UCL Dive To Do
The stable release of Dive is 3.3x. Dive3.3x2 and later are compiled
directly from the CVS repository code and can not be guaranteed to be
be stable, though they usually are. Dive3.3alpha* are now obsolete CVS
versions and people should migrate their code to 3.3x.
Towards 3.3x4
- Integrate and stabilize JM's GHOST code (AJS/JM)
- Integrate UNC changes for VRPN (AJS)
- UNC bug vehicle reports (AJS)
- Finalise retirement of fastrak code (AJS)
- CAVELib port. (AJS/EF done)
- Performer texture re-paste bug. (AJS)
Future Features
- Measure end-end lag. Optimise thread scheduling for tracker
reading. (AJS obs? due to VRPN port)
- Re-do fastrak_vehicle as "tracker_vehicle". Common basis
for VRPN/CAVElib/VRJuggler vehicles.
- DIVE WIM gets regexp object name/type filter.
- k-d tree as database service
- VRJuggler port (AJS underway)
- EQUIP interface :-)
Done in 3.3xn
- Apply Bernard's tracker patch to CVS.
- Port body demo and check tcl libraries.
- Stereo shutter glass rendering support SICS's stereo format
configuration. (SICS have re-implemented)
- Port VTM to 3.3 as a plugin, make indpendent of ucacajs home dir.
- Assemble once and for all the CANONICAL set of Dive
manuals (SICS done)
- OpenGL compile list bug. (AJS - Done 13/11/98)
- Pseudo trackers for all devices. (AJS - Done )
- Fix collision_person. (DONE by SICS)
- Renderer extensions stablised.
- Martin's flybox vehicle as a plug-in. (AJS - dropped for VRPN)
- Dive hierarchy display tool (tcl/tk/megawidget based)
(REMOVED 19/1/99 - SICS added one)
Obsolete Dive3.2 Stuff
- BUG: Fix stereo rendering on Onyx (and other "high-end
platforms). (AJS - Done 16/11/98)
- FEATURE: Better ucl_virman body based on Thalman's avatar.
- FEATURE: Fix and test multi-server inside fastrak_vehicle (new
config parameters needs to be backward compatible).(AJS - Done )
- TEST: default configuration for 3 and 4 tracker configs. (AJS - Done )
- TEST: audio renderer on Sparc 10. (AJS - Obsolete )
- TEST: all Dive vr_demo instances. (AJS - Done )
- BUG: Un-select occasionally not working in fasktrak_vehicle?
(un-repeatable as of 11/98)
- BUG: Transparent material causing crash on Indy in some
situations. (Repeatable)
- BUG: Back face culling disabled in some situations?
(Fixed in 3.3) - apply fix to 3.2.
- BUG: Un-grasp occasionally not working? (AJS - Done )
- FEATURE: Better wand object for immersive system.
- BUG: (17/11/98) Object clipping not working in stereo
mode?. FIXED (23/11/98) - needs testing with fishtank mode.
- BUG: (17/11/98) Picking interaction broken with shutter
glasses. (Am I assuming STEREO MODE == FISHTANK? -> test
fishtank works with stationary head). FIXED (23/11/98) - needs
testing with fishtank.
- BUG: (24/11/98) Re-check body/eye alignment with hand in
Dive (affects ucl_virman*).
- BUG: (?/12/98) Stereo and fishtank not working on
genesis. REMOVED (19/1/99 - misconfigured)
Anthony Steed,