Dive Resources

Set Up and Compilation | CVS | Immersive Use | Misc. Documentation

Set Up and Compilation

We have several versions of Dive installed. The root of the installation is:


The following pages tell you how to install various versions of DIVE: You probably do NOT need to compile DIVE from scratch - even if you are building plugins, you may not need to compile DIVE - you can copy a partially completed build from someone else, or use one that is on the file system. However if you do then the instructions are here: NEW Note that a much easier to use Visual Studio 7 solution file has recently been put up.

CVS Repository

We now keep a UCL-local CVS repository with a version of DIVE for local group changes. The reason for doing this is that only AJS has access to SICS CVS tree. He is responsible for folding cumulative changes back into the main tree. To access the source code from CVS, under cygwin/bash shell (or your favourite CVS tool):
  cd directory_where_you_want_dive
  export CVSROOT=//smbhelp/vr-dive/cvsroot
  cvs checkout dive
OR (NEW better for remote users - doesn't need you to be on local network)
  cd directory_where_you_want_dive
  export CVSROOT=:ext:YOURLOGINNAME@sonic.cs.ucl.ac.uk:/cs/research/vr/dive/starship/cvsroot
  cvs checkout dive
With the latter method you will need to log in when you checkout/checkin/update/etc.

Under UNIX under csh you would do the following

  cd directory_where_you_want_dive
  setenv CVSROOT /cs/research/vr/dive/starship/cvsroot
  cvs checkout dive
There are changes from dive3.3x5, mainly to make the configure system more stable.

After you have checked out the files, you can move or change the name of the top-level directory, but DONT change the names of anything in a directory where you also find a sub-directory called CVS.

If you change a file and want everyone else to get the change you would type

  cd directory_where_file_is
  cvs commit the_file
If you want to get recent changes you would type
  cd _directory_where_files_are
  cvs update -d
If you want to add or delete files, then first check with Anthony, and read the CVS documentation. Similarly if you want to add a new plugin, or new library, talk to Anthony.

This build will be known as dive3.3x6 interally. It is not a "release" build since we expect there to be variations across different builds. Once we are happy, and have completed this summer's experiments, we will re-synchronise to 3.3x7.

Immersive Use

We support shutter glasses and head mounted display in dive. Please refer to

Misc. Documentation

See the page for the Dive version for the online manuals.
  • MISC.

    Any queries about Dive should go to
    Anthony Steed, A.Steed@cs.ucl.ac.uk