- absorption, 221, 236
- absurdity, 409, 411
- ACL, 459
- acoustic signal classification, 326
- adaptability, 396
- adaptive crossover, 259
- adaptive destruction, 263
- adaptive Occam method, 429
- ADATE, 268, 276
- adder problems, 307
- affinity, 359
- agent communication language, 459
- AIM-GP, 275-299
- aligned homologous crossover, 275, 290-291
- analog lowpass filter, 119
- and-or query problem, 135, 156-158
- angle criterion, 49
- annotation array, 286
- anti-idiotype excitation, 360
- antigens, 357
- applicative order genetic programming, 19
- artificial ant, 175-177, 199, 378, 382, 389-392
- artificial life, 425
- artificial neural networks, 326, 351
- ASHRAE Competition, 415-416, 418
- atom mode, 18-25
- auto-parallelization, 15
- automatic programming, 276
- automatically defined functions, 219, 233, 265, 292
- basis functions
- definition, 405
- determination by GP, 403, 406
- integration into a regression model, 406
- selection, 407, 409
- update or timely renewal, 421
- beowulf-style computer, 15, 123
- bias, removal, 183, 266
- bias-variance dilemma, 267
- binary trees
- distribution of, 167, 185
- number of, 167, 185
- bloat, 7-8, 10, 163, 243, 266, 384, 389
- as protection, 179
- continuous fitness function, 176
- despite stability penalty, 185
- in dynamic problems, 185
- reducing operators, 187
- with variable length chromosomes, 168
- Boolean classification problems, 301
- breeding strategies, 451-452
- bucket-brigade, 325
- building block hypothesis, 245, 246
- building blocks, 8, 218, 248, 377, 381, 391, 396
- biological, 233
- in genetic algorithms, 217-218
- in genetic programming, 217-219, 233-235
- stable, 265
- building numerical constants, 233, 236
- CAD, 6, 41
- CAD expression, 45
- cart centering problem, 199
- catchments, 89
- CFG-GP, 90
- character recognition problem, 9, 310
- circuit synthesis, 7, 105
- circuit-constructing functions, 110-113
- code growth, 7-8, 163
- coevolution, 266
- coevolutionary fitness switching, 10, 425-443
- combination problem, 69-78
- COMBINE, 69-78
- communication, 448
- compiling genetic programming system, 275
- compositionality, 68-69
- computational basis vector, 137
- computational effort, 413-414, 419
- computer-aided design, 6, 41
- conceptual dependency theory, 67
- conditional phase gate, 141, 154
- construction engineer, 42
- construction operator, 47
- constructive solid geometry, 42, 47
- context-free grammar, 89-90
- context-preserving mutation, 362
- controlled NOT gate, 139-140, 154
- cooperation, 447
- cooperative behaviour, 425, 429-431, 433-434, 440, 443, 447
- cosmetics, 63
- covariance theorem, 170, 246
- credit assignment, 325
- credit-blame map, 332
- cross structure, 59
- crossover
- adaptive, 259
- applying a credit-blame map, 340-341
- cut and splice, 362
- depth-dependent, 377-399
- graph, 325
- self-tuning depth-dependent, 10, 377-399
- primitive, 47
- sequence, 47
- tree, 47
- curvature type criterion, 50
- dash-and-dribble problem, 439-440
- data dependency analysis, 16-18
- data driven model building, 401
- data manipulation, 410
- data modelling, 220
- data reduction, 43
- data regions, 410
- database search, 136, 154-156
- deadlock, 394
- decompilation, 286, 288-289
- delay lag vector, 401
- delay time, 401
- depth selection probability, 378, 380, 396
- depth-dependent crossover, 377-399
- derived terminal set, 412, 416
- design, 105
- destruction, adaptive, 263
- development-controlling functions, 118
- developmental genetic programming, 108
- DGPC, 4
- digitising, 42
- directed data dependency analysis, 16-34
- Discipulus, 9, 283, 303
- distance criterion, 48
- diversity, 51, 363, 366
- division-by-zero, 409
- DNA transcription, 164, 165
- drift, 243
- dynamic fitness function, 358
- early promise problem, 149-152
- early stopping policy, 410
- efficiency, 67-68, 83-85
- electrical circuits, 7, 105-134
- 11-bit multiplexer problem, 382-389
- elimination, 221, 236
- elitism, 409
- elliptic (Cauer) filter, 121
- embedding dimension, 401, 416-417, 421
- embryo, 18, 108-110
- English grammar, 67-88
- entertainment, 63
- ephemeral random constant, 8, 220-227, 233-241
- equivalence class, 236
- ERC, 220
- ERC-centric, 222, 226
- error-correcting mechanisms, 221, 236
- even-10 parity problem, 316
- even-5 parity problem, 318
- evolution of program shapes, 184-185
- evolution strategies, 6, 45
- evolution vs. optimisation, 172
- evolutionary algorithm, 46
- evolutionary programming, 196
- evolutionary stable strategy, 232
- example dynamics, 358
- execution probability, 46
- exon, 164-165
- expected improvement, 193
- explicit credit assignment, 326
- explicit credit scores, 333
- exploration vs. exploitation, 337-338
- extra-grammaticality, 67-68
- factoring, 135-136
- fair crossover, 187
- fair subtree mutation, 174
- fast evaluation of fitness cases, 315
- fast GP implementation, 317
- features, functional, 248
- Fibonacci series, 329 50%-150%
- fair mutation, 175
- filter, 119
- finite quadric, 47
- first difference transformation, 422
- fitness causes bloat, 168
- fitness correlation coefficient, 192-193
- fitness distribution, 191-216
- fitness function, 2, 55, 120-122, 148, 408
- dynamic, 358
- MDL-based, 363
- fitness landscape, 192, 356
- analysis, 192
- fitness penalty, 225
- probability distribution function, 229-232, 235
- strategies, 236
- fitness switching, 425-426, 428, 430-431, 434, 443
- fitness-centric, 222-223
- floating point arithmetic, 291-292
- flow of control, 327
- flow of data, 327
- forecasting
- on-line or real-time, 415, 421
- runaway extension, 415, 418, 420, 422
- update extension, 415, 418, 420
- formal grammar, 90
- foveation, 330
- function identification, 220
- function sensitivity approximation, 334
- function set, 2, 47
- functional features, 248
- future time, 401
- Gaussian curvature, 44
- Gaussian mutation, 192
- gene, 233-234
- generality testing, 171
- genetic programming
- basic procedure, 2
- books, journals, conference
- proceedings, 3
- on-line resources, 3-4
- public domain implementations, 4-5
- genotype, 51, 218, 219, 233-235
- Glan Teifi catchment, 96
- GLR* parser, 75, 83
- glue, 287
- GMDH, 362
- golden mean, 329
- GP as evolutionary process, 172
- GPQUICK/GPdata, 4
- graph crossover, 325
- greedy, 381
- Grover's algorithm, 136
- growth in program size, 163
- GRR (Genetic Recursive Regression), 402, 420
- GSR (Genetic Symbolic Regression), 401-402
- Hadamard gate, 141, 153
- Hamming distance, 192
- herding, 431, 433-436, 439
- hill climbing bloat, 173
- hill climbing mutation, 92
- homing, 431, 433-436, 439
- human blood flow, 411
- hydrograph, 89
- hydrological model, 89
- ICGA, 1
- idiotypic networks, 357
- iGP, 356, 359-360, 364, 366, 369, 372
- IHACRES model, 93
- image processing, 345-347
- immune system dynamics, 357
- immune version of genetic programming, 356, 362-372
- impact step, 411, 413, 421
- implementation in C, 318
- incorporation, 236
- indexed memory, 325
- induction, 255
- inductive genetic programming, 356, 359-360, 364, 366, 369, 372
- inoperative code, 165
- instantaneous unit hydrograph, 92
- interactive evolution, 58
- internal reinforcement, 9, 325, 331
- intron, 164-165, 230-231, 237, 266
- invention machine, 7, 131-132
- inviable code, 165
- IRNP, 326
- JANUS, 68
- Java byte code, 286
- Java implementation of GP, 5
- junk DNA, 165
- ket vector, 137
- lag vector, 403
- language interfaces, 67-68
- language understanding, 67-68
- lazy evaluation, 19
- lilgp, 4, 222-223
- limiting bloat, 166
- Linda, 15
- Lisp implementation of GP, 5
- locally optimal solutions, 80-82
- locally successful sub-models, 406
- loop fusion, 26-28
- loop mode, 19, 26-33
- loop shrinking, 28-29
- lowpass filter, 7, 119
- lymphocyte clones, 357
- machine code genetic programming, 9, 275-299
- machine learning, 364-366
- machine translation, 68, 83-85
- Mackey-Glass equation, 411-412
- macromutation, 265
- majority-on problem, 152
- Mathematica, 5
- maximum entropy bloat, 169
- MDL-based fitness function, 363
- mean squared error, 408
- measurement
- of crossover, 177
- of mutation, 177
- of point mutation, 177
- mechanical engineering, 41
- medicine, 63
- Mersenne Twister, 222, 235
- Message Passing Inter face, 15
- meta-individual, 55
- micro-behaviour, 427-428, 430-431, 434, 443
- migration between evolving
- populations, 408
- minimum description length principle, 255, 267, 430
- minimum distance parsing, 68, 83-85
- modules, 266, 268
- MPI, 15
- multi-agent
- cooperation, 426
- learning, 447-466
- reinforcement learning, 464
- team, 407, 409
- multiobjective fitness measure, 120
- multivariate
- forecasting, 416
- trees, 361
- mutation, 50
- adaptive, 259
- applying a credit-blame map, 339-340
- block, 286
- context-preserving, 362
- data, 286
- Gaussian, 192
- hill climbing, 92
- instruction, 286
- tailored, 268
- mutation only bloat, 173
- naive evolution, 430, 434, 440
- Namoi River catchment, 99
- natural image classification, 326
- natural language processing, 6, 67-88
- navigation task, 449
- nearest k neighbours, 421
- negotiation, 459
- neural networks, 326, 351
- neural programming, 325, 327
- NMSE (Normalised Mean Squared Error), 408
- node participation, 325
- noise terms, 420
- non-destructive crossover, 180
- non-uniform rational B-splines, 42
- normal curvature, 44
- normal order, 19
- normal plane, 44
- normal vector, 43
- normalisation, 422
- null structure, 226, 230, 237
- NURBS, 42
- Occam's razor, 79, 267
- on-line visualisation, 59
- operative code, 165
- operators, 325
- optimisation
- incremental, 56
- multi-criterion, 48
- parameter, 45
- oracle, 149, 152-154
- orthogonal function, 407
- over-training, 410
- over fitting, 171, 410
- overflow, 409
- Pac-Man problem, 9, 262
- PADO, 9, 344
- Paragen, 5-6, 15-39
- parallel distributed genetic programming, 302
- parallel evaluation of fitness cases, 315, 318
- parallel programming, 5-6, 15, 301, 406, 413
- Parallel Virtual Machine, 15
- Parameterised Signal Primitive, 327
- parasites
- biological, 232
- genetic programming, 232
- parity problem, 316, 318
- parse repair, 67-88
- parsimony, 8, 254-256, 260-262
- criterion, 50
- parsing, 6, 67-68, 75-77, 83-85
- grammar, 67-68, 83
- partial parsing, 68, 75-77, 83-85
- patents, 7, 131-132
- pattern recognition, 42
- penalty, 409
- performance measures, 408
- person identification, 63
- perturbation theory, 420
- phenotype, 51, 218-219, 233-235
- physical object, 41, 42
- approximated, 43
- PIPE, 276
- placement, 105
- point cloud, 42
- point mutation, 178
- predator-prey problem, 425
- preprocessing, 43
- Price's covariance theorem, 8, 170, 246
- probability amplitude, 136
- probability density function, 221, 229-232
- probability of improvement, 193
- problem
- 11-bit multiplexer, 382-389
- 6-bit multiplexer, 199
- acoustic signal classification, 326
- adder, 307
- and-or query, 135, 156-158
- artificial ant, 175-177, 199, 378, 382, 389-392
- cart centering, 199
- character recognition, 9, 310
- cross-structure reconstruction, 59-63
- dash-and-dribble, 439-440
- database search, 136, 154-156
- dowel reconstruction, 54-59
- early promise, 149-152
- even-10 parity, 316
- even-5 parity, 318
- image classification, 345-347
- majority-on, 152
- navigation, 449
- Pac-Man, 9, 262
- parity, 9, 316, 318
- predator-prey, 425
- robot, 392
- scaling majority-on, 152-153
- sextic polynomial, 170
- sunspot modeling, 199
- symbolic regression, 170, 220, 234
- table transport, 425, 431, 433, 439, 443
- program
- bottom-up refinement, 264
- complexity, 243
- dynamics, 358
- landscapes, 182, 184
- search spaces, 47, 167
- shapes, 7-8, 184-185
- size, 163, 243
- top-down refinement, 265, 268
- Prolog, 5
- protective code theories of bloat, 166
- proteins, 164, 165
- PSP, 327
- PVM, 15
- Q-learning, 10, 447, 462
- quality measure, 48
- quantum
- computers, 7, 135-160
- gates, 137-141
- mechanics, 135, 420
- qubit, 136
- rainfall-runoff
- grammar, 92
- models, 6, 89-104
- random number generator, 222
- random seeds, 412
- ranking selection, 430
- rapid prototyping, 41
- recombination, 51
- reconstruction
- cross-structure, 59
- dowel, 54
- surface, 41, 42
- recursive regression, 404, 414
- redesign, 41
- reinforcement learning, 453-455, 464
- removal bias, 183, 266
- repair hypothesis, 79
- reuse, 266
- RMSE, 95
- RNA translation, 164-165
- RoboCup, 438
- robot, 392
- robotic soccer, 426, 443
- root finding, 236
- rooted-tree schema
- disruption, 258
- growth, 251
- independence, 265
- ROSE, 6, 67-88
- rotation matrix, 141
- routing, 105
- sample average, 408
- sample variance, 408
- Santa Fe Competition, 415, 418
- Santa Fe Institute, 415
- Santa Fe trail, 199
- scaling majority-on problem, 152-153
- scheduling, 37
- schema
- in genetic algorithms, 218, 245
- in genetic programming, 219, 233, 247
- independence, 246
- rooted-tree, 8, 243, 249
- schema theorem, 7, 245
- in genetic algorithms, 218
- in genetic programming, 217
- search operator, 46
- search space, 7, 47, 167
- size, 70-71
- selection, 52, 199
- comma-, 53
- elitist, 52
- fitness-proportional, 52
- plus-, 53
- ranking, 52
- tournament, 52
- selection pressure, 53
- self crossover, 177
- self tuning
- with parameter crossover, 380
- without parameter crossover, 379
- self-tuning depth-dependent crossover, 10, 377-399
- semantic replication, 409
- sensor, 43
- sequential evolution, 430, 434, 437, 440, 443
- series expansion, 402, 405
- sextic polynomial problem, 170
- SGPC, 4
- Shor's algorithm, 135-136
- short-term forecasters, 415
- silent variation, 195
- simulated annealing bloat, 172
- single-node, 219, 234
- 6-bit multiplexer problem, 199
- size, genotypic, 55
- Smalltalk, 5
- smoothness, 43
- software re-engineering, 15
- speedup techniques, 302, 315
- spurious information, 410
- square root of not, 137-138
- stack-based genetic programming, 135, 146-147
- stackless linear genome genetic programming, 135, 147-148
- state space, 402-403
- coordinate variable, 407-408, 410
- dense and coarse, 418, 421
- stereometrical primitive, 47
- stochastic iterative hillclimbing search, 82
- stochastic modelling, 420
- strict non-destructive crossover, 182, 183
- STROGANOFF, 356, 364-366, 369, 372
- structure evolution, 56
- sub-machine-code genetic programming, 301-323
- subroutine discovery, 268
- subtree
- content, 223, 226, 234
- context, 226, 230, 233, 235
- rooted, 218
- subtree fair mutation, 175
- sunspot modelling problem, 199
- super population, 408-409
- surface
- approximating, 43
- curved, 42, 46
- geometrical, 42
- physical, 42
- surface oriented CAD system, 42
- surface reconstruction, 6
- SURREAL, 6, 42
- symbiosis
- biological, 232, 238
- in genetic algorithms, 238
- in genetic programming, 232, 238
- symbol space, 402, 406
- symbolic form
- absurd, 409
- attributes, 408
- integration, 406
- symbolic regression, 170, 220, 234, 401, 402
- table transport problem, 425, 431, 433, 439, 443
- terminal set, 2, 47
- termination conditions, 410, 412
- Tetris, 234
- three-dimensional object, 41
- Tile World, 447, 450
- time series
- ASHRAE Competition, 415
- chaotic, 411-420
- characterisation technologies, 421
- deterministic and stochastic, 401, 404, 416-417, 420-421
- non-stationary, 417
- residual, 401, 404, 421
- time series prediction, 6, 10, 90, 367-368, 370
- topological information, 43
- topology preservation, 43
- topology-modifying functions, 114-118
- trained approximate fitness evaluation, 78-80
- translation systems, 67-88
- tree shapes, 167, 184-185
- tree-based homologous crossover, 291
- tree-like polynomials, 361, 364
- tree-schema, 249
- triangulation, 42
- gridded, 43
- Tschebyshev function, 408, 422
- underflow, 409
- univariate forecasting, 416-417
- vanishing z-value, 49
- variable complexity representations, 249
- variation operator, 46
- vector
- computational basis, 137
- delay lag, 401
- ket, 137
- lag, 403
- normal, 43
- viable code, 165
- virtual quantum computer, 136-143
- volume oriented CAD system, 42
- weakly-structured data, 41
- year 2000 problem, 15
- zoom-in regression, 404, 421