Where is Peter?
Peter is part of the AI Centre and the Intelligent Systems Group at UCL CS. At present he prefers videoconferencing for meetings. Please arrange an appointment by email if you'd like to see him.
he may be at one of these forthcoming work-related events:
- 27-29 Sept 2016 EU reviewer for SUBCULTRON, Zagreb, Croatia.
- 5-19 Jan 2017 Visiting NII, Tokyo, Japan.
- 1 Feb 2017 Examining PhD student at Keele University.
- 11 February 2017 Speaking at Mathscon Panel Discussion: will machines ever out-think us?, Imperial College London.
- 20 February 2017 Lecture for MSc on Adaptive Architecture and Computation, Bartlett, UCL.
- 23 February 2017 Hosting dinner event on AI, Churchill War Rooms.
- 6 March 2017 Speaking at AI event "START x IB London: How AI will shape the world", Imperial College Business School, London.
- 19 May 2017 Giving a Talking Science Lecture "AI in the Year 2040", Daresbury Laboratories.
- 24-26 May 2017 Visiting research labs and giving an invited talk. Asturias, Spain.
- 20 June 2017 Invited Speaker at COGX 2017, London.
- 4 July 2017 Speaking at Panel Debate for government and businesses "Putting Britain & UK plc at the forefront of the 4th Industrial Revolution", London.
- 17-19 July 2017 Consulting for MedLab. Madrid, Spain.
- 29 November 2017 Attending IEEE Future Technologies Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
- 30 Nov-1 December 2017 Presenting paper at IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) (SSCI 2017) Honolulu, Hawaii.
- 17 May 2018 Giving keynote at Rise of AI Conference, Berlin.
- 31 May-1 June 2018 Giving keynote at European Industrial Research Management Association - Annual Conference in Lyon, France.
- 17th July-3 August 2018 Visiting NII, Tokyo and attending ALife 2018, Tokyo.
- 19th August-25th August 2018 Attending 2018 IEEE 26th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), Banff, Canada.
- 7th September 2018 Giving keynote at IntelliSys Conference, London.
- 24th September 2018 Assessor for ASSISI EU project, Linz.
- 17th October 2018 Invited speaker for Your Future, Your Ambition, Emirates Stadium, London.
- 29th November 2018 Giving keynote at Thailand Management Day 2018, Siam Kempinski Hotel Bangkok, Thailand.
- 15th May 2019 Invited speaker at the Asian Leadership Conference 2019, The Shilla Seoul, Seoul, S. Korea.
- June 2019 Attending 2019 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), Wellington, New Zealand.
- 29 July-2 August 2019 Attending and organising ABMHuB Workshop at the 2019 Conference on Artificial Life (ALIFE), Newcastle, UK.
- 5th September 2019 Judging and giving keynote at the SeedAward European Semi Final, RSA House, London.
- 10th November-17th November 2019 Judging at the SeedAward Final, Shenzhen, China.
- Most of 2020 and 2021 - in lockdown :(
- 4th-12th October 2021 Presenting paper at IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), Mauritius.
- 8th-13th July 2022 Presenting paper at the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2022), Boston.
- 10th-14th September 2022 Presenting paper at the Seventeenth International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN 2022), Dortmund, Germany.
If you are having trouble contacting Peter and need to
reach him urgently, try emailing: peter at peterjbentley
dot com