302: Software Engineering Methods (Autumn Term 2008)
Course wiki: https://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/lab/softeng/wiki
Lecture slides:
(1) Introduction
(2) Agile Processes & Requirements Capture
(3) Intoduction to Testing
(4) Automated Testing
(5) Models & Testing
4th year slides on XP testing & practices from guest lecturers Robert Chatleyand Nat Pryce:
(1) Incremental and Iterative Development
(2) Test-Driven Development
(3) Acceptance Testing
(4) A Day In The Life
Links (for articles, examples, tutorials, and tool downloads):
> Mountain Goat Software: The Scrum Development Process / eWeek: Microsoft Lauds Scrum Method
> Extreme Programming (XP)
> What Is Refactoring? / Refactorings in Alphabetical Order
> Test-Driven Development / Simple Smalltalk Testing: With Patterns
> The Java Modelling Language (JML)
> Spec# (modelling language for C#)
> Alloy Community
> MulSaw (Alloy-based MIT project on software reliability)
Please direct any questions about this course (including the projects) to me or Ashok Argent-Katwala.