Virtual Clothing

2D Image Fit
3D Static
3D Dynamic
Cloth Simulation Links
Univ. Projects
Courses & Slides

Cloth Simulation Links

University Projects:

Manchester University Topix source code for the cloth simulation plugin of Softimage.
Nähstube: Simulating Cloth University of Tübingen and Vienna University of Technology
University North Carolina Automated 3D Fabric Part Draping
Course notes on Computer Animation and Virtual Environments Virginia University
Made-to-measure garments, 2D/3D approach
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Development of a 3D CAD System for the Garment Industry
University College London Virtual Clothing Project (this site)
University College London Prometheus Project
Miralab has quite a few Projects on Virtual Clothing
University Tuebingen Modeling Deformable Objects
Caltech Interactive Animation of Cloth-Like Objects in Virtual Reality
Textiles and Fiber Reinforced Composites Lab at Seoul National University

Courses and Slides

Simulating Cloth for 3D Games by Deab Macri, Intel Corporation  (including example source code for a mass spring model)
Real-time Cloth Simulation  Intel Corporation (Powerpoint Slides)
Devil in the Blue-Faceted Dress: Real-Time Cloth Animation (Gamasutra  March 2000 Article by Jeff Lander)
Cloth Simulation using Mass and Spring System
Hugo Elias course on modelling cloth using a mass spring model
Thomas Jakobsen GDC01 paper Advanced Character Physics describes Verlet/Leapfrog integration method for cloth simulation
NVIDIAs Geforce 3 GDC2001 Cloth modelling example


Virtual Clothing P. Volino, N. Magnenant-Thalmann, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Cloth Modeling and Animation Editors: Donald H. House & David E. Breen


Bobbin Magazine


Reyes Infographica (The company that made ClothReyes. )
Topix Cloth (Creators of the Softimage Clothing plugin)
Toyobo (Creators of Dressingsim)


Simulating Cloth in CG
Civax Cloths Simulation Project


Andy Witkin
Bernhard Eberhardt
David Baraff
David E. Breen
Demetri Terzopoulos
Donald H. House
Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann
Pascal Volino
Peter Schröder
Xavier Provot  


Pierre Terdimans Real Time Cloth Simulation Demo
Joakim Hårsman. Real Time Cloth Simulation Demo including wind and collision detection with against a sphere and the ground.
Dan Royer Demo does wind and gravity
ExciteExtreme Fashion Show which is using skeletal surface deformation features of Shout3D
Marco Benvegnù ClothSim - fast real-time cloth simulator featuring wind.

Commercial Software

Digimations Stitch
Chaos Softwares SimCloth Plugin for 3DMax 3 and 5 (free and Open Source! )
DressingSim Clothing Pattern Making for Maya

Dynagraphics Fashion Studio [tm]

Dynagraphics Dress Maker

Caligari DynaCloth Plugin for Truespace

APDS-3D of Asahi Ltd for Gerbertechnology

Cloth Reyes Reyes 3DMax 3 Plugin from Infographica(free!)

Kelseus Cloth (3D Studio Max Plugin)


Last modified : Thursday August 15, 2002                                                                    
Contact : Bernhard Spanlang, Tzvetomir Vassilev
UCL Virtual Environments Group