% example of Metropolis Hastings sampling % Example is from Kaipio and Somersalo 2005, chapter 3.6 x1 = [1.5;-0.8]; % "arbitary" starting point gam = 0.5; % randome walk step length Niter = 2000; % number of iterations x = MHfunc(@(y) exp(-10*(y(1)^2 - y(2))^2 - (y(2) - 0.25)^4),x1,gam,Niter); % take mean excluding "burn in". E.g. 2nd half only burnin = floor(Niter/2); xs = x(:,burnin:Niter); ns = size(xs,2); mu = sum(xs,2)/ns; covar = (xs*xs')/ns - mu*mu'; xlo = -2; dx = 0.05; xhi = 2; d = [xlo:dx:xhi]; nd = size(d,2); im = zeros(nd,nd); for i = 1:nd for j = 1:nd xx = [d(i);d(j)]; im(j,i) = exp(-10*(xx(1)^2 - xx(2))^2 - (xx(2) - 0.25)^4) ; end end figure(1); clf; imagesc((im));title(['Metropolis-Hastings Sampling : \gamma = ',num2str(gam)]); hold on; plot((x(1,:)-xlo)/dx+1,(x(2,:)-xlo)/dx+1,'w.'); plot((x(1,1)-xlo)/dx+1,(x(2,1)-xlo)/dx+1,'m*'); plot((x(1,Niter)-xlo)/dx+1,(x(2,Niter)-xlo)/dx+1,'k*'); plot((mu(1)-xlo)/dx+1,(mu(2)-xlo)/dx+1,'ro'); [V,D] = eigs(covar); w = diag(D); %e1 = [mu(1) - 5*w(1)*V(1,1), mu(1) + 5*w(1)*V(1,1);mu(2) - 5*w(1)*V(2,2), mu(2) + 5*w(1)*V(2,2) ]; %e2 = [mu(1) - 5*w(2)*V(1,2), mu(1) + 5*w(2)*V(1,2);mu(2) - 5*w(2)*V(2,2), mu(2) + 5*w(2)*V(2,2) ]; e1 = [mu - 5*w(1)*V(:,1),mu + 5*w(1)*V(:,1)]; e2 = [mu - 5*w(2)*V(:,2),mu + 5*w(2)*V(:,2)]; plot((e1(1,:)-xlo)/dx+1,(e1(2,:)-xlo)/dx+1,'y');axis equal; plot((e2(1,:)-xlo)/dx+1,(e2(2,:)-xlo)/dx+1,'y');axis equal;