Anthony Finkelstein
University College London
This page contains links to some talks for which people have requested the slides. If you want slides from a specific talk please email me. Also note: (a) they are slides not notes; (b) animations do not appear, hidden slides do; (c) you are welcome to use these slides but you MUST indicate where they come from.10 Open Challenges in Software Engineering research challenges in software engineering [Strachey Lecture, University of Oxford]
Anatomy of A Public Panic: the how and why of Y2K hype a talk about the so-called Y2K or 'millennium bug'
The "Voice of the Customer" an introduction to industrial requirements engineering improvement, this talk has been given many times, this is the canonical version
Managing Consistency of Distributed Documents using XML and related technologies to manage consistency of distributed documents
Requirements Management a tutorial on requirements management
XML for Software Engineers a tutorial on XML and its applications in software engineering
Software Process Improvement Through Standards a tutorial on software process standards
Standards Compliance a talk on standards compliance management
Architectural Stability some thoughts on the relationship between architecture and requirements
Using Standards-based Metadata to Support the Software Systems Lifecycle some thoughts on the use of metadata
Application Service Providers: System Development Using Services over the Net a tutorial (jointly prepared with Wolfgang Emmerich, Kenji Takahashi and Sofia Guerra) on ASP
Foolish Consistency: Technical Challenges in Consistency Management keynote address for DEXA 00surveying the technical challenges in consistency management
xlinkit: A Consistency Checking and Smart Link Generation Service seminar on work Consistency Management as an Application Service old seminar on work
Structuring the Web: XML and Related Technologies a seminar on xml prepared with Andrea Savigni presented to the IEE
Structuring the Web: an XML Briefing a lunchtime lecture prepared with Andrea Savigni given to a broad audience at UCL
CAPSA: a technical review OR 'Physician Heal Thyself' a technical perspective on the problems of CAPSA, a talk given to the University of Cambridge Computer Lab
Ubiquitous Computing some thoughts and models presented to introduce the LTN Ubiquitous Computing event
Confessions of an entrepreneurial scientist: motivation, careers and rewards in university-industry knowledge transfer a talk presented at an ESRC seminar on entrepreneurship in universities
Creating Tomorrow's Scientists policy issues presented at the House of Commons
Computational Challenges of Systems Biology a seminar presented at the University of Durham
The Biggest Engineering Problem in the World ... ever some thoughts on the engineering scale of systems biology
Platform Gamble how to select a development platform, issues for a discussion
Modelling-in-the-Large keynote at the Requirements Engineering Conference 2007, a big agenda for the field of RE
The Future of Networked Computing speculations on the major issues facing the broad field of networked computing (with Chinese translation)
Requirements Reflection a short talk presented at a Dagstuhl workshop on self-adaptive systems