGP]) { int d = params->net_limits[tree]; ip = SetupEvalpdgp(ip,d,pdgp(d,0)); } else { #endif #ifdef FASTTRAVERSE typedef struct {int args; evalnode* ip;} s; s* stack = new s[params->params[pMaxExpr]]; //[EXPRLEN]; s* sp = stack; // memset(ExprGlobal,0,sizeof(ExprGlobal)); // memset(stack,0,sizeof(stack)); #endif /*FASTTRAVERSE*/ args=1; while (args > 0) { SETEVALNODE(ip,spp->op,constlist[spp->op]); #ifdef FASTTRAVERSE if(PARGNUM(spp)>0) { //save info so can recognise end of args //push(ip,args); ++sp; // assert(sp < &stack[EXPRLEN]); sp->args = args; sp->ip = ip; } else { SETEVALJUMP(ip,ip+1); //terminal so jump 1 while(sp>stack && sp->args==args) { //fill in closed forward jumps SETEVALJUMP(sp->ip,ip+1); //jump past closing terminal sp--; } } #endif /*FASTTRAVERSE*/ args=args+PARGNUM(spp)-1; ip++; spp++; } #ifdef FASTTRAVERSE assert(sp==stack); delete[] stack; #endif /*FASTTRAVERSE*/ if(tree!=-1) { #ifdef FASTTRAVERSE ip->ef = 0; //clear next opcode Beware array bounds ip->jump = 0; //and set other pointers ??????TRAP for now #else ip->op = 0; //clear next opcode Beware array bounds //and set other pointers #endif /*FASTTRAVERSE*/ for(t = 0; tparams[pMaxExpr] -(ip+argstogo); assert(maxargs>=0); //can sometimes trip this WBL #ifdef MULTREE {int m = params->params[pMaxTreeExpr]-(ip-tree_starts[tree]+argstogo); if((m>=0) && (mroulette(); //cout <<"SubInit roulette() 1, returned "<argnum>0) i=funcbag->roulette(); // node required else if (isfull || mindepth>0) //support for MULTREE if (maxargs > 5) while (funclist[i]->argnum == 0) i=funcbag->roulette(); else // not enough room. // Take what you can get. // NB may cause prog to loop WBL // Hence added assert 25/8/94WBL while (funclist[i]->argnum>maxargs) i=funcbag->roulette(); // terminal allowed 50% of the time else if (rnd(2)) // terminal required while (funclist[i]->argnum>0) i=funcbag->roulette(); else // node required if (maxargs > 5) while (funclist[i]->argnum == 0) i=funcbag->roulette(); else // not enough room. Take what you can get. while (funclist[i]->argnum>maxargs) i=funcbag->roulette(); if (funclist[i]->varnum == 0) {SETNODE(expr[ip],i,0);} //WBL bug fix 001 12-May-94 else {SETNODE(expr[ip],i,rnd(funclist[i]->varnum));} ip++; thisargs=funclist[i]->argnum; argstogo += funclist[i]->argnum-1; const int trunk = (thisargs>0 && params->params[pInitSparse])? rnd(thisargs) : -1; for (i=0;i 0) { args=args+ARGNUM()-1; ip++; } } void Chrome::TraverseGlobal() { // skip the next expression #ifndef FASTTRAVERSE int args = 1; while (args > 0) { args=args+PARGNUM(IP)-1; IP++; } #endif /*FASTTRAVERSE*/ } int Chrome::Depth(int ip, int end) //Relative depth of end from ip { //assume end>=start // int tree_stack[end-ip+2]; int* tree_stack = new int[end-ip+2]; // int tree_stack [EXPRLEN]; tree_stack[0] = -1; int sp = 0; while (ip<=end) { while (tree_stack[sp] == 0) { //remove finished branches --sp; //-O3 bug in mips4 cc? tree_stack[sp] = tree_stack[sp] - 1; } tree_stack[++sp] = ARGNUM(); ip++; } delete[] tree_stack; return sp; }//end Depth int Chrome::DepthMax(int ip, int end) //Max Relative depth { //assume end>=start // int tree_stack[end-ip+2]; int* tree_stack = new int[end-ip+2]; // int tree_stack [EXPRLEN]; tree_stack[0] = -1; int sp = 0; int max = 0; while (ip<=end) { while (tree_stack[sp] == 0) { //remove finished branches --sp; //-O3 bug in mips4 cc? tree_stack[sp] = tree_stack[sp] - 1; } tree_stack[++sp] = ARGNUM(); if(sp>max) max = sp; ip++; } delete[] tree_stack; return max; }//end DepthMax int Chrome::DepthMax(const int in) {ip=in; return DepthMax();} int Chrome::DepthMax() //Max Relative depth { int max = 1; ip++; const int args = ARGNUM(); for(int i=0;imax) max = d; } return max; }//end DepthMax // Write the next subexpression to a stream // pretty flag controls parentheses, indenting // PRETTY_NONE = no indenting, just a stream, with parens // PRETTY_NOPARENS = indented, one function per line, no parens // PRETTY_PARENS = indented, one function per line, parens void Chrome::SubWrite(ostream& ostr,const int pretty, const int depth, const int displaydepthlimit, int* outsize, int* outdepth) { int args,i; const int sd = params->params[pTrace] & pTraceDynamic; const int nb = params->params[pTrace] & 2048; int size = (outsize !=NULL)? *outsize : 0; int maxdepth = (outdepth!=NULL)? *outdepth : 0; ip++; args = ARGNUM(); if(depth<=displaydepthlimit) { if (pretty) // indent? { ostr<0) { // write (FUNC args) if(!sd) { if (nb==0 && pretty != PRETTY_NOPARENS) ostr << '('; ostr << funclist[FUNCNUM(expr[ip])]->getprint(this,ip,scratch) < 0) { int s = 1; int d = 0; SubWrite(ostr,pretty,depth+1,displaydepthlimit,&s,&d); size += s; if(d > maxdepth) maxdepth = d; } if(!sd) { if (nb==0 && pretty != PRETTY_NOPARENS) ostr << ")"; } else ostr << " " << size << "," << maxdepth; } else { // write an atom if(!sd) ostr << funclist[FUNCNUM(expr[ip])]->getprint(this,ip,scratch) < 0) { int s = 1; int d = 0; SubWrite(ostr,pretty,depth+1,displaydepthlimit,&s,&d); size += s; if(d > maxdepth) maxdepth = d; } //ostr << "[" << *size << "," << *maxdepth << "]"; }//end if displaydepthlimit if(outsize !=NULL) *outsize = size; if(outdepth!=NULL) *outdepth = 1+maxdepth; } /*<>*/ #ifndef MULTREE MULTREE required by following routines #endif #define XFUNCNUM(c) c->expr[c->ip].op #define XARGNUM(c) c->funclist[XFUNCNUM(c)]->argnum BOOL ipmatch(const BOOL strict, const Chrome* p1, const Chrome* mate) { return (strict)? (XFUNCNUM(p1) == XFUNCNUM(mate)) : (XARGNUM(p1) == XARGNUM(mate)); }//end ipmatch void findonepoint(const int tree, const BOOL strict, Chrome* p1, Chrome* mate, int& thissubptr,int& matesubptr) { int* matchp1 = new int[p1->params->params[pMaxExpr]]; int* matchmate = new int[p1->params->params[pMaxExpr]]; assert( p1->tree_starts[NUM_TREES]>0); assert(mate->tree_starts[NUM_TREES]>0); int size = 0; //p1->ip = p1->tree_starts[tree]; //p1->Traverse(); const int end = p1->tree_starts[tree+1]; p1->ip = p1->tree_starts[tree]; mate->ip = mate->tree_starts[tree]; do { assert(sizeparams->params[pMaxExpr]); matchp1[size] = p1->ip; //include roots of non-matching subtrees matchmate[size] = mate->ip; size++; if(ipmatch(strict,p1,mate)) { p1->ip++; if(p1!=mate) mate->ip++; } else { p1->Traverse(); if(p1!=mate) mate->Traverse(); } } while(p1->ip < end); const int t = rnd(size); thissubptr = matchp1[t]; matesubptr = matchmate[t]; delete matchmate; delete matchp1; }//end findonepoint void findtwopoints(const BOOL internal, const BOOL fair, const int tree, Chrome* p1, Chrome* mate, int& thissubptr, int& matesubptr) { if(internal) { thissubptr=p1->GetIntNode(tree); if(!fair) matesubptr=mate->GetIntNode(tree); } else { thissubptr=p1->GetAnyNode(tree); if(!fair) matesubptr=mate->GetAnyNode(tree); } }//end findtwopoints /*<>*/ /*<>*/ void InsertNodes(const int newlen, node* newexpr, const int thissublen, const node* mateexpr, const int matesublen ) { const int remlen = newlen-thissublen; node* temp = new node[remlen]; memcpy(temp,&newexpr[thissublen],remlen*sizeof(node)); memcpy(newexpr,mateexpr,matesublen*sizeof(node)); memcpy(&newexpr[matesublen],temp,remlen*sizeof(node)); delete[] temp; }//end InsertNodes void Chrome::InsertTree(const int tree, const int thislen, const int thissubptr, const int thissublen, const node* mateexpr, const int matesubptr, const int matesublen) { #ifdef PTHREADS if(params->params[pThreads]==0) //delay till thread #endif InsertNodes(thislen-thissubptr, &expr[thissubptr], thissublen, &mateexpr[matesubptr],matesublen); #ifdef MULTREE for (int i=tree+1; ibirth = birth; p->xpoint = thissubptr; #ifdef MULTREE p->xtree = tree; #endif #ifdef PTHREADS p->xsize = thissublen; //subtree size #endif }//end birthstats #endif //TRACE /*<>*/ extern int CrossSubTree_t_chnglen = 0; extern int CrossSubTree_calls = 0; extern int CrossFH_calls = 0; extern int CrossFH_choice = 0; extern int CrossFH_differ = 0; extern int CrossFH_fitdiffer = 0; int Debug = FALSE; int Chrome::treeinfo(const int ip, const int root, const int depth, const int argnum, nodeinfo subtreeinfo[]) const { subtreeinfo[ip].backip = root; subtreeinfo[ip].depth = depth; subtreeinfo[ip].argnum = argnum; int size = 1; if(Debug) cout<<"("<0;i--) { route[i] = n[ip].argnum; ip = n[ip].backip; } } inline int Chrome::compareroutes(const nodeinfo a[], const int aip, const nodeinfo b[], const int bip ) { int* ra = new int[a[aip].depth+1]; int* rb = new int[b[bip].depth+1]; route(a,aip,ra); route(b,bip,rb); int i; for(i=1; ra[i]==rb[i] && i<=a[aip].depth && i<=b[bip].depth; i++) {;}; // cout<<"ra["<params[pPDGP]) assert(0==1);// should not get here #endif //debug//cout<<"\nSTART CrossTree, this="; //this->write(PRETTY_NONE,cout); //cout<<"\nCrossTree, mate="; //mate->write(PRETTY_NONE,cout); Chrome* newexpr = new Chrome(params,probl,funclist,constlist,FALSE); #ifdef STACK_LIB tree = rnd(NUM_TREES); //work on one tree only #endif #ifdef TRACE num_children++; newexpr->mum.birth = birth; #endif newexpr->nfitness->Copy(this->nfitness); //to suuport STORE_FIT //load of stuff done by Dup but dont need as also done by new Chrome() newexpr->ip=0; #ifdef TRACE mate->num_children++; //this incremented by Copy() #endif int thislen; // total length of expression int thissubptr; // pointer to subexpression int thissublen; int matelen; int matetreelen; int matesubptr; int matesublen; #ifdef MULTREE assert( tree_starts[NUM_TREES]>0); assert(mate->tree_starts[NUM_TREES]>0); thislen= tree_starts[NUM_TREES]; matelen=mate->tree_starts[NUM_TREES]; #else thislen=SubLen(0); matelen=mate->SubLen(0); #endif nodeinfo* thistreeinfo = NULL; nodeinfo* matetreeinfo = NULL; BOOL* matesizeavail = NULL; int chnglen; #ifdef MULTREE #ifndef STACK_LIB do { //while static_check says not ok #endif #endif do { //while fair && size checks fail if(onepoint) findonepoint(tree,strict,this,mate,thissubptr,matesubptr); else findtwopoints(rnd(101)>params->params[pUnRestrictWt], //should this be 100params[pCrossFairLimit] >0 ) && (2*thissublen+1 > params->params[pCrossFairLimit])) matesublen = 0; else { //choose matesublen so mean size change=0 if possible /* init treeinfo only once 1 Jan 2019 */ if(thistreeinfo==NULL) { thistreeinfo = new nodeinfo[thislen]; matetreeinfo = new nodeinfo[matelen]; const int maxsize = (2*thislen+1>matelen)? 2*thislen+1 : matelen; matesizeavail = new BOOL[maxsize+1]; memset(matesizeavail,0,(maxsize+1)*sizeof(BOOL)); #ifdef MULTREE treeinfo(tree_starts[tree],-1,1,0,thistreeinfo); matetreelen=mate->treeinfo(mate->tree_starts[tree],-1,1,0,matetreeinfo); assert(matelen==matetreelen); //POLY_LIB debug code {for(int i=mate->tree_starts[tree];itree_starts[tree]+matetreelen;i++) matesizeavail[matetreeinfo[i].size] = TRUE;} #else treeinfo(0,-1,1,0,thistreeinfo); mate->treeinfo(0,-1,1,0,matetreeinfo); matetreelen=matelen; {for(int i=0;iparams[pCrossFairLimit]<0)? matelen : 2*thissublen+1; int l, numneg=0, sumneg=0, numpos=0, sumpos=0; for(l=1;l.99999); CSelector* wheel = new CSelector(EStraight,maxmatesublen); for(l=1;ladd(pneg,l); if(matesizeavail[thissublen]) wheel->add(pzero,thissublen); for(l=thissublen+1;l<=maxmatesublen;l++) if(matesizeavail[l]) wheel->add(ppos,l); matesublen = wheel->roulette(); delete wheel; } } if(Debug) cout<<" matesublen "<params[pCrossFHWt]>0 && */ rnd(100) < params->params[pCrossFHWt]) ? TRUE : FALSE; BOOL Hactive = FALSE; BOOL Hchoice = FALSE; int maxmisdepth = 0; matesubptr = -1; const int r = rnd(matetreelen); for(int i=0;itree_starts[tree] + (i+r)%matetreelen; if(Debug) cout<maxmisdepth) { maxmisdepth = misdepth; matesubptr=ip; } } else { matesubptr=ip; break; }} } if(Hactive) CrossFH_calls++; if(Hchoice) CrossFH_choice++; if(Debug) cout<<" matesubptr "<=0);//POLY_LIB sanity check }//endif fair else matesublen=mate->SubLen(matesubptr); if(matesubptr>= 0) {//!fair or !matesizeavail[thissublen] //cout<<"\ntree="<birth<<" "; crossfile<nfitness->fvalue<<" "; crossfile<tree_starts[tree])<<" "; //size of tree crossfile<birth<<" "; crossfile<nfitness->fvalue<<" "; crossfile<SubLen(mate->tree_starts[tree])<<" "; crossfile<Depth(mate->tree_starts[tree],matesubptr)<<" "; //depth of crossover point crossfile<DepthMax(matesubptr,matesubptr+matesublen-1) <<" "<params[pMaxDepth] != 0) && ((Depth(tree_starts[tree],thissubptr) + mate->DepthMax(matesubptr,matesubptr+matesublen-1)) -1 > params->params[pMaxDepth])) || (thislen+matesublen-thissublen >params->params[pMaxExpr])){ // take smaller side of swap assert(matelen+thissublen-matesublen<=params->params[pMaxExpr]); chnglen = thissublen-matesublen; if(!smallertaken) { smallertaken=TRUE; cout<<"CrossTree(*,"<params[pMaxDepth]<<"!=0 && " <DepthMax("<DepthMax(matesubptr,matesubptr+matesublen-1) <<" > " <params[pMaxDepth]<<") || (" < "<params[pMaxExpr]<<")\n"; }//endif firsttime smaller taken #ifdef CROSSFILE if(crossfile) crossfile<< ", 1 "; #endif #ifdef PTHREADS if(params->params[pThreads]==0) //delay till thread #endif memcpy(newexpr->expr,mate->expr,matelen*sizeof(node)); #ifdef MULTREE memcpy(newexpr->tree_starts,mate->tree_starts,sizeof(tree_starts)); assert(newexpr->tree_starts[NUM_TREES]>0); #endif newexpr->InsertTree(tree,matelen, matesubptr,matesublen, expr, thissubptr,thissublen); #ifdef TRACE birthstats(&newexpr->mum,tree,mate->birth,matesubptr,matesublen); birthstats(&newexpr->dad,tree,this->birth,thissubptr,thissublen); #endif } else { chnglen = matesublen-thissublen; #ifdef CROSSFILE if(crossfile) crossfile<< ", 0 "; #endif #ifdef PTHREADS if(params->params[pThreads]==0) //delay till thread #endif memcpy(newexpr->expr,expr,thislen*sizeof(node)); #ifdef MULTREE memcpy(newexpr->tree_starts,tree_starts,sizeof(tree_starts)); assert(newexpr->tree_starts[NUM_TREES]>0); #endif newexpr->InsertTree(tree,thislen, thissubptr,thissublen, mate->expr, matesubptr,matesublen); #ifdef TRACE birthstats(&newexpr->mum,tree,this->birth,thissubptr,thissublen); birthstats(&newexpr->dad,tree,mate->birth,matesubptr,matesublen); #endif } }//endif matesubptr ok #ifdef MULTREE #ifndef STACK_LIB }while (matesubptr<0); }while (probl->static_check(newexpr,tree)>rnd(100)); #endif #endif #ifdef CROSSFILE if(crossfile) { crossfile<same(newexpr); //same as dad? crossfile<<" "; crossfile<params[pMaxDepth]<<"!=0 && " <<"DepthMax{"<DepthMax{" <DepthMax(mate->tree_starts[tree])<<"}+1"<<" > " <params[pMaxDepth]<<") || (" < "<params[pMaxExpr]<<"))\n"; }//endif firsttime smaller taken return newexpr; } else { node root; SETNODE(root,probl->RndOp(tree,2),0); //any binary function newexpr->InsertTree(tree, thislen, thissubptr,thissublen, &root, 0, 1); newexpr->InsertTree(tree, 1+thislen-thissublen, 1+thissubptr, 0, expr, thissubptr, thissublen); newexpr->InsertTree(tree, 1+thislen, 1+thissubptr+thissublen, 0, mate->expr, matesubptr, matesublen); #ifdef TRACE birthstats(&newexpr->mum,tree,this->birth,thissubptr,thissublen); birthstats(&newexpr->dad,tree,mate->birth,matesubptr,matesublen); #endif } //sanity check const int newlen = newexpr->tree_starts[NUM_TREES-1] + newexpr->SubLen(newexpr->tree_starts[NUM_TREES-1]); assert(newlen == 1 + thislen + matesublen); assert(newexpr->tree_starts[NUM_TREES]>0); assert(newlen == newexpr->tree_starts[NUM_TREES]); return newexpr; }//end JoinCross #ifdef MULTREE int Chrome::GetAnyNode(int tree) // get a node for crossover { assert(tree_starts[NUM_TREES]>0); assert(tree0); assert(tree2) { rval=tree_starts[tree] + rnd(l); while (funclist[FUNCNUM(expr[rval])]->argnum <1) rval=tree_starts[tree] + rnd(l); } else rval=tree_starts[tree]; #else int Chrome::GetIntNode() // get an internal node for crossover { int rval; int l=SubLen(0); if (l>2) { rval=rnd(l); while (funclist[FUNCNUM(expr[rval])]->argnum <1) rval=rnd(l); } else rval=0; #endif return rval; } inline BOOL MutateNode(const int ip, Function** funclist, Problem* probl, const int tree, node* expr) { const int old_f = expr[ip].op; const int f = probl->RndOp(tree,ARGNUM()); /*RndOp is faster const int args=ARGNUM(); do { //find a function with same number of arguments f=funcbag->roulette(); } while (funclist[f]->argnum!=args); */ #ifdef CROSSFILE if(crossfile) { crossfile<name<<" "; } #endif /*CROSSFILE*/ // if (funclist[f]->varnum == 0) {SETNODE(expr[ip],f,0);} //WBL bug fix 001 // else { // assert(1==0); //return doesnt support varnum change // SETNODE(expr[ip],f,rnd(funclist[f]->varnum));} #ifdef CROSSFILE if(crossfile) { crossfile<name<<" "; } #endif /*CROSSFILE*/ return (f != old_f); }//end MutateNode // Mutate the current Chrome void Chrome::Mutate() // mutate nodes with rate r { #ifdef PTHREADS assert(params->params[pThreads]==0); // not implemented #endif //replace about pMuteRate/1024 of nodes in program with a function //that takes the same number of arguments int end; int rate=params->params[pMuteRate]; #ifdef CROSSFILE #ifdef MULTREE assert(tree_starts[NUM_TREES]>0); int len=tree_starts[NUM_TREES]; #else int len=SubLen(0); #endif node* temp = new node[len]; memcpy(temp,expr,len*sizeof(node)); #endif /*CROSSFILE*/ #ifdef MULTREE for (int t = 0; t < NUM_TREES; t++ ) { #ifdef PDGP if(params->params[pPDGP]) { ip = params->pdgpindex[params->net_limits[t]]; end = params->pdgpindex[params->net_limits[t+1]]; } else #endif /*PDGP*/ { /*the following takes about 5% of runtime in big programs and 100% Mutate ip = tree_starts[t]; Traverse(); end=ip; ip = tree_starts[t]; speed up Jan 2019 */ assert(t0); } #else { ip=0; Traverse(); end=ip; ip=0; } #endif #ifdef CROSSFILE if(crossfile) { crossfile<<"point "<birth<<" "; //requires TRACE crossfile<nfitness->fvalue<<" "; crossfile<0) { while (ip0 || params->params[pMuteConstWt]==0) && rnd(1024) < rate) { MutateNode(ip,funclist,probl,t,expr); } ip++; } } else { //do -rate mutations (no check multiple changes to same node) for(int n=0; n<(-rate);n++) { //choose a node to mutate but avoid opcodes if only one of its arity {int args; do { ip = tree_starts[t] + rnd(end-tree_starts[t]); args = ARGNUM(); } while(probl->Arityc(t,args)<=1); } do{} while(!MutateNode(ip, funclist, probl, t, expr)); } }//end rate positive #ifdef MULTREE }//endfor NUM_TREES #endif #ifdef TRACE mum.xpoint = -2; #endif #ifdef CROSSFILE if(crossfile) { crossfile<< ", 0 "; crossfile<<(memcmp(expr,temp,sizeof(node)*len)==0);//same as mum? crossfile<<" "; crossfile<<"0";//mate->same(newexpr); //same as dad? crossfile<<" "; crossfile<<"0";//same(mate); //mum same as dad? crossfile<<" "; } delete[] temp; #endif /*CROSSFILE*/ } void Chrome::MutateC() // jiggle constants with a random walk { if(probl->funcconstmax==probl->funcconstmin) return; //only one constant //replace about pMuteRate/1024 of constant in program with another const int rate=params->params[pMuteRate]; #ifdef MULTREE assert(tree_starts[NUM_TREES]>0); for (int t = 0; t < NUM_TREES; t++ ) { ip = tree_starts[t]; #else { ip=0; #endif #ifdef PDGP if(params->params[pPDGP]) assert(0==1);// not implemented #endif int args=1; while (args > 0) { if (rnd(1024) < rate) { const int opcode = expr[ip].op; if(opcode >= probl->funcconstmin && opcode <= probl->funcconstmax) { retval newconst = constlist[opcode]; //near gaussian noise, sigma = 2 for ints otherwise 5%, mean=0; double noise = 0; for (int i=0;i<12;i++) noise += drand_0to1()-0.5; newconst += noise*((int(newconst)==newconst)? 2.0 : newconst/20.0); //find closet match in constlist int bot = probl->funcconstmin; //binary chop search, constlist will be inorder int top = probl->funcconstmax; do { int i = (top+bot)/2; if(newconst < constlist[i]) top = i - 1; else bot = i + 1; } while(top>=bot); /*const TBD*/ int newop =(bot > probl->funcconstmax)? top : (top < probl->funcconstmin)? bot : ((newconst-constlist[top])<= (constlist[bot]-newconst))? top : bot; /************************************************************* #define dif(x,y) (xfuncconstmin;i<=probl->funcconstmax;i++) { const retval d = dif(constlist[i],newconst); if(dfuncconstmin <<" funcconstmax "<funcconstmax <<" top "<funcconstmin || (newop < probl->funcconstmax && rnd(2)==0)) newop++; else newop--;} //cout<params[pPDGP]) assert(0==1);// not implemented #endif assert(tree_starts[NUM_TREES]>0); const int tree = 0;//sort out later const int thislen = tree_starts[NUM_TREES]; const int thissubptr = GetIntNode(tree); const int thissublen = SubLen(thissubptr); if(thissublen<=1) return;//no subtree to promote const int matesubptr = thissubptr+1+rnd(thissublen-1);//not own root const int matesublen = SubLen(matesubptr); InsertTree(tree,thislen, thissubptr,thissublen, expr, matesubptr,matesublen); #ifdef TRACE birthstats(&mum,tree,birth,thissubptr,thissublen); #endif } int MutateSubTree_t_chnglen = 0; int MutateSubTree_g_chnglen = 0; int MutateSubTree_calls = 0; //int MutateSubTree_smaller = 0; //float MutateSubTree_bias = 0; void DisplayMStats(ostream & fout ) //WBL { fout<<" MutateSubTree "<params[pPDGP]) assert(0==1);// not implemented #endif #ifdef PTHREADS assert(params->params[pThreads]==0); // not implemented #endif int tree,treelen,subtreelen; int chnglen; int t; int depth = params->params[pInitExpr]; #ifdef MULTREE assert(tree_starts[NUM_TREES]>0); int len=tree_starts[NUM_TREES]; #else int len=SubLen(0); #endif node* temp = new node[len]; memcpy(temp,expr,len*sizeof(node)); #ifdef MULTREE t = rnd(NUM_TREES); //choose tree #endif #ifndef RAND_TREE /*********************************************************/ #ifdef MULTREE assert(tbirth<<" "; //requires TRACE crossfile<nfitness->fvalue<<" "; crossfile<tree_starts[t])<<" "; //size of tree crossfile<params[pMaxDepth] != 0) { #ifdef MULTREE const int tree_depth = Depth(tree_starts[tree],tree); #else const int tree_depth = Depth(0,tree); #endif if(depth+tree_depth > params->params[pMaxDepth]) depth = params->params[pMaxDepth] - tree_depth; } //write(PRETTY_NONE, cout); //cout<<"tree "<funcbag[t],1,depth+rnd(3)-2,rnd(2), 0, t); // SubInit(probl->funcbag[t],1,rnd(depth+1),rnd(2), FALSE, t); // SubInit(probl->funcbag[t],1,depth,rnd(2), FALSE, t); #else SubInit(probl->funcbag[0],1,rnd(depth+1),rnd(2), 0); #endif /*MULTREE*/ } else { #ifdef MULTREE SubInit(probl->funcbag[t],1,rnd(depth-1)+1,rnd(2), 1, t); #else SubInit(probl->funcbag[0],1,rnd(depth-1)+1,rnd(2), 1); #endif } subtreelen=SubLen(tree); //length of new tree chnglen = subtreelen-treelen; } while(fair && chnglen > len && len > 15 ); --depth; //if tree too big try creating it again but smaller } while (((len+chnglen) > params->params[pMaxExpr]) && (depth > 1)); #else /*RAND_TREE*********************************************************/ BOOL ok; int tree_depth; ostrstream* optr = NULL; do { //if pMuteFairLimit<>0 keep going until accept mutation if(tree_starts[0]!=0) cout<<"tree_starts[0] "<=len) cout<<"tree "<birth<<" "; //requires TRACE crossfile<nfitness->fvalue<<" "; crossfile<tree_starts[t])<<" "; //size of tree crossfile<params[pMaxDepth] != 0) { assert(1==0);//bug? int tree_depth = Depth(tree_starts[t],tree); //const int tree_depth = Depth(tree_starts[tree],tree); if(depth+tree_depth > params->params[pMaxDepth]) depth = params->params[pMaxDepth] - tree_depth; } do {//if pMaxExpr exceeded keep retrying until depth<=1 do {//if fair & pMuteFairLimit keep retry if length increased too much //restore original in case changed by previous iteration of this loop memcpy(expr,temp,len*sizeof(node)); ip = tree; if(fair) { if(params->params[pMuteFairLimit]!=0) { if(ip==tree_starts[t] && (ARGNUM()==0 //create tree as initial pop //#ifdef ANT_LIB /* cope with special case that tree size 2 is illegal */ //use same code for POLY_LIB, sizes 2 and 4 illegal || (treelen==3 && params->params[pMuteFairLimit]<0) //#endif /*ANT_LIB*/ )) { cout<<"RAND_TREE Replacing tree "<params[pInitExpr]; const int md = params->params[pMinInitExpr]-1; //ignore pUniInitWt for timebeing too complicated // DO "ramped half and half from pMinInitExpr to depth" if (depth > 0) { SubInit(probl->funcbag[t],1,rnd(depth-md)+md,rnd(2), md, t); // go to some depth less than max, full or half full } else SETNODE(expr[ip],0,0); // stick in a stub constant ok = TRUE; } else { if(params->params[pMuteFairLimit]<0) { //#ifdef ANT_LIB /* cope with special case that tree size 2 is illegal */ //use same code for POLY_LIB, sizes 2 and 4 illegal //NB do not bury code with side effects inside assert if(treelen==3) {ok = rand_tree(3,t); assert(ok);} else if(treelen==4) {ok = rand_tree(5-rnd(3),t); assert(ok);} else //#endif /*ANT_LIB*/ if(((3*treelen)/2) > -params->params[pMuteFairLimit]) ok = FALSE; else { int limit=0; do { ok = rand_tree((3*treelen)/2-rnd(1+(treelen/2)*2),t); assert(limit++<1000); //beter than infinite loop? } while(!ok); } } else { if(treelen>params->params[pMuteFairLimit]) { ok = FALSE; //cout<<"rand_tree "<funcbag[t],1,depth+rnd(3)-2,rnd(2), 0, t); }//endif pMuteFairLimit } else { // DO "ramped half and half from 2 to depth" ignore pMinInitExpr too complicated // go to some depth less than max, full or half full SubInit(probl->funcbag[t],1,rnd(depth-1)+1,rnd(2), 1, t); }//endif fair subtreelen=SubLen(tree); //length of new tree chnglen = subtreelen-treelen; } while(fair && params->params[pMuteFairLimit] ==0 && chnglen > len && len > 15 ); --depth; //if tree too big try creating it again but smaller } while (((len+chnglen) > params->params[pMaxExpr]) && (depth > 1)); } while (fair && params->params[pMuteFairLimit] !=0 && ((!ok) || (params->params[pMaxDepth] != 0 && (tree_depth+DepthMax(tree,tree+subtreelen-1)-1 > params->params[pMaxDepth] )))); #ifdef CROSSFILE if(crossfile) { cout<str()<params->params[pMaxExpr]) { //may trip this? #ifdef CROSSFILE if(!crossfile) #endif { cout<<"MutateSubTree too big: len+chnglen="; cout<"<params[pMaxExpr]; cout<birth<<" "; crossfile<<"0 "; //mate->nfitness->fvalue<<" "; crossfile<<"0 ";//matelen<<" "; //size of program crossfile<<"0 ";//mate->SubLen(mate->tree_starts[tree])<<" "; crossfile<<"0 ";//matesubptr<<" "; //root of crossover point crossfile<same(newexpr); //same as dad? crossfile<<" "; crossfile<<"0";//same(mate); //mum same as dad? crossfile<<" "; } #endif /*CROSSFILE*/ delete[] temp; #ifdef MULTREE assert(tree_starts[NUM_TREES]>0); for(int i=t+1;istatic_check(this,t)>rnd(100)); implemnt sometime? MutateSubTree_g_chnglen += chnglen; MutateSubTree_t_chnglen += chnglen; MutateSubTree_calls++; if((MutateSubTree_calls % params->params[pPopSize])==0){ MutateSubTree_g_chnglen = 0; } }//end MutateSubTree #ifdef MULTREE void Chrome::write(const int pretty, ostream& ofile, const int last_tree, const int depthlimit) //WBL { assert(last_treeWriteTreeName(t,ofile); ofile<<"\t="; #ifdef PDGP if(params->params[pPDGP]) writepdgp(t,ofile); else #endif /*PDGP*/ {int size=1; int maxdepth=0; SubWrite(ofile,pretty, depth, depthlimit, &size,&maxdepth); // write the expression assert(tree_starts[t+1]==ip+1); } } assert(tree_starts[NUM_TREES]>0); } #endif #ifdef TRACE void Chrome::write_trace(ostream& fout) //WBL { fout << " Created " << birth; fout << " fitness "; nfitness->write (fout); #ifdef PDGP if(!params->params[pPDGP]) //all programs are same length! #endif fout << " len " << tree_starts[NUM_TREES-1] + SubLen(tree_starts[NUM_TREES-1]); fout << " children " << num_children; if ( mum.birth >= 0 ) { fout << "\tmum=" << mum.birth; fout << "x" << mum.xpoint; } if ( dad.birth >= 0 ) { fout << ",dad=" << dad.birth; fout << "x" << dad.xpoint << ","; } #ifdef MULTREE if ( mum.birth >= 0 && mum.xtree >= 0 ) probl->WriteTreeName(mum.xtree); #endif fout << " depth "; #ifdef MULTREE assert(tree_starts[NUM_TREES]>0); assert(tree_starts[NUM_TREES] == tree_starts[NUM_TREES-1] + SubLen(tree_starts[NUM_TREES-1])); for(int t=0;t0&&c=='\n')) \ &&c!=':' && c!='(' && c!=')' && c!='%' &&tp<79) \ { c=istr.get(); \ if(c!='\n') scratch[tp++]=c; \ c=istr.peek(); } \ scratch[tp]='\0';cout<<" `"<GetFitnessObj(this); birth = 0; if (!issource) { #ifdef PDGP if(params->params[pPDGP]) assert(0==1);// not implemented #endif for(x=0;xparams[pMaxExpr];x++) { istr >> tempop; expr[x].op =(unsigned) tempop; // istr >> tempidx; // expr[x].idx=(unsigned) tempidx; } } else // load a Source file { ip=0; buf=new node[params->params[pMaxExpr]]; memset(buf,0,sizeof(node)*params->params[pMaxExpr]); #ifdef PDGP node* bufptr = buf; #endif /*PDPP*/ #ifdef MULTREE char c; int tp; rval = LOAD_OK; tree_starts[NUM_TREES] = -1; for (int t = 0; t < NUM_TREES && rval == LOAD_OK; t++ ){ tree_starts[t] = ip; EATSPACE; GETTOK; int temp = probl->TreeNameMatch(t,scratch); #ifdef dbug cout <<"tree "<params[pPDGP]) rval=SubLoadpdgp(istr,&bufptr,t); else #endif rval=SubLoad(istr,buf,t); }} #ifdef debug cout<Load(istr); #endif } else delete[] buf; } #ifdef MULTREE for (int t = 0; t < NUM_TREES && rval == LOAD_OK; t++ ){ ip = tree_starts[t]; int valid = probl->static_check(this,t); if (valid>0) cout<<"static_check reports "<=params->params[pMaxExpr]) { rval=LOAD_TOOLONG; } else if (istr.peek()=='(') // Get an expression and the close paren { istr >> c; #ifdef debug cout<> c; if (c!=')') { cout<<"LOAD_TOOMANY `"<=0-CONSTARRAYSIZE/2 && func_operand s=strrchr(scratch,'_'); if (strchr("0123456789",s[1])) // it is an underscore followed by numbers { vnum=atoi(s+1); if (vnum>=0 && vnum <= CONSTARRAYSIZE) { s[0]='\0'; // found a valid function with variable number appended. Keep function name. } else vnum=0; } } #ifdef MULTREE func=FindFunc(scratch,tree); #else func=FindFunc(scratch); #endif if (func<0) { cout<<"LOAD_BADFUNC `"<argnum; while(args>0 && rval==LOAD_OK) { #ifdef MULTREE rval=SubLoad(istr,buf,tree); #else rval=SubLoad(istr,buf); #endif args--; } // if (rval == LOAD_TOOFEW) // ; // restore the token for the error message } } } } return rval; } //************************************************************************** #ifdef MULTREE int Chrome::FindFunc(const char* funcname, const int tree) const// find a function index by name #else int Chrome::FindFunc(char* funcname) // find a function index by name, or return -1 #endif { int rval=-1; int i; for (i=0;ifunccount && rval<0;i++) if (strcmp(funcname,funclist[i]->name)==0) #ifdef MULTREE if (probl->funcbag[tree]->find(i) >= 0) #endif rval=i; return rval; } Chrome::~Chrome() { thispop->free_expr(this); //delete[] expr; delete nfitness; } //************************************************************************** //// Generic Problem Functions ///////////////////////////////////// Problem::Problem() // Set up the tables // You add the primitive functions in your subclass constructor { int i; funclist = new Function*[FUNCARRAYSIZE]; for (i=0;ireset(); } varlist = new retval[CONSTARRAYSIZE]; constlist = new retval[CONSTARRAYSIZE]; //expected to be order funcconstmin = 0; funcconstmax = -1; funccount = 0; // set up constant table in problem subclass constructor memset(constlist,0,sizeof(constlist)); memset(arityc,0,sizeof(arityc)); memset(arityop,0,sizeof(arityop)); } Problem::~Problem() { int i; delete[] constlist; delete[] varlist; for (i=0;ifvalue=0; // fv has to be deleted by the Chrome Object return fv; } //CSelector* Problem::getfuncbag() // update the function selector and return its pointer //{ // int i; // funcbag->reset(); // for (i=0;iadd(funclist[i]->weight/(2+funclist[i]->argnum),i); // return funcbag; //} void Problem::addtofuncbag(int tree, Function* f ) //NB must be called in correct sequence, ie after AddF has funccount++ { funcbag[tree]->add(f->weight/(2+f->argnum),funccount-1); if(funccount>1) { const int a = f->argnum; assert(a>=0 && a<=max_arity); arityc[tree][a]++; if(arityop[tree][a]==0) arityop[tree][a]=funccount-1; assert(arityc[tree][a]+arityop[tree][a]==funccount);//must group functions }//endif ignore ConstFunc(0) } float Problem::fitness(Chrome* chrome)//, evalnode* xip) // This is just a stub. You must add your own virtual fitness function { cout <<"Problem::fitness (stub)\n";//debug float f=0; // clear variables if required // call the installed fitness function chrome->nfitness->fvalue = f; return f; } extern int BestofCount = 0; extern int BestofRandomCount = 0; extern int WorstofCount = 0; extern int WorstofRandomCount =0 ; Chrome* Problem::Bestof(const PtrChrome list[], const int listsize, int* bestinlist, const int target ) { //WBL #ifdef PARETO assert (1==19); //should be using non-virtual function in problem class! #endif /*PARETO*/ if ( bestinlist == NULL ) {int dummy; bestinlist = &dummy;}//discard *bestinlist = 0; Chrome * best = list[0]; for (int i=1; infitness->IsBetter(best->nfitness)) { *bestinlist = i; best = list[i]; } } //for reporting if(*bestinlist == 0) { BOOL random = true; for (int i=1; random && (infitness->IsBetter(list[i]->nfitness)) random = FALSE; } if(random) BestofRandomCount++; } BestofCount++; return best; }//end Problem::Bestof Chrome* Problem::Worstof(const PtrChrome list[], const int listsize, const int timenow, int* worstinlist, const int target ) //WBL { #ifdef PARETO assert (1==19); //should be using non-virtual function in problem class! #endif /*PARETO*/ // Will select a target that is too old, even if more fit. *worstinlist = 0; for (int i=1; iparams->params[pMaxAge] != 0 && (timenow - list[i]->birth) > list[i]->params->params[pMaxAge]) { *worstinlist = i; break; } if (list[*worstinlist]->nfitness->IsBetter(list[i]->nfitness)) { *worstinlist = i; } } //for reporting if(*worstinlist == 0) { BOOL random = true; for (int i=1; random && (infitness->IsBetter(list[0]->nfitness)) random = FALSE; } if(random) WorstofRandomCount++; } WorstofCount++; return list[*worstinlist]; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Nice Idea, but leads to even more dominance of population by best // WBL 17-Aug-94. Might be marginaly quicker? // if (target == BestMember) // target = winner; //avoid discarding best if can // // else ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }//end Problem::Worstof //************************************************************************** //// Pop Functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////// Pop::Pop(Problem* prob,ChromeParams* par,const int size, istream* fin) #ifdef MULTREE :num_crosses_cleared_at(-1) #endif // set up a population for a particular problem // Creates new Chromes // evaluates the first Chrome. The rest will be evaluated in the first // Size-1 calls to generate { int i; isAborted=FALSE; problem = prob; gencount = 0; start=time(NULL); #ifdef PARETO clear_rank(); #else BestMember=0; BestFitness=NULL; #endif params=par; par->funccount = prob->funccount; #ifndef PTHREADS if (par->params[pMaxExpr] > EXPRLEN) par->params[pMaxExpr]=EXPRLEN; #endif /*disable limit, EXPRLEN only used in stats.cc*/ if((par->params[pMaxDepth] !=0) && (par->params[pInitExpr] > par->params[pMaxDepth])) par->params[pInitExpr] = par->params[pMaxDepth]; popsize=size; pop = new Chrome*[size]; #ifdef GENERATIONAL if(params->params[pGenerational]) { newpop = new Chrome*[size]; const int nthreads = params->params[pThreads]; assert(nthreads>=0); //smallest nexpr is upto 2 parents per child, per thread //Only implmented if using threads, otherwise old 2*popsize const int nexpr = (nthreads==0)? 2*popsize : popsize + 2*nthreads; init_exprs(nexpr); //oldpop = new Chrome*[size]; memset(oldpop,0,size*sizeof(Chrome*)); } #endif int seeds_loaded = 0; if(params->params[pSeeds]==0) for (i=0;iNewChrome(par,fin); else { if(fin->peek()!=EOF) do{int c=fin->get();if(c!='$'){cout<peek()!=EOF)&&(fin->peek()!='\n')); cout<NewChrome(par); int rval = pop[i]->Load(*fin, TRUE); if (rval != 0) { if(i==0) cout<<"Load error - "<params[pSeeds]);i++) pop[i]=prob->NewChrome(par); } //cout << "Created Pop, Now testing pop[0]\n"; // now eval 1 guy initeval=TRUE; nexteval=1; Fitness(pop[0]); InsertMember(0,pop[0],TRUE); UpdateBest( 0,pop[0]); if (nexteval>=popsize) initeval=FALSE; for (;iCopy(); if(rnd(100) < params->params[pMuteSeedWt]) { int prob,wheel; prob=rnd(params->params[pMuteNodeWt]+params->params[pMuteConstWt]+params->params[pMuteShrinkWt]+params->params[pMuteSubTreeWt]+params->params[pMuteFairWt]); wheel=params->params[pMuteNodeWt]; if (probMutate(); else if (prob<(wheel += params->params[pMuteConstWt])) pop[i]->MutateC(); else if (prob<(wheel += params->params[pMuteShrinkWt])) pop[i]->MutateShrink(); else if (prob<(wheel +=params->params[pMuteSubTreeWt])) pop[i]->MutateSubTree(FALSE); else pop[i]->MutateSubTree(TRUE); } } } int spin=0; pthread_mutex_t mutex; float Pop::Fitness(Chrome* chrome /*, evalnode* xip /*= NULL*/) // uses the problem to evalue the fitness of member X // performs setup on the Chrome // returns the fitness value { //chrome->SetupEval(-1,xip); #ifdef CLEAR_INTRON CLEAR_INTRON; #endif /*CLEAR_INTRON*/ #ifdef TRACE retval rval = problem->fitness(chrome);//,xip); if ( params->params[pTrace] & pTraceTest ) { #ifdef PTHREADS //NB do not bury code with side effects inside assert {const int e = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); assert(e==0);} cout << "\nTested "; const int thread = chrome->thread; if(thread>=0) cout << "by thread "<write(PRETTY_NONE, cout); cout<<" fitness "<fitness(chrome)//,xip); #endif //TRACE } // #ifndef PARETO //to support pthreads void Pop::UpdateBest(const int slot, const Chrome* NewChrome) { if (BestFitness==NULL) { BestMember=slot; BestFitness=NewChrome->nfitness; } else if(NewChrome->nfitness->IsBetter(BestFitness)) { cout<<"Improved solution found "<nfitness->fvalue <<" ("<fvalue<<")" <<" in slot "<nfitness; } else if(slot==BestMember) { //if generational BestMember will always be less than slot const UINT endpop = (initeval? nexteval : popsize); cout<<"Scanning whole pop"<Bestof(pop,endpop,&BestMember); cout<<" Updating BestFitness"<nfitness; } } #endif /*not PARETO*/ void Pop::InsertMember(int slot,Chrome* NewChrome,int nodelete) // uses the problem to evalue the fitness of member X // performs setup on the Chrome // updates the BestMember and returns the fitness value { #ifndef ORIGINAL_RANK NewChrome->nfitness->update_rank(); #endif NewChrome->birth=gencount; // if (!nodelete && pop[slot]->nfitness->IsBetter(NewChrome->nfitness) ) // { // // Check NewChrome is not worse than existing //#ifdef TRACE // if ( params->params[pTrace] & pTraceDynamic ) // { cout << endl; // cout << "Discarding new "; // NewChrome->write_trace(); // cout << "\nRather than " << slot; // pop[slot]->write_trace(); // cout << endl; // } //#endif // delete NewChrome; // }//end discard NewChrome (Nb parents credited with child anyway // else { Chrome* oldchrome = pop[slot]; if (!nodelete) { #ifdef GENERATIONAL if(params->params[pGenerational]) newpop[slot]=NewChrome; else #else // replace the chrome in this slot // remember to delete oldchrome later #endif pop[slot]=NewChrome; }// end discard old chrome in this slot #ifdef PARETO if(NewChrome->nfitness->ParetoBest()) { cout<<"Improved solution found " <<" in slot "<write_trace(cout); NewChrome->write(PRETTY_NONE, cout); cout << endl; } #else /*not PARETO*/ // Update Best Member //UpdateBest(slot,NewChrome); #endif #ifdef TRACE if ( params->params[pTrace] & pTraceDynamic ) { cout << "\nInserting " << slot << " "; NewChrome->write_trace(cout); NewChrome->write(PRETTY_NONE, cout); cout << endl; } #endif //TRACE #ifdef GENERATIONAL if((!nodelete) && (!params->params[pGenerational])) #else if (!nodelete) #endif { #ifdef TRACE if ( params->params[pTrace] & pTraceDynamic ) { cout << endl; cout << "Deleting " << slot; oldchrome->write_trace(); } #endif delete oldchrome; }// end discard old chrome in this slot }//end if add NewChrome to pop } Pop::Pop(Problem* prob,ChromeParams* par) #ifdef MULTREE :num_crosses_cleared_at(-1) #endif // set up just the core of a population;; let a subclass allocate the members { isAborted=FALSE; problem = prob; gencount = 0; params=par; popsize=0; pop=NULL; #ifndef PARETO BestMember=-1; BestFitness=prob->GetFitnessObj(); // allocates FitnessValue object on heap BestFitness->fvalue=1-MAXFLOAT; #endif } Pop::~Pop() { int i; for (i=0;iparams[pGenerational]) { delete[] newpop; //when called, population should be in pop only //for (i=0;iparams[pMateRadius]; dw = params->params[pDemeWidth]; pw = params->params[pPopWidth]; if (region == 0 || region > popsize) region = popsize; if (dw==0 || pw==0) { dw = 1; pw = 1; } #ifdef ORIGINAL_DEME offset=popsize+target-dw/2-region*pw/dw/2; #else offset=popsize+target-dw/2-pw*(region/dw/2); #endif /*ORIGINAL_DEME*/ const int Elitist = params->params[pElitist]; int endstop = 0; for (int i=0; infitness->unique_best())) { candidates[i] = pop[slots[i]]; i++; } } }//end Pop::select_candidates enum {docross,do1pt,dost1pt,domutate,doanneal,docrossanneal,docopy,dojoin}; Chrome* Pop::selectParent(const int target, int* slotno) const { // target identifies selection region in pop // select one parent. Return pointer to selected parent int ts; Chrome* best; ts = params->params[pTournSize]; // Only tournament selection is implemented in GPQUICK. // Add your own methods to taste if (params->params[pSelectMethod] == ETournament) { // Chrome* candidates [ts]; // int slot [ts]; Chrome* candidates [10]; int slot [10]; int index; select_candidates(target,ts,candidates,slot,TRUE); best = problem->Bestof(candidates,ts,&index,target); #ifdef CROSSFILE if(crossfile) { crossfile<<"P "<SubLen(0); //do something time consuming float F=0; for(int i=0;infitness->fvalue = -(1.0f + 1.0f/F); //bloat } //https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/pthreads/samples/condvar.c int slot; //GCC 7.3.1 objects to int end int ids[npthreads] = {-1}; //evalnode* expr_table[npthreads]; //= calloc(npthreads,sizeof(evalnode)); //pthread_mutex_t mutex; //unsigned long int active_threads = 0l; int* forw = NULL; //valid 0..popsize-1 int* back = NULL; //valid 0..popsize-1, only maintained for chain2 int** children = NULL; //popsize NULL or pointer to num_children int, -1 or 0..popsize-1 int* status = NULL; //0, 1 or 2 int chainhd1 = -1; //valid 0..popsize-1 int chainhd2 = -1; //valid 0..popsize-1 inline void append(const int s, int& last, int& chainhd) { const int popsize = thispop->popsize; assert(s>=0 && s < popsize); if(last != -1) { assert(forw[last] == -1); forw[last] = s; } assert( forw[s] == 0x7f7f7f7f); forw[s] = -1; assert( back[s] == 0x7f7f7f7f); back[s] = last; last = s; if(chainhd == -1) chainhd = s; } inline void move21(const int active, const int s) { //cout << "move21("<popsize; assert(s>=0 && s < popsize); if(active == s) return; //ignore if(status[s] != 2) return; //already processed? #ifndef NDEBUG int ok = 0; for(int i=chainhd2; i != -1; i=forw[i]){ if(i == s) ok = 1; } if(!ok) cout<<"Warning "<popsize; assert(P>=0 && P < popsize); assert(s>=0 && s < popsize); //if(!(num_children > 0 && num_children < 20)) cout<<"num_children "<popsize; assert(P>=0 && P < popsize); assert(s>=0 && s < popsize); int S = s; int nchild = 0; int ok = 0; for(int i=0;i= -1 && children[P][i] < popsize); if(children[P][i] == S) {children[P][i] = -1; ok++; S=-2;} if(children[P][i] != -1) {last = children[P][i]; nchild++;} } assert(ok==1); if(nchild != 1) last -1; //be tidy return nchild; } long long int* fitness_times = NULL; //Use compact mem, ie dont worry about cache clashes void* thread_fitness(void *t) { const long long int t0 = getTickCount(); const int my_id = *(int*)t; assert(my_id >= 0); assert(my_id < npthreads); const int popsize = thispop->popsize; for (;;) { Chrome* newguy; {const int e = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); assert(e==0);} /*now done in line** if(Mum != -1) { //STUFF todo from previous loop }*/ //if(my_id<64) active_threads |= (1l<= popsize) { /** if(my_id<64) active_threads &= (~0l)^(1l<pop[i]; newguy->thread = my_id; }//endif !DoCross if(DoCross) { //100% crossover on later generations int i = -1; //int c2 = 0; if( chainhd1 != -1) { i = chainhd1; chainhd1 = forw[i]; } else if(chainhd2 != -1) { //c2 = 1; i = chainhd2; chainhd2 = forw[i]; } if(i == -1) { {const int e = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); assert(e==0);} break; } //cout << "i "<newpop[i]; newguy->thread = my_id; //assert(newguy->expr != NULL); assert(newguy->expr == NULL); //{const int e = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); assert(e==0);} thispop->get_expr(newguy); //newguy->expr = new node[thispop->params->params[pMaxExpr]]; {const int e = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); assert(e==0);} assert(newguy->mum.birth >= 0); assert(newguy->dad.birth >= 0); const int Mum = newguy->mum.birth % popsize; const int Dad = newguy->dad.birth % popsize; Chrome* const mum = thispop->pop[Mum]; Chrome* const dad = thispop->pop[Dad]; assert(mum->num_children>0); assert(dad->num_children>0); const int mumlen = mum->tree_starts[NUM_TREES]; //Sublen(0) const int mumsubptr = newguy->mum.xpoint; const int mumsublen = newguy->mum.xsize; const int dadsubptr = newguy->dad.xpoint; const int dadsublen = newguy->dad.xsize; /*emulate memcpy(newexpr->expr,mate->expr,matelen*sizeof(node)); InsertNodes(thislen-thissubptr, &expr[thissubptr], thissublen, &mateexpr[matesubptr],matesublen); */ const int remlen = mumlen-mumsubptr-mumsublen; assert(mumsubptr >= 0 && mumsubptr < newguy->tree_starts[NUM_TREES]); assert(mumsubptr+dadsublen > 0 && mumsubptr+dadsublen <= newguy->tree_starts[NUM_TREES]); assert(mumsubptr+dadsublen+remlen == newguy->tree_starts[NUM_TREES]); memcpy( newguy->expr, mum->expr, mumsubptr*sizeof(node)); memcpy(&newguy->expr[mumsubptr], &dad->expr[dadsubptr], dadsublen*sizeof(node)); memcpy(&newguy->expr[mumsubptr+dadsublen],&mum->expr[mumsubptr+mumsublen],remlen *sizeof(node)); #ifdef INCEVAL (newguy->nfitness)->fvalue = IncFitness(thispop,newguy,mum,mumsubptr,mumsublen,dad,dadsubptr,dadsublen); #endif {const int e = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); assert(e==0);} int last1, last2; const int nchild1 = remchild(Mum,mum->num_children,i,last1); const int nchild2 = remchild(Dad,dad->num_children,i,last2); if(nchild1 == 1) move21(i,last1); if(nchild2 == 1) move21(i,last2); if(nchild1 == 0) { mum->num_children = 0; thispop->free_expr(mum); //delete mum; thispop->pop[Mum] = NULL; //cout<<"free Mum "<num_children = 0; thispop->free_expr(dad); //delete dad; thispop->pop[Dad] = NULL; //cout<<"free Dad "<Fitness(newguy);//,expr_table[my_id]); } const long long int t1 = getTickCount(); fitness_times[my_id] = t1 - t0; pthread_exit(NULL); }//end thread_fitness //gdb print *(Chrome* (*)[4000])pop void Pop::generation_fitness(const int start) { time_t now; time (&now); const int nthreads = params->params[pThreads]; slot = start; cout<<"generation_fitness("< npthreads){ cout<<"pThreads "<params->params[pMaxExpr]]; } /* Initialize mutex (only once) and condition variable objects */ {const int e = pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL); assert(e==0);} } if(fitness_times == NULL) fitness_times = new long long int[nthreads]; if(DoCross){for(int i=0;ibirth==(gencount+1)-popsize+i);} //sanity check if(DoCross) { //100% crossover on later generations if(forw == NULL) forw = new int[popsize]; if(back == NULL) back = new int[popsize]; if(status == NULL) status = new int[popsize]; if(children == NULL) children = new int*[popsize]; #ifndef NDEBUG memset(forw, 0x7f,popsize*sizeof(int)); memset(back, 0x7f,popsize*sizeof(int)); memset(status, 0xff,popsize*sizeof(int)); #endif memset(children,0,popsize*sizeof(int*)); int last1 = -1; int last2 = -1; chainhd1 = -1; chainhd2 = -1; for(int s=0;smum.birth >= 0); assert(newpop[s]->dad.birth >= 0); const int Mum = newpop[s]->mum.birth % popsize; const int Dad = newpop[s]->dad.birth % popsize; const Chrome* mum = pop[Mum]; const Chrome* dad = pop[Dad]; assert(mum->num_children>0); assert(dad->num_children>0); if(mum->num_children==1 || dad->num_children==1) { append(s, last1, chainhd1); status[s] = 1; } else { append(s, last2, chainhd2); status[s] = 2; } addchild(Mum,mum->num_children,s); addchild(Dad,dad->num_children,s); //cout << "s "<num_children<<")"; //for(int i=0;inum_children;i++) cout<<" "<num_children<<")"; //for(int i=0;inum_children;i++) cout<<" "<num_children==0) {delete pop[s]; pop[s] = NULL;} } }//endif DoCross init pthread_t threads[nthreads]; /* For portability, explicitly create threads in a joinable state ** not needed https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11806793/what-is-the-usage-of-pthread-create-joinable-in-pthread pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE); */ for(int i=0;inum_children==0); if(pop[s]) delete pop[s]; pop[s] = newpop[s]; }} for(int i=start;iparams[pThreads]==0) #endif { Fitness(pop[nexteval]); UpdateBest(nexteval,pop[nexteval]); } //end if pthreads wait until fitness has been calculated int target=nexteval; nexteval++; if (nexteval>=popsize) initeval=FALSE; return pop[target]; } int target; // int i,region,ts,offset; int prob,wheel; int dowhat; Chrome* best; Chrome* secondbest; Chrome* trial; Chrome* trialNoH = NULL; // decide what to do - Cross, Mutate, Copy prob=rnd(params->params[pCrossWt]+params->params[pCross1ptWt]+params->params[pCrossSt1ptWt]+params->params[pMuteWt]+params->params[pCopyWt]+params->params[pAnnealMuteWt]+params->params[pAnnealCrossWt]+params->params[pJoinWt]); wheel=params->params[pCrossWt]; if (probparams[pCross1ptWt])) dowhat=do1pt; else if (prob<(wheel += params->params[pCrossSt1ptWt])) dowhat=dost1pt; else if (prob<(wheel += params->params[pMuteWt])) dowhat=domutate; else if (prob<(wheel += params->params[pCopyWt])) dowhat=docopy; else if (prob<(wheel += params->params[pAnnealMuteWt])) dowhat=doanneal; else if (prob<(wheel += params->params[pAnnealCrossWt])) dowhat=docrossanneal; else dowhat=dojoin; // Perform reproduction switch (dowhat) { case docross: case docrossanneal: case do1pt: case dost1pt: case dojoin: if (dowhat!=docrossanneal) { target=GetTarget(); // Find a member to replace } else { target=GetAnnealTarget(); } best=selectParent(target); secondbest=selectParent(target); {BOOL fair = FALSE; if(params->params[pCrossFairWt]!=0) fair = (rnd(100) < params->params[pCrossFairWt]); #ifdef MULTREE #ifdef DIRECTEDXOVER if ((params->params[pDirCrossWt] != 0) && (rnd(100) < params->params[pDirCrossWt]) ) tree = best->ChooseCrossTree(secondbest); #endif num_crosses[tree]++; #ifdef PDGP if(params->params[pPDGP]) trial=best->CrossNet(secondbest, tree); else #endif /*PDGP*/ switch(dowhat) { case docrossanneal: case docross: { const int S2_gpquick_seed = gpquick_seed; trial=best->CrossTree(secondbest, tree, fair, FALSE, FALSE); /*********************************************************************** if(fair && params->params[pCrossFHWt]>0) { const int save_gpquick_seed = gpquick_seed; const int save_pCrossFHWt = params->params[pCrossFHWt]; const int save_CrossSubTree_t_chnglen = CrossSubTree_t_chnglen; const int save_CrossSubTree_calls = CrossSubTree_calls; const int save_CrossFH_calls = CrossFH_calls; const int save_CrossFH_choice = CrossFH_choice; gpquick_seed = S2_gpquick_seed; params->params[pCrossFHWt] = 0; trialNoH=best->CrossTree(secondbest, tree, fair, FALSE, FALSE); if(gpquick_seed!=save_gpquick_seed) cout<<"trialNoH changed seed\n"; gpquick_seed = save_gpquick_seed; params->params[pCrossFHWt] = save_pCrossFHWt; CrossSubTree_t_chnglen = save_CrossSubTree_t_chnglen; CrossSubTree_calls = save_CrossSubTree_calls; CrossFH_calls = save_CrossFH_calls; CrossFH_choice = save_CrossFH_choice; } ***********************************************************************/ } break; case do1pt :trial=best->CrossTree(secondbest, tree, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);break; case dost1pt:trial=best->CrossTree(secondbest, tree, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE );break; case dojoin :trial=best->JoinTree (secondbest, tree);break; default :assert(1==0); }//endswitch #else trial=best->CrossTree(secondbest); #endif if((params->params[pMuteCrossWt] != 0) && (rnd(100) < params->params[pMuteCrossWt])) goto domutation; } break; case domutate: case doanneal: if(dowhat==domutate) { target=GetTarget(); // Find a member to replace } else { target=GetAnnealTarget(); } best=selectParent(target); trial = best->Copy(); domutation: prob=rnd(params->params[pMuteNodeWt]+params->params[pMuteConstWt]+params->params[pMuteShrinkWt]+params->params[pMuteSubTreeWt]+params->params[pMuteFairWt]); wheel=params->params[pMuteNodeWt]; if (probMutate(); else if (prob<(wheel += params->params[pMuteConstWt])) trial->MutateC(); else if (prob<(wheel += params->params[pMuteShrinkWt])) trial->MutateShrink(); else if (prob<(wheel +=params->params[pMuteSubTreeWt])) trial->MutateSubTree(FALSE); else trial->MutateSubTree(TRUE); break; case docopy: target=GetTarget(); // Find a member to replace best=selectParent(target); trial=best->Copy(); }//endswitch // Update the pop array // fitness? if(params->params[pRepeatEval] || (!trial->same(best))) { #ifdef PTHREADS if(params->params[pThreads]==0) #endif Fitness(trial); } if(trialNoH!=NULL) { #ifdef PTHREADS assert(params->params[pThreads]==0); //not supported by PTHREADS #endif if(params->params[pRepeatEval] || (!trialNoH->same(best))) { if(!trialNoH->same(trial)) Fitness(trialNoH); else trialNoH->nfitness->fvalue=trial->nfitness->fvalue; } if(!trialNoH->same(trial)) CrossFH_differ++; if(trialNoH->nfitness->fvalue != trial->nfitness->fvalue) CrossFH_fitdiffer++; delete trialNoH; } if ((dowhat==doanneal) || (dowhat==docrossanneal)) { #ifdef PTHREADS assert(params->params[pThreads]==0); //not supported by PTHREADS #endif // test whether mutated chome is fit enough if(!accept(trial->nfitness,pop[target]->nfitness)) { #ifdef CROSSFILE if(crossfile) { crossfile<<"!"; crossfile<nfitness->fvalue<<" "<Copy(); //restore original chrome }//endif not fit enough }//endif anneal #ifdef CROSSFILE #ifdef PTHREADS assert(params->params[pThreads]==0); //not supported by PTHREADS #endif if(crossfile) { crossfile<<"off "; crossfile<nfitness->fvalue<params[pThreads]==0) //wait until fitness is calculated #endif UpdateBest( target,trial); return trial; } #ifdef MULTREE Chrome* Pop::go_until(time_t max_time, int maxevals, float maxfitness, int tree) //default random tree #else Chrome* Pop::go_until(time_t max_time, int maxevals, float maxfitness) #endif // generate until time max_time, evals maxevals, or fitness maxfitness // Do this to run the GA in a bigger event loop { //int done = FALSE; int didevals = 0; #ifdef PTHREADS if(params->params[pThreads]) { const int allwheel = params->params[pCrossWt]+params->params[pCross1ptWt]+params->params[pCrossSt1ptWt]+params->params[pMuteWt]+params->params[pCopyWt]+params->params[pAnnealMuteWt]+params->params[pAnnealCrossWt]+params->params[pJoinWt]; if(params->params[pCrossWt] != allwheel) { cout<<"ERROR pThreads: "<params[pThreads]<<" only supports crossover " <<"pCrossWt: "<params[pCrossWt]<<" of "<params[pGenerational]==0 ) { cout<<"ERROR pThreads: "<params[pThreads]<<" needs pGenerational"<params[pRepeatEval] == 0) { cout<<"ERROR pThreads: "<params[pThreads]<<" needs pRepeatEval"<nfitness->fvalue < maxfitness) #ifdef GENERATIONAL || (params->params[pGenerational] && ((gencount+1)%popsize!=0)) #endif ) &&!Aborted()) { #ifdef GENERATIONAL if((gencount+1)%popsize==0 && (!initeval) && params->params[pGenerational]) { #ifdef PARETO clear_rank(); #else BestFitness = NULL; if(params->params[pElitist] != 0) { cout<<"Copying BestMember of pop ("<Copy(); InsertMember(0,newchrome); UpdateBest( 0,newchrome); } #endif {time_t now; time (&now); cout <<"go_until end if new gen "<< ctime(&now);} } #endif #ifdef MULTREE lastchrome = generate(tree); #else lastchrome = generate(); #endif #ifdef PTHREADS if(start<0) start = gencount; #endif didevals++; #ifdef GENERATIONAL if((gencount+1)%popsize==0) { if(gencount > popsize && params->params[pGenerational] ) { time_t now; time (&now); cout<<"Copying newpop to pop, at "<params[pThreads]==0) //wait until crossovers done #endif for(int s=0; sparams[pThreads] && start>=0) generation_fitness(start%popsize); #endif } #endif //GENERATIONAL } return lastchrome; } #ifndef PDGP #ifdef MULTREE void Pop::reinitialise(BOOL change_flags[NUM_TREES]) { #ifdef PARETO clear_rank(); #else BestFitness=NULL; #endif for ( UINT i = 0; i < popsize; i++ ) { pop[i]->reinit_trees(change_flags); Fitness(pop[i]); InsertMember(i,pop[i],TRUE); UpdateBest( i,pop[i]); } }//end reinitialise #endif #endif /*PDGP*/ #ifdef STACK_LIB int Pop::GetTarget() // Tournament anti-selection for replacement. Usually size 1 (random selection) or 2 // Will select a target that is too old, even if more fit. { int target = rnd(popsize); int i,winner; if (params->params[pKillTourn]>1 && (params->params[pMaxAge] == 0 || (gencount - pop[target]->birth) <= params->params[pMaxAge])) // pick a target to replace for (i=1;iparams[pKillTourn];i++) { winner=rnd(popsize); if (params->params[pMaxAge] != 0 && (gencount - pop[winner]->birth) > params->params[pMaxAge]) return winner; if (pop[target]->nfitness->IsBetter(pop[winner]->nfitness)) target = winner; } #ifdef CROSSFILE if(crossfile) {crossfile<<"T "<params[pGenerational]) return gencount % popsize; #endif // Chrome* candidates [params->params[pKillTourn]]; // int slot [params->params[pKillTourn]]; Chrome* candidates [10]; int slot [10]; // pick a target to replace int s=rnd(popsize); //chose any deme in pop #ifdef QUEUE_LIB slot[0] = s; candidates[0] = pop[s]; select_candidates(s, params->params[pKillTourn] - 1, &candidates[1], &slot[1], FALSE ); //chose from same deme #else /*QUEUE_LIB*/ select_candidates(s, params->params[pKillTourn], //chose from same candidates, slot, FALSE ); //deme #endif /*QUEUE_LIB*/ int index; problem->Worstof(candidates, params->params[pKillTourn], gencount, &index, s); #ifdef CROSSFILE if(crossfile) {crossfile<<"T "<params[pGenerational]? (gencount/popsize)*popsize : gencount; const double fract_done = double(generate)/double(params->params[pGenerateLimit]); if (params->params_dbl[pStartTemp]==params->params_dbl[pEndTemp]) return params->params_dbl[pStartTemp]; else if (params->params_dbl[pEndTemp]==0) return params->params_dbl[pStartTemp]*(1-fract_done); else { const double ratio = log(params->params_dbl[pEndTemp]/ params->params_dbl[pStartTemp]); return params->params_dbl[pStartTemp]*exp(fract_done*ratio); } }//end Temperature BOOL Pop::accept(const FitnessValue* newfv, const FitnessValue* oldfv) const { double temperature = Temperature(); // cout<<"\ntemperature "<fvalue<<" <- "<fvalue<fvalue > oldfv->fvalue || (temperature==0 && newfv->fvalue == oldfv->fvalue) || (temperature >0 && exp((newfv->fvalue - oldfv->fvalue)/temperature) > rand_0to1() )); }//end accept int Pop::GetAnnealTarget() { #ifdef GENERATIONAL if(params->params[pGenerational]) return gencount % popsize; #endif int best; selectParent(rnd(popsize), &best); return best; } void Pop::Write(ostream & fout, BOOL binary) //WBL { for ( UINT i = 0; i < popsize; i++ ) if(!binary) { fout << endl << i ; #ifdef TRACE pop[i]->write_trace(); //fix some time. Problem with const #endif //TRACE pop[i]->write(PRETTY_NONE, fout); fout << endl; } else { //psuedo binary. 1 byte per opcode but in ascii #ifdef PDGP if(params->params[pPDGP]) assert(0==1);//not implemented yet #endif /*PDGP*/ #ifdef MULTREE for (int t = 0; t < NUM_TREES; t++ ) { int start = pop[i]->tree_starts[t]; int len = pop[i]->SubLen(pop[i]->tree_starts[t]); assert(len == pop[i]->tree_starts[t+1]); #else int start = 0; int len = pop[i]->SubLen(0); #endif for(int x = 0; xexpr[start+x].op+'A'); fout<tree_starts[t+1]-pop[i]->tree_starts[t]==len); } #endif } }//end Pop::Write void Pop::init_exprs(const int nexpr){ assert(thispop==NULL); thispop = this; assert(chain==NULL); const int n = nexpr+1; chain = new int[n]; //leave 0 unused exprptr = new nodeptr[n]; //leave 0 unused memset(exprptr,0,n*sizeof(node*)); chain[0] = 0; //be tidy for(int i=1;iparams[pThreads]<params[pMaxExpr]]; } chrome->expr = exprptr[chainhead]; chrome->expr_id = chainhead; chainhead = chain[chainhead]; assert(chainhead==0 || (chainhead>=1 && chainhead<=chainmax)); used++; if(used>max_used){ max_used = used; const int nthreads = params->params[pThreads]; const int nexpr = popsize + 2*( (nthreads==0)? 1 : nthreads); if(nthreads && max_used > nexpr) cout<<"ERROR max_used increased to "<expr_id; if(id==0) return; //already freed assert(id>=1 && id<=chainmax); assert(exprptr[id]!=0); assert(chainhead==0 || (chainhead>=1 && chainhead<=chainmax)); chain[id] = chainhead; chainhead = id; assert(chainhead==0 || (chainhead>=1 && chainhead<=chainmax)); used--; assert(used>=0); chrome->expr_id = 0; //allow free_expr to be called more than once } //************************************************************************ //////////////////////ChromeParams methods ChromeParams::ChromeParams() //Set default parameters here in the constructor { varcount = 0; funccount = 0; memset(params,0,sizeof(params)); memset(params_dbl,0,sizeof(params_dbl)); memset(params_str,0,sizeof(params_str)); memset(pnames,0,sizeof(pnames)); #ifdef PDGP memset(pdgpwidth,0,sizeof(pdgpwidth)); memset(pdgpindex,0,sizeof(pdgpindex)); memset(net_limits,0,sizeof(net_limits)); pdgpheight = 0; #endif /*PDGP*/ params[pMaxExpr] = 50; // Maximum expression size in nodes params[pMaxTreeExpr] = 50; // Soft initial Maximum tree size in nodes params[pMaxHaltExpr] = 0; // Soft limit on tree size in nodes params[pUniInitWt] = 0; // Uniform (or ramped half) (out of 100) params[pInitSparse] = 0; // ramped half or sparse (cant mix them) params[pInitExpr] = 6; // Maximum initial expression depth params[pMinInitExpr] = 2; // Minimum initial expression depth params[pMinInitSizeExpr] = 3; // Minimum initial expression size params[pInitSizeExpr] = 64; // Maximum initial expression size params[pMaxDepth] = 0; // Maximum expression depth params[pMuteRate] = 100; // Node Mutation rate per 1000 params[pCrossSelf] = 1; // enable cross with self params[pUnRestrictWt] = 70; // any point crossover out of 100 params[pCrossWt] = 100; // Crossover weight params[pCross1ptWt] = 0; // One point Crossover weight params[pCrossSt1ptWt] = 0; // Strict one point Crossover weight params[pCrossFairWt] = 0; // Fair Crossover weight (out of 100) params[pCrossFairLimit] = 0; // Fair Crossover insert size limit // if <0 no limit on Fair XO insert subtree params[pCrossFHWt] = 0; // Fair Homologous weight (out of 100) params[pJoinWt] = 0; // Join two trees with new binary node params[pMuteCrossWt] = 0; // Crossover folowed by mutate (out of 100) params[pMuteWt] = 30; // overall Mutation weight params[pAnnealCrossWt] = 0; // Crossover Annealing Weight params[pAnnealMuteWt] = 0; // Mutate Annealing weight params[pCopyWt] = 10; // Copy weight params[pDirCrossWt] = 0; // Directed choice of tree (given cross) params[pMuteNodeWt] = 100; // Node Mutate weight params[pMuteConstWt] = 100; // MutateC weight params[pMuteShrinkWt] = 100; // MutateShrink weight params[pMuteSubTreeWt] = 100; // MutateSubTree weight // params[pMuteFairWt]; // MutateSubTree weight (equal heights) params[pMuteFairLimit] = 0; // Size of rand_tree tables, 0 => none // -ve +-50%, +ve fairmute size limit params[pSeeds] = 0; // Number seeds to load into init pop params[pMuteSeedWt] = 100; // Chance of mutating seed out of 100 params[pSelectMethod] = ETournament; // Selection method = Tournament params[pGenerational] = 0; // Steady state or Generational params[pThreads] = 0; // If generational, how many pthreads to use params[pTournSize] = 7; // Tournament size params[pTournComp] = 0; // Used to separate ties if have pareto params[pTournOff] = 0; // Turn off selection params[pNicheSize] = 0; // Used to spread population if pareto params[pElitist] = 0; // <>0 keep best. Only for pareto so far params[pMateRadius] = 500; // Mating radius params[pGaussRegion] = 0; // Guassian mate selection 0 disable 1 enable params[pRepeatEval] = 0; // Repeat eval on copy? 0 no 1 yes params[pKillTourn] = 2; // Size of "Kill Tournament" for replacement params[pMaxAge] = 2000; // Maximum age before replaced even if better params[pParsimony] = 0; // Parsimony factor params[pFitnessCases] = 20; // # fitness cases params[pStoreFit] = 0; //Dont test fitness of unchanged code params[pCPU] = 0; params[pNeighbours] = 20000; // number of neighbours analysed by ALL params[pSAANWt] = 100; params_dbl[pStartTemp] = 0; //Accept same or better fitness params_dbl[pEndTemp] = 0; //Linear temp change params_dbl[pSamePen] = -1; // -1 >= subtract 0.5 else fitness*=x params_dbl[pAllMinFit] = 24; // min fitness to be analysed by ALL // set pnames. Could be done as preset but this avoid order change problems strcpy(pnames[pPopSize], "pPopSize" ); strcpy(pnames[pGenerateLimit], "pGenerateLimit" ); strcpy(pnames[pPopSeed], "pPopSeed" ); strcpy(pnames[pTestSeed], "pTestSeed" ); strcpy(pnames[pTrace], "pTrace" ); strcpy(pnames[pMaxExpr], "pMaxExpr" ); strcpy(pnames[pMaxTreeExpr], "pMaxTreeExpr" ); strcpy(pnames[pMaxHaltExpr], "pMaxHaltExpr" ); strcpy(pnames[pUniInitWt], "pUniInitWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pInitSparse], "pInitSparse" ); strcpy(pnames[pInitExpr], "pInitExpr" ); strcpy(pnames[pMinInitExpr], "pMinInitExpr" ); strcpy(pnames[pMinInitSizeExpr], "pMinInitSizeExpr" ); strcpy(pnames[pInitSizeExpr], "pInitSizeExpr" ); strcpy(pnames[pMaxDepth], "pMaxDepth" ); strcpy(pnames[pMuteRate], "pMuteRate" ); strcpy(pnames[pCrossSelf], "pCrossSelf" ); strcpy(pnames[pUnRestrictWt], "pUnRestrictWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pCrossWt], "pCrossWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pCross1ptWt], "pCross1ptWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pCrossSt1ptWt], "pCrossSt1ptWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pCrossFairWt], "pCrossFairWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pCrossFairLimit], "pCrossFairLimit" ); strcpy(pnames[pCrossFHWt], "pCrossFHWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pJoinWt], "pJoinWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pMuteCrossWt], "pMuteCrossWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pMuteWt], "pMuteWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pMuteNodeWt], "pMuteNodeWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pMuteConstWt], "pMuteConstWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pMuteShrinkWt], "pMuteShrinkWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pMuteSubTreeWt], "pMuteSubTreeWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pMuteFairWt], "pMuteFairWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pMuteFairLimit], "pMuteFairLimit" ); strcpy(pnames[pAnnealMuteWt], "pAnnealMuteWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pAnnealCrossWt], "pAnnealCrossWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pSeeds], "pSeeds" ); strcpy(pnames[pMuteSeedWt], "pMuteSeedWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pCopyWt], "pCopyWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pDirCrossWt], "pDirCrossWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pSelectMethod], "pSelectMethod" ); strcpy(pnames[pGenerational], "pGenerational" ); strcpy(pnames[pThreads], "pThreads" ); strcpy(pnames[pTournSize], "pTournSize" ); strcpy(pnames[pTournComp], "pTournComp" ); strcpy(pnames[pTournOff], "pTournOff" ); strcpy(pnames[pNicheSize], "pNicheSize" ); strcpy(pnames[pElitist], "pElitist" ); strcpy(pnames[pPopWidth], "pPopWidth" ); strcpy(pnames[pDemeWidth], "pDemeWidth" ); strcpy(pnames[pMateRadius], "pMateRadius" ); strcpy(pnames[pGaussRegion], "pGaussRegion" ); strcpy(pnames[pRepeatEval], "pRepeatEval" ); strcpy(pnames[pKillTourn], "pKillTourn" ); strcpy(pnames[pMaxAge], "pMaxAge" ); strcpy(pnames[pParsimony], "pParsimony" ); strcpy(pnames[pFitnessCases], "pFitnessCases" ); strcpy(pnames[pStoreFit], "pStoreFit" ); strcpy(pnames[pCPU], "pCPU" ); strcpy(pnames[pNeighbours], "pNeighbours" ); strcpy(pnames[pPDGPinit], "pPDGPinit" ); strcpy(pnames[pSAANWt], "pSAANWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pSIANWt], "pSIANWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pSAINWt], "pSAINWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pSIINWt], "pSIINWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pSSAANWt], "pSSAANWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pSSIANWt], "pSSIANWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pSSAINWt], "pSSAINWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pSSIINWt], "pSSIINWt" ); strcpy(pnames[pPDGP], "pPDGPwidth" ); strcpy(pnames[pStartTemp+PARAM_DBL_OFF], "pStartTemp" ); strcpy(pnames[pEndTemp +PARAM_DBL_OFF], "pEndTemp" ); strcpy(pnames[pSamePen +PARAM_DBL_OFF], "pSamePen" ); strcpy(pnames[pAllMinFit+PARAM_DBL_OFF], "pAllMinFit" ); strcpy(pnames[pDumpfile1+PARAM_STR_OFF], "pDumpfile1" ); strcpy(pnames[pDumpfile2+PARAM_STR_OFF], "pDumpfile2" ); strcpy(pnames[pZipCmd +PARAM_STR_OFF], "pZipCmd" ); strcpy(pnames[pPopfile +PARAM_STR_OFF], "pPopfile" ); } ChromeParams::~ChromeParams() { } void ChromeParams::Load(istream& in ) { const int len = 22+param_str_size;//maximum line length+1 of gp.ini char buff[len]; for(; in.getline(buff,len), strlen(buff)>0; ) { // cout<<"getline returned "<