How to view the VRML model

This floppy disk contains a 3D VRML model captured using a C3D® model 2020. C3D® model 2020 is one of a range of applications based on C3D®, the Turing Institute's proprietary technology for the automatic construction of 3D models from images.

The VRML model comprises two files: a .wrl file (e.g. fred.wrl) and a .jpg file (e.g. fred0.jpg). For best performance you should copy both of these files to your local hard drive. You can then use either Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator to view the VRML model. Both programs can view VRML models either from the web or directly from your local disk. It is generally preferable to view VRML models from your local disk as downloading them can be quite slow. See the Trouble Shooting section if you are having problems viewing your VRML model.

Microsoft Internet Explorer

You will need to install a VRML plug-in before you can view VRML models using Microsoft Internet Explorer. We recommend the Cosmo Player plug-in from Silicon Graphics which is compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 3.02 and later. If necessary, you can download the latest version of Microsoft Internet Explorer from here. Once you have installed a VRML plug-in, Microsoft Internet Explorer should automatically display VRML models that are embedded in web pages. To view a VRML model that is stored on your local disk, choose "Open..." from the File menu. Click on "Browse" from the Open dialog that appears. Change the "Files of type" selector to "All Files", then open the .wrl file (e.g. fred.wrl).

Netscape Navigator

You will need to install a VRML plug-in before you can view VRML models using Netscape Navigator. We recommend the Cosmo Player plug-in from Silicon Graphics which is compatible with Netscape Navigator Version 3.0 and later. If necessary, you can download the latest version of Netscape Navigator from here. Once you have installed a VRML plug-in, Netscape Navigator should automatically display VRML models that are embedded in web pages. To view a VRML model that is stored on your local disk, choose "Open File..." from Netscape Navigator's File menu. Change the "List Files of Type" selection to "VRML Worlds (*.wrl, *wrz)". Then open the .wrl file (e.g. fred.wrl).

Cosmo Player Plug-in

We recommend using the Cosmo Player plug-in from Silicon Graphics. It is compatible with both Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 3.02 and later and Netscape Navigator Version 3.0 or later on a wide range of platforms, including Windows 95, Windows NT, Macintosh and IRIX. The latest version of Cosmo Player can be downloaded from here.

Trouble Shooting

"My 3D model appears without the image render"

First of all, make sure that you are using the recommended version of either Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator.

VRML models produced by Turing's C3D® model 2020 system contain two files: a .wrl file (e.g. fred.wrl) and a .jpg file (e.g. fred0.jpg). The .wrl file contains the shape of the 3D model and the .jpg contains the image that is rendered onto it. The .wrl file refers directly to the .jpg file. Therefore, both files should be stored in the same directory/folder on your local disk. If the .jpg file is missing or you change its name, the 3D model will appear without the image rendered onto it.

You can check that .wrl file refers correctly to the .jpg file by opening the .wrl file in a text editor. Search for the line containing ".jpg". It should be something like this:

Texture2 {

filename "fred0.jpg"


Make sure that the filename (fred0.jpg in this case) refers correctly to the .jpg stored on your local disk.

Author: Colin Urquhart
Copyright © 1997 The Turing Institute. All rights reserved.
Revised: September 05, 1997