function tbx_gui_Masking % tbx_gui_Masking - start SPM5 or SPM8 batch GUI with Masking toolbox. % Called when Masking is selected from the toolbox pull-down menu. % % See also: opt_thresh, make_majority_mask % spm.m puts the first (spm_select 'list'ed) file matching the pattern % toolbox/masking/*_masking.m (this file) as the call-back for the toolbox % name in the toolboxes pulldown menu, calling it with no output arguments. % The following code handles this callback for SPM5 or later. switch spm('Ver') case 'SPM5' spm_jobman('interactive', '', ''); case {'SPM8b', 'SPM8', 'SPM12a', 'SPM12b', 'SPM12'} matlabbatch = masking_batch; spm_jobman('interactive', matlabbatch); otherwise error('Unrecognised version of SPM') end