Mathematica Code

This page is for the Mathematica code for computing Green's functions, as described in
Arridge, S.R., Cope, M., Delpy, D.T., 1992, "Theoretical basis for the determination of optical pathlengths in tissue : temporal and frequency analysis", Physics in Medicine and Biology, 37(7), 1532-1560.

In each case the code is a Mathematica package with (some) help files written. To load one of the packages type this in Mathematica:
<< "filename.m"
To check it is loaded type
which should give something like
Out[2]= {"CircleGreensFunctions`", "Global`", "System`"}

To find the list of supported functions use :
?? name-of-package
For example :
?? CircleGreensFunctions
which should list something like
CircleGreensFunctions supplies various functions for calculating Green's functions of the diffusion equation on an homogeneous circle

Functions supplied (use ? for help) :

To find the exact calling format for the function, use '?' followed by function name. For example
CircleComplexData[filename, a, s, r, ref, nang, mhz,P] calculates complex intensity on the surface of a circle.
 a is value of mua in mm^-1
 s is value of reduced mus (i.e. (1-g)mus) in mm^-1
 r is radius of circle in mm
 ref is refractive index
 nang is number of angles in half the circumference e.g if nang is 16,
  32 angles are output, plus 0 degrees.
 mhz is frequency in MHz
 P is working precision. (I suggest 50)
 filename is an output file -
  NOTE : filename must be supplied with quotes,
  so that Mathematica interprets it as a string.

 Returned Value : {angle (list),complex_intensity (list),frequency (number)}
soln=CircleComplexData["circ.results",0.025, 2, 25, 1.4, 16, 200, 50];

Mathematica Packages for downloading
