I am appointed as affiliate assistant professor of Sociology at University of Washington. I also hold an honorary research position at University College London where I previously obtained my PhD and worked as a Post-Doc. I am an affiliate of the eScience Institute at University of Washington.

My research focuses on computational social science where I mine and leverage human behavioural patterns to design human-centric systems; and Human Computer Interactions (HCI) where I aim to uncover the perception of users’ interaction with such systems.

I serve in the city council as a member of Seattle Pedestrian Advisory Board offering consultancy and advice to the Mayor of Seattle.


About Me

Dr. Afra J.Mashhadi

Twitter: @Afrafrafra_j

email: surname at uw dot edu


PhD Computer Science, UCL.

MEng Computer Science, UCL.

The Proceedings of SocInfo 2017 is out (Editor).

I am teaching a course on “Data Science and Society” at UW Fall 2017.

I am serving as part of TPC for WWW2018- with upcoming deadline October 31st
