function varargout = spm_list(varargin) % Display and analysis of SPM{.} % FORMAT TabDat = spm_list('List',SPM,hReg,[Num,Dis,Str]) % Summary list of local maxima for entire volume of interest % FORMAT TabDat = spm_list('ListCluster',SPM,hReg,[Num,Dis,Str]) % List of local maxima for a single suprathreshold cluster % % SPM - structure containing SPM, distribution & filtering details % - required fields are: % .swd - SPM working directory - directory containing current SPM.mat % .Z - minimum of n Statistics {filtered on u and k} % .n - number of conjoint tests % .STAT - distribution {Z, T, X or F} % .df - degrees of freedom [df{interest}, df{residual}] % .u - height threshold % .k - extent threshold {voxels} % .XYZ - location of voxels {voxel coords} % .XYZmm - location of voxels {mm} % .S - search Volume {voxels} % .R - search Volume {resels} % .FWHM - smoothness {voxels} % .M - voxels - > mm matrix % .VOX - voxel dimensions {mm} % .Vspm - mapped statistic image(s) % .Ps - uncorrected P values in searched volume (for FDR) % .thresDesc - description of height threshold (string) % % (see spm_getSPM for further details of xSPM structures) % % hReg - Handle of results section XYZ registry (see spm_results_ui.m) % % Num - number of maxima per cluster % Dis - distance among clusters (mm) % Str - header string % % TabDat - Structure containing table data % - fields are % .tit - table Title (string) % .hdr - table header (2x11 cell array) % .fmt - fprintf format strings for table data (1x11 cell array) % .str - table filtering note (string) % .ftr - table footnote information (4x2 cell array) % .dat - table data (Nx11 cell array) % % ---------------- % % FORMAT spm_list('TxtList',TabDat,c,fnm) % Prints a tab-delimited text version of the table to the screen or file fnm % TabDat - Structure containing table data (format as above) % c - Column of table data to start text table at (defaults to 1) % (E.g. c=3 doesn't print set-level results contained in columns 1 & 2) % fnm - Filename for output (defaults to print to the screen) % ---------------- % % FORMAT spm_list('SetCoords',xyz,hAx,hC) % Highlighting of table co-ordinates (used by results section registry) % xyz - 3-vector of new co-ordinate % hAx - table axis (the registry object for tables) % hReg - Handle of caller (not used) %_______________________________________________________________________ % % spm_list characterizes SPMs (thresholded at u and k) in terms of % excursion sets (a collection of face, edge and vertex connected % subsets or clusters). The currected significance of the results are % based on set, cluster and voxel-level inferences using distributional % approximations from the Theory of Gaussian Fields. These % distributions assume that the SPM is a reasonable lattice % approximation of a continuous random field with known component field % smoothness. % % The p values are based on the probability of obtaining c, or more, % clusters of k, or more, resels above u, in the volume S analysed = % P(u,k,c). For specified thresholds u, k, the set-level inference is % based on the observed number of clusters C, = P(u,k,C). For each % cluster of size K the cluster-level inference is based on P(u,K,1) % and for each voxel (or selected maxima) of height U, in that cluster, % the voxel-level inference is based on P(U,0,1). All three levels of % inference are supported with a tabular presentation of the p values % and the underlying statistic: % % Set-level - c = number of suprathreshold clusters % - P = prob(c or more clusters in the search volume) % % Cluster-level - k = number of voxels in this cluster % - Pc = prob(k or more voxels in the search volume) % - Pu = prob(k or more voxels in a cluster) % % Voxel-level - T/F = Statistic upon which the SPM is based % - Ze = The eqivalent Z score - prob(Z > Ze) = prob(t > T) % - Pc = prob(Ze or higher in the search volume) % - Qu = Expd(Prop of false positives among voxels >= Ze) % - Pu = prob(Ze or higher at that voxel) % % x,y,z (mm) - Coordinates of the voxel % % The table is grouped by regions and sorted on the Ze-variate of the % primary maxima. Ze-variates (based on the uncorrected p value) are the % Z score equivalent of the statistic. Volumes are expressed in voxels. % % Clicking on values in the table returns the value to the Matlab % workspace. In addition, clicking on the co-ordinates jumps the % results section cursor to that location. The table has a context menu % (obtained by right-clicking in the background of the table), % providing options to print the current table as a text table, or to % extract the table data to the Matlab workspace. % %__________________________________________________________________________ % Copyright (C) 2005 Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience % Karl Friston & Andrew Holmes % $Id: spm_list.m 783 2007-04-04 12:54:03Z james $ % satellite figure global variable %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- global SatWindow %========================================================================== switch lower(varargin{1}), case 'list' %-List %========================================================================== % FORMAT TabDat = spm_list('list',SPM,hReg) %-Tolerance for p-value underflow, when computing equivalent Z's %---------------------------------------------------------------------- tol = eps*10; %-Parse arguments and set maxima number and separation %---------------------------------------------------------------------- if nargin < 2, error('insufficient arguments'), end if nargin < 3, hReg = []; else, hReg = varargin{3}; end %-Get current location (to highlight selected voxel in table) %---------------------------------------------------------------------- xyzmm = spm_results_ui('GetCoords'); %-Extract data from xSPM %---------------------------------------------------------------------- S = varargin{2}.S; VOX = varargin{2}.VOX; DIM = varargin{2}.DIM; n = varargin{2}.n; STAT = varargin{2}.STAT; df = varargin{2}.df; u = varargin{2}.u; M = varargin{2}.M; k = varargin{2}.k; QPs = varargin{2}.Ps; try thresDesc = sprintf('{%s}', varargin{2}.thresDesc); catch thresDesc = ''; end if STAT~='P' R = varargin{2}.R; FWHM = varargin{2}.FWHM; end try units = varargin{2}.units; catch units = {'mm' 'mm' 'mm'}; end units{1} = [units{1} ' ']; units{2} = [units{2} ' ']; DIM = DIM > 1; % dimensions VOX = VOX(DIM); % scaling if STAT~='P' FWHM = FWHM(DIM); % Full width at max/2 FWmm = FWHM.*VOX; % FWHM {units} v2r = 1/prod(FWHM); % voxels to resels k = k*v2r; % extent threshold in resels R(find(~DIM) + 1) = []; % eliminate null resel counts end QPs = sort(QPs(:)); % Needed for FDR %-get number and separation for maxima to be reported %---------------------------------------------------------------------- if length(varargin) > 3 Num = varargin{4}; % number of maxima per cluster Dis = varargin{5}; % distance among clusters (mm) else Num = 3; Dis = 8; end if length(varargin) > 5 Title = varargin{6}; else Title = 'p-values adjusted for search volume'; end %-Setup graphics panel %---------------------------------------------------------------------- spm('Pointer','Watch') if SatWindow Fgraph = SatWindow; figure(Fgraph); else Fgraph = spm_figure('GetWin','Graphics'); end spm_results_ui('Clear',Fgraph) FS = spm('FontSizes'); %-Scaled font sizes PF = spm_platform('fonts'); %-Font names (for this platform) %-Table header & footer %====================================================================== %-Table axes & Title %---------------------------------------------------------------------- if SatWindow, ht = 0.85; bot = .14; else, ht = 0.4; bot = .1; end; if STAT == 'P' Title = 'Posterior Probabilities'; end hAx = axes('Position',[0.025 bot 0.9 ht],... 'DefaultTextFontSize',FS(8),... 'DefaultTextInterpreter','Tex',... 'DefaultTextVerticalAlignment','Baseline',... 'Units','points',... 'Visible','off'); AxPos = get(hAx,'Position'); set(hAx,'YLim',[0,AxPos(4)]) dy = FS(9); y = floor(AxPos(4)) - dy; text(0,y,['Statistics: \it\fontsize{',num2str(FS(9)),'}',Title],... 'FontSize',FS(11),'FontWeight','Bold'); y = y - dy/2; line([0 1],[y y],'LineWidth',3,'Color','r'), y = y - 9*dy/8; %-Construct table header %---------------------------------------------------------------------- set(gca,'DefaultTextFontName',PF.helvetica,'DefaultTextFontSize',FS(8)) Hc = []; Hp = []; h = text(0.01,y, 'set-level','FontSize',FS(9)); Hc = [Hc,h]; h = line([0,0.11],[1,1]*(y-dy/4),'LineWidth',0.5,'Color','r'); Hc = [Hc,h]; h = text(0.08,y-9*dy/8, '\itc '); Hc = [Hc,h]; h = text(0.02,y-9*dy/8, '\itp '); Hc = [Hc,h]; Hp = [Hp,h]; text(0.22,y, 'cluster-level','FontSize',FS(9)); line([0.15,0.41],[1,1]*(y-dy/4),'LineWidth',0.5,'Color','r'); h = text(0.16,y-9*dy/8, '\itp \rm_{corrected}'); Hp = [Hp,h]; h = text(0.33,y-9*dy/8, '\itp \rm_{uncorrected}'); Hp = [Hp,h]; h = text(0.26,y-9*dy/8, '\itk \rm_E'); text(0.60,y, 'voxel-level','FontSize',FS(9)); line([0.46,0.86],[1,1]*(y-dy/4),'LineWidth',0.5,'Color','r'); h = text(0.46,y-9*dy/8, '\itp \rm_{FWE-corr}'); Hp = [Hp,h]; h = text(0.55,y-9*dy/8, '\itp \rm_{FDR-corr}'); Hp = [Hp,h]; h = text(0.79,y-9*dy/8, '\itp \rm_{uncorrected}'); Hp = [Hp,h]; h = text(0.64,y-9*dy/8, sprintf('\\it%c',STAT)); h = text(0.72,y-9*dy/8, '(\itZ\rm_\equiv)'); text(0.93,y - dy/2,[units{:}],'Fontsize',FS(8)); %-Headers for text table... %----------------------------------------------------------------------- TabDat.tit = Title; TabDat.hdr = { 'set', 'c';... 'set', 'p';... 'cluster', 'p(cor)';... 'cluster', 'equivk';... 'cluster', 'p(unc)';... 'voxel', 'p(FWE-cor)';... 'voxel', 'p(FDR-cor)';... 'voxel', STAT;... 'voxel', 'equivZ';... 'voxel', 'p(unc)';... '', 'x,y,z {mm}'}';... TabDat.fmt = { '%-0.3f','%g',... %-Set '%0.3f', '%0.0f', '%0.3f',... %-Cluster '%0.3f', '%0.3f', '%6.2f', '%5.2f', '%0.3f',... %-Voxel '%3.0f %3.0f %3.0f'}; %-XYZ %-Column Locations %---------------------------------------------------------------------- tCol = [ 0.00 0.07 ... %-Set 0.16 0.26 0.34 ... %-Cluster 0.46 0.55 0.62 0.71 0.80 ... %-Voxel 0.92]; %-XYZ % move to next vertial postion marker %---------------------------------------------------------------------- y = y - 7*dy/4; line([0 1],[y y],'LineWidth',1,'Color','r') y = y - 5*dy/4; y0 = y; %-Table filtering note %----------------------------------------------------------------------- if isinf(Num) TabDat.str = sprintf('table shows all local maxima > %.1fmm apart',Dis); else TabDat.str = sprintf(['table shows %d local maxima ',... 'more than %.1fmm apart'],Num,Dis); end text(0.5,4,TabDat.str,'HorizontalAlignment','Center','FontName',PF.helvetica,... 'FontSize',FS(8),'FontAngle','Italic') %-Volume, resels and smoothness (if classical inference) %----------------------------------------------------------------------- line([0 1],[0 0],'LineWidth',1,'Color','r') if STAT ~= 'P' %----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pz = spm_P(1,0,u,df,STAT,1,n,S); Pu = spm_P(1,0,u,df,STAT,R,n,S); Qu = spm_P_FDR(u,df,STAT,n,QPs); [P Pn Em En EN] = spm_P(1,k,u,df,STAT,R,n,S); %-Footnote with SPM parameters %----------------------------------------------------------------------- set(gca,'DefaultTextFontName',PF.helvetica,... 'DefaultTextInterpreter','None','DefaultTextFontSize',FS(8)) = cell(5,2);{1} = ... sprintf('Height threshold: %c = %0.2f, p = %0.3f (%0.3f) %s',... STAT,u,Pz,Pu,thresDesc);{2} = ... sprintf('Extent threshold: k = %0.0f voxels, p = %0.3f (%0.3f)',... k/v2r,Pn,P);{3} = ... sprintf('Expected voxels per cluster, = %0.3f',En/v2r);{4} = ... sprintf('Expected number of clusters, = %0.2f',Em*Pn);{5} = ... sprintf('Expected false discovery rate, <= %0.2f',Qu);{6} = ... sprintf('Degrees of freedom = [%0.1f, %0.1f]',df);{7} = ... ['FWHM = ' sprintf('%0.1f ', FWmm) units{:} '; ' ... sprintf('%0.1f ', FWHM) '{voxels}; '];{8} = ... sprintf('Volume: %0.0f; %0.0f voxels; %0.1f resels', ... S*prod(VOX),S,R(end));{9} = ... ['Voxel size: ' sprintf('%0.1f ',VOX) units{:} '; ' ... sprintf('(resel = %0.2f voxels)',prod(FWHM))]; text(0.0,-1*dy,{1},... 'UserData',[u,Pz,Pu,Qu],'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo,''UserData'')') text(0.0,-2*dy,{2},... 'UserData',[k/v2r,Pn,P],'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo,''UserData'')') text(0.0,-3*dy,{3},... 'UserData',En/v2r,'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo,''UserData'')') text(0.0,-4*dy,{4},... 'UserData',Em*Pn,'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo,''UserData'')') text(0.0,-5*dy,{5},... 'UserData',Qu,'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo,''UserData'')') text(0.5,-1*dy,{6},... 'UserData',df,'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo,''UserData'')') text(0.5,-2*dy,{7},... 'UserData',FWmm,'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo,''UserData'')') text(0.5,-3*dy,{8},... 'UserData',[S*prod(VOX),S,R(end)],... 'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo,''UserData'')') text(0.5,-4*dy,{9},... 'UserData',[VOX,prod(FWHM)],... 'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo,''UserData'')') else = {}; end %-Characterize excursion set in terms of maxima % (sorted on Z values and grouped by regions) %====================================================================== if ~length(varargin{2}.Z) text(0.5,y-6*dy,'no suprathreshold clusters',... 'HorizontalAlignment','Center',... 'FontAngle','Italic','FontWeight','Bold',... 'FontSize',FS(16),'Color',[1,1,1]*.5); TabDat.dat = cell(0,11); varargout = {TabDat}; spm('Pointer','Arrow') return end % Includes Darren Gitelman's code for working around % spm_max for conjunctions with negative thresholds %---------------------------------------------------------------------- minz = abs(min(min(varargin{2}.Z))); zscores = 1 + minz + varargin{2}.Z; [N Z XYZ A] = spm_max(zscores,varargin{2}.XYZ); Z = Z - minz - 1; %-Convert cluster sizes from voxels to resels %---------------------------------------------------------------------- if STAT~='P' if isfield(varargin{2},'VRvp') V2R = spm_get_data(varargin{2}.VRvp,XYZ); else V2R = v2r; end N = N.*V2R; end %-Convert maxima locations from voxels to mm %---------------------------------------------------------------------- XYZmm = M(1:3,:)*[XYZ; ones(1,size(XYZ,2))]; %-Table proper (& note all data in cell array) %====================================================================== %-Pagination variables %---------------------------------------------------------------------- hPage = []; set(gca,'DefaultTextFontName',PF.courier,'DefaultTextFontSize',FS(7)) %-Set-level p values {c} - do not display if reporting a single cluster %---------------------------------------------------------------------- c = max(A); %-Number of clusters if STAT ~= 'P' Pc = spm_P(c,k,u,df,STAT,R,n,S); %-Set-level p-value else Pc = []; set(Hp,'Visible','off') end if c > 1; h = text(tCol(1),y,sprintf(TabDat.fmt{1},Pc),'FontWeight','Bold',... 'UserData',Pc,'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo,''UserData'')'); hPage = [hPage, h]; h = text(tCol(2),y,sprintf(TabDat.fmt{2},c),'FontWeight','Bold',... 'UserData',c,'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo,''UserData'')'); hPage = [hPage, h]; else set(Hc,'Visible','off') end TabDat.dat = {Pc,c}; %-Table data TabLin = 1; %-Table data line %-Local maxima p-values & statistics %---------------------------------------------------------------------- HlistXYZ = []; while prod(size(find(finite(Z)))) % Paginate if necessary %------------------------------------------------------------------ if y < min(Num + 1,3)*dy % added Fgraph term to paginate on Satellite window %-------------------------------------------------------------- h = text(0.5,-5*dy,... sprintf('Page %d',spm_figure('#page',Fgraph)),... 'FontName',PF.helvetica,'FontAngle','Italic',... 'FontSize',FS(8)); spm_figure('NewPage',[hPage,h]) hPage = []; y = y0; end %-Find largest remaining local maximum %------------------------------------------------------------------ [U,i] = max(Z); % largest maxima j = find(A == A(i)); % maxima in cluster %-Compute cluster {k} and voxel-level {u} p values for this cluster %------------------------------------------------------------------- if STAT~='P' Nv= N(i)/v2r; % extent {voxels} else Nv =N(i); end if STAT ~= 'P' Pz = spm_P(1,0, U,df,STAT,1,n,S); % uncorrected p value Pu = spm_P(1,0, U,df,STAT,R,n,S); % FWE-corrected {based on Z) Qu = spm_P_FDR( U,df,STAT,n,QPs); % FDR-corrected {based on Z) [Pk Pn] = spm_P(1,N(i),u,df,STAT,R,n,S); % [un]corrected {based on k) if Pz < tol % Equivalent Z-variate Ze = Inf; % (underflow => can't compute) else Ze = spm_invNcdf(1 - Pz); end else Pz = []; Pu = []; Qu = []; Pk = []; Pn = []; Ze = spm_invNcdf(U); end %-Print cluster and maximum voxel-level p values {Z} %--------------------------------------------------------------- h = text(tCol(3),y,sprintf(TabDat.fmt{3},Pk),'FontWeight','Bold',... 'UserData',Pk,'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo,''UserData'')'); hPage = [hPage, h]; h = text(tCol(4),y,sprintf(TabDat.fmt{4},Nv),'FontWeight','Bold',... 'UserData',Nv,'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo,''UserData'')'); hPage = [hPage, h]; h = text(tCol(5),y,sprintf(TabDat.fmt{5},Pn),'FontWeight','Bold',... 'UserData',Pn,'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo,''UserData'')'); hPage = [hPage, h]; h = text(tCol(6),y,sprintf(TabDat.fmt{6},Pu),'FontWeight','Bold',... 'UserData',Pu,'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo,''UserData'')'); hPage = [hPage, h]; h = text(tCol(7),y,sprintf(TabDat.fmt{7},Qu),'FontWeight','Bold',... 'UserData',Qu,'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo,''UserData'')'); hPage = [hPage, h]; h = text(tCol(8),y,sprintf(TabDat.fmt{8},U),'FontWeight','Bold',... 'UserData',U,'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo,''UserData'')'); hPage = [hPage, h]; h = text(tCol(9),y,sprintf(TabDat.fmt{9},Ze),'FontWeight','Bold',... 'UserData',Ze,'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo,''UserData'')'); hPage = [hPage, h]; h = ... text(tCol(10),y,sprintf(TabDat.fmt{10},Pz),'FontWeight','Bold',... 'UserData',Pz,'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo,''UserData'')'); hPage = [hPage, h]; % Specifically changed so it properly finds hMIPax %------------------------------------------------------------------ h = text(tCol(11),y,sprintf(TabDat.fmt{11},XYZmm(:,i)),... 'FontWeight','Bold',... 'Tag','ListXYZ',... 'ButtonDownFcn',[... 'hMIPax = findobj(''tag'',''hMIPax'');',... 'spm_mip_ui(''SetCoords'',get(gcbo,''UserData''),hMIPax);'],... 'Interruptible','off','BusyAction','Cancel',... 'UserData',XYZmm(:,i)); HlistXYZ = [HlistXYZ, h]; if spm_XYZreg('Edist',xyzmm,XYZmm(:,i)) Dis mm apart) %------------------------------------------------------------------ [l q] = sort(-Z(j)); % sort on Z value D = i; for i = 1:length(q) d = j(q(i)); if min(sqrt(sum((XYZmm(:,D)-XYZmm(:,d)*ones(1,size(D,2))).^2)))>Dis; if length(D) < Num % Paginate if necessary %------------------------------------------------------ if y < dy h = text(0.5,-5*dy,sprintf('Page %d',... spm_figure('#page',Fgraph)),... 'FontName',PF.helvetica,... 'FontAngle','Italic',... 'FontSize',FS(8)); spm_figure('NewPage',[hPage,h]) hPage = []; y = y0; end % voxel-level p values {Z} %------------------------------------------------------ if STAT ~= 'P' Pz = spm_P(1,0,Z(d),df,STAT,1,n,S); Pu = spm_P(1,0,Z(d),df,STAT,R,n,S); Qu = spm_P_FDR(Z(d),df,STAT,n,QPs); if Pz < tol Ze = Inf; else, Ze = spm_invNcdf(1 - Pz); end else Pz = []; Pu = []; Qu = []; Ze = spm_invNcdf(Z(d)); end h = text(tCol(6),y,sprintf(TabDat.fmt{6},Pu),... 'UserData',Pu,... 'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo,''UserData'')'); hPage = [hPage, h]; h = text(tCol(7),y,sprintf(TabDat.fmt{7},Qu),... 'UserData',Qu,... 'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo,''UserData'')'); hPage = [hPage, h]; h = text(tCol(8),y,sprintf(TabDat.fmt{8},Z(d)),... 'UserData',Z(d),... 'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo,''UserData'')'); hPage = [hPage, h]; h = text(tCol(9),y,sprintf(TabDat.fmt{9},Ze),... 'UserData',Ze,... 'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo,''UserData'')'); hPage = [hPage, h]; h = text(tCol(10),y,sprintf(TabDat.fmt{10},Pz),... 'UserData',Pz,... 'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo,''UserData'')'); hPage = [hPage, h]; % specifically modified line to use hMIPax %------------------------------------------------------ h = text(tCol(11),y,... sprintf(TabDat.fmt{11},XYZmm(:,d)),... 'Tag','ListXYZ',... 'ButtonDownFcn',[... 'hMIPax = findobj(''tag'',''hMIPax'');',... 'spm_mip_ui(''SetCoords'',',... 'get(gcbo,''UserData''),hMIPax);'],... 'Interruptible','off','BusyAction','Cancel',... 'UserData',XYZmm(:,d)); HlistXYZ = [HlistXYZ, h]; if spm_XYZreg('Edist',xyzmm,XYZmm(:,d))1 h = text(0.5,-5*dy,sprintf('Page %d/%d',spm_figure('#page',Fgraph)*[1,1]),... 'FontName',PF.helvetica,'FontSize',FS(8),'FontAngle','Italic'); spm_figure('NewPage',[hPage,h]) end %-End: Store TabDat in UserData of axes & reset pointer %====================================================================== h = uicontextmenu('Tag','TabDat',... 'UserData',TabDat); set(gca,'UIContextMenu',h,... 'Visible','on',... 'XColor','w','YColor','w') uimenu(h,'Label','Table') uimenu(h,'Separator','on','Label','Print text table',... 'Tag','TD_TxtTab',... 'CallBack',... 'spm_list(''txtlist'',get(get(gcbo,''Parent''),''UserData''),3)',... 'Interruptible','off','BusyAction','Cancel'); uimenu(h,'Separator','off','Label','Extract table data structure',... 'Tag','TD_Xdat',... 'CallBack','get(get(gcbo,''Parent''),''UserData'')',... 'Interruptible','off','BusyAction','Cancel'); uimenu(h,'Separator','on','Label','help',... 'Tag','TD_Xdat',... 'CallBack','spm_help(''spm_list'')',... 'Interruptible','off','BusyAction','Cancel'); %-Setup registry %---------------------------------------------------------------------- set(hAx,'UserData',struct('hReg',hReg,'HlistXYZ',HlistXYZ)) spm_XYZreg('Add2Reg',hReg,hAx,'spm_list'); %-Return TabDat structure & reset pointer %---------------------------------------------------------------------- varargout = {TabDat}; spm('Pointer','Arrow') %====================================================================== case 'listcluster' %-List for current cluster only %====================================================================== % FORMAT TabDat = spm_list('listcluster',SPM,hReg) spm('Pointer','Watch') %-Parse arguments %------------------------------------------------------------------ if nargin < 2, error('insufficient arguments'), end if nargin < 3, hReg = []; else, hReg = varargin{3}; end SPM = varargin{2}; %-get number and separation for maxima to be reported %------------------------------------------------------------------ if length(varargin) > 3 Num = varargin{4}; % number of maxima per cluster Dis = varargin{5}; % distance among clusters (mm) else Num = 32; Dis = 4; end %-if there are suprathreshold voxels, filter out all but current cluster %------------------------------------------------------------------ if length(SPM.Z) %-Jump to voxel nearest current location %-------------------------------------------------------------- [xyzmm,i] = spm_XYZreg('NearestXYZ',... spm_results_ui('GetCoords'),SPM.XYZmm); spm_results_ui('SetCoords',SPM.XYZmm(:,i)); %-Find selected cluster %-------------------------------------------------------------- A = spm_clusters(SPM.XYZ); j = find(A == A(i)); SPM.Z = SPM.Z(j); SPM.XYZ = SPM.XYZ(:,j); SPM.XYZmm = SPM.XYZmm(:,j); if isfield(SPM,'Rd'), SPM.Rd = SPM.Rd(:,j); end end %-Call 'list' functionality to produce table %------------------------------------------------------------------ varargout = {spm_list('list',SPM,hReg,Num,Dis)}; %====================================================================== case 'txtlist' %-Print ASCII text table %====================================================================== % FORMAT spm_list('TxtList',TabDat,c) if nargin<2, error('Insufficient arguments'), end if nargin<3, c=1; else c=varargin{3}; end if nargin<4, fnm = ''; else fnm = varargin{4}; end TabDat = varargin{2}; %-Open output file (or select standard out to print to screen) if ~isempty(fnm) [fid msg] = fopen(fnm, 'w'); if fid < 0 warning('spm_list:txtlist_fnm', 'failed to open file: %s', fnm) warning('spm_list:txtlist_fnm', msg) fid = 1; end else fid = 1; end %-Table Title %------------------------------------------------------------------ fprintf(fid,'\n\nSTATISTICS: %s\n',TabDat.tit); fprintf(fid,'%c',repmat('=',1,80)); fprintf(fid,'\n'); %-Table header %------------------------------------------------------------------ fprintf(fid,'%s\t',TabDat.hdr{1,c:end-1}); fprintf(fid,'%s\n',TabDat.hdr{1,end}); fprintf(fid,'%s\t',TabDat.hdr{2,c:end-1}); fprintf(fid,'%s\n',TabDat.hdr{2,end}); fprintf(fid,'%c',repmat('-',1,80)); fprintf(fid,'\n'); %-Table data %------------------------------------------------------------------ for i = 1:size(TabDat.dat,1) for j=c:size(TabDat.dat,2) fprintf(fid,TabDat.fmt{j},TabDat.dat{i,j}); fprintf(fid,'\t'); end fprintf(fid,'\n'); end for i=1:max(1,11-size(TabDat.dat,1)); fprintf(fid,'\n'); end fprintf(fid,'%s\n',TabDat.str); fprintf(fid,'%c',repmat('-',1,80)); fprintf(fid,'\n'); %-Table footer %------------------------------------------------------------------ fprintf(fid,'%s\n',{:}); fprintf(fid,'%c',repmat('=',1,80)); fprintf(fid,'\n\n'); %================================================================== case 'setcoords' %-Co-ordinate change %================================================================== % FORMAT spm_list('SetCoords',xyz,hAx,hReg) if nargin<3, error('Insufficient arguments'), end hAx = varargin{3}; xyz = varargin{2}; UD = get(hAx,'UserData'); HlistXYZ = UD.HlistXYZ(ishandle(UD.HlistXYZ)); %-Set all co-ord strings to black %------------------------------------------------------------------ set(HlistXYZ,'Color','k') %-If co-ord matches a string, highlight it in red %------------------------------------------------------------------ XYZ = get(HlistXYZ,'UserData'); if iscell(XYZ), XYZ = cat(2,XYZ{:}); end [null,i,d] = spm_XYZreg('NearestXYZ',xyz,XYZ); if d