Workshop Overview
The Web was conceptualized as a data-sharing service. It has since evolved into a platform for conducting business transactions. Today, we are witnessing it evolve again into a social platform, where autonomous actors -- humans, organizations, and their software surrogates -- engage each other in social interactions (business, personal, or otherwise).
In short, we are moving away from a data-centric model of the Web into an interaction-centric one. The evolution so far has been largely ad hoc and spontaneous. This workshop is intended to serve as venue for sharing ideas and on-going research that will facilitate a systematic investigation of the semantic foundations of social computing. Requirements Engineering (RE) offers an ideal place to start this investigation as it has traditionally emphasized the roles of actors and stakeholders, as well as the social relationships among them.
Soo Ling Lim (University College London –
Fabiano Dalpiaz (University of Trento –
Amit K. Chopra (University of Trento –
Steering Committee:
John Mylopoulos (Chair) (University of Trento)
Anthony Finkelstein (University College London) |