Installing Dive 3.3x

Set Up | Dive Basics | Immersive Use | New Features

Dive 3.3x Set Up

DIVE 3.3x is the version of DIVE that is under development at the moment. As such there is a convoluted naming scheme for versions that have been frozen so that dependent applications can sure of a stable version. These are numbered 3.3x, 3.3x2, 3.3x3, 3.3x4 etc. The discussion below refers to 3.3x,3.3x5 or 3.3x6 (WINNT only, 20/1/2005) depending upon which platform you are using.

Set Up for Solaris

Set Up for Desktop SGIs

Set Up for Immersive SGIs

As above, except that
set CS_XTRA_PATH = (/cs/research/vr/dive/starship/dive/dive3.3x5/bin/mips-sgi-irix6.5cavelib/appl)
or equivalent should be used.

Set Up for WinNT

Set Up for Linux


Running It on SGI Desktop/Solaris/Linux

Type vishnu -sin
The "standard" DIVE application is called diva. However it is rarely, if ever run on its own. On UNIX you will note that in the application directory, there are several symbollic links to executables. E.G. vishnu links to diva. All this means is that when diva starts, it looks at the actual command typed, and then loads a different user interface. Typing vishnu is equivalent to typing diva -init vishnu_init.tcl -sin. The -sin runs DIVE in single-user mode.

Running It on the ReaCTor

Type diva -init spelunk_init.tcl
See the note above about how the command line is interpreted.

Running It on Windows

The symbollic link method mentioned above does not work, so instead there are example wrapper scripts for both DOS (double click on vishnu.bat in the application directory) and cygwin (go to the application directory and run

Multi-user Demo

Immersive Use

See DIVE/Spelunk page

New Features

Any queries about Dive should go to
Anthony Steed,