Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm

Institute Name: Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm(KTH), Department of Computer and Systems Sciences(DSV)

Description: The Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (Institutionen før Data- och Systemvetenskap - DSV) is a joint department between Stockholm University, SU, and Kungl Tekniska Høgskolan (Royal Institute of Technology), KTH. It is situated in Electrum, Kista, a center for research and development in information technology, together with another three institutes, namely SISU(the Swedish Institute of Systems Development), SICS(the Swedish Institute of Computer Science) and IMC(the Industrial Microelectronic Centre).

The education and research areas of DSV are:

Graduate education at DSV: The graduate education at the department is organizes in a four-year programme in Computer and Systems Sciences and several separate courses from 20-80 points. The four-year study programme is internationally competative and is designed in consultation with the Swedish industry. Both the programme and the separate courses can lead to a Masters degree. We have several separate courses in the area of Computer Science at KTH and share the responsibility for a new specialization towards Cognitive Engineering. The postgraduate education is divided into two parts; one part is the licentiate programme of 80 credit points and the other is the doctor's programme of totally 160 credit points. The department has since 1987 produced over 30 licenciate exams and 17 doctors of technology and philosophy.

Research at DSV: We have an interdisciplinary research and co-operate with for example the Department of Linguistics, Philosophy, Psychology and Medicine. A result of this interdisciplinary co-operation is the Centre for Information Technology and Cognitive Science which was established in September 1992. The department co-operates with more than 30 universities all over the world and has a large number of EU-projects. Members of the department are active in many working groups and technical committees within IFIP (international Federation of Information Processing). In graduate education we have exchange programme within ERASMUS, Data Knowledge Engineering (ENDKE) and one planned programme, Informatics Computer Security. The department also is honoured with the duties of host of the International Joint Conference of Artificial Intelligence in Stockholm 1999. The department has also been the "school" for more than ten persons, who have been appointed professors in Information Systems, AI or Software Engineering in the Nordic countries.

SYSLAB, The Information Systems and Software Engineering Laboratory at the Department of Computer and Systems Science (DSV).

Information Systems and Software Engineering has been a major research area at DSV since its start in 1966. The area has produced a large number of PhD's and Licentiates. SYSLAB researchers founded the Swedish Institute for Systems Development (SISU) in 1984. SYSLAB's staff have also founded a number of consulting companies in Sweden. In 1985 SYSLAB was hosting the VLDB conference in Stockholm. In 1989 SYSLAB and SISU took the initiative to the first conference in the CAiSE (Conference on Advanced information Systems Engineering) series. This conference has now become an annual, internationally leading event in the information systems area, with proceedings published by Springer Verlag. SISU, in co- operation with SYSLAB, has been one of Sweden's major forces in establishing relationships with and projects within the European Union.

Results of SYSLAB's staff and affiliated researchers include more than 75 reviewed papers (since 1990) at international conferences, 8 scientific journal articles, four textbooks, three book chapters, and a large number of ESPRIT project reports (deliverables), SYSLAB reports and working papers. SYSLAB's staff have been active in organising international conferences (five editorships of proceedings). The output since 1990 includes also five PhD's and five Licentiate degrees.

Five research areas are currently focused on in SYSLAB, including business modelling, information and decision support, information systems and database engineering and software engineering. These areas are strategically important for future competitiveness and development of opportunities of the Swedish business and industry. The research carried out them is driven by the need for and use of IT, rather than by the technology itself and emphasizes the use of information technology as a competitive weapon and strategic resource as well as a tool for organizational change.

Researchers associated with the project:

Prof. Janis A. Bubenko jr, Dr. Paul Johannesson, Dr. Terttu Orci, Dr. Benkt Wengler

Brief CVs of Key Researchers:

Name: Prof. Janis A. Bubenko jr

Nationality: Swedish

Academic Qualifications & Experience: Janis A. Bubenko jr holds a MSc(Chalmers, 1958) and PhD in Information Systems (Royal Inst. of Technology, 1973 ). He was appointed professor in Computer and Systems Sciences at University of Gothenburg and the Chalmers Univ. of Technology 1977-81. Since 1982 has been a professor at the Royal Institute of Technology and the University of Stockholm.

He is the founder of the Swedish Institute for Systems Development, SISU, and was its managing director during from 1985 to 1992. Bubenko has been the author or co-author of seven textbooks in the areas of Information Systems Development Methods, Performance Analysis of Data Processing Systems, Operating Systems, and Conceptual Modelling Methods. He has also been the author or co-author of more than 130 research reports and published articles. His current research includes requirements engineering and enterprise modelling methods as well as temporal information system modelling and design issues.

Bubenko was the general chairman of IFIP TFAIS (Theoretical and Formal Aspects of Information Systems) working conference 1985, CAiSE'90 Stockholm, and EDBT'94 in Cambridge, U.K. He was also the program chair man of VLDB 1978, CAiSE'91 (Conference on Advanced Information System Engineering), and of the Baltic DB'94 workshop on National Infrastructure Databases in Vilnius. He has been a PC member of more than 30 international conferences. Currently, he is associate or advisory editor of six scientific journals. He has been employed as reviewer of NSF, CEC, and other funding organisations. Bubenko has been the vice president (1985 - 1989), and president (1990 - 1993) of the VLDB Endowment . He is a member of ACM, IEEE Computer Society, and IFIP Working Group 8.1. He is also member of the board of the EDBT Foundation.

Selected Publications:

Bubenko, J. A., jr and M. Kirikova, (1994): "Worlds" in Requirements Acquisition and Modelling, 4th European - Japanese Seminar on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, Kista, Sweden, H. Kangassalo and B. Wangler (Ed.), IOS, The Netherlands.

Bubenko, J. A., jr, C. Rolland, P. Loucopoulos and V. DeAntonellis, (1994): Facilitating "Fuzzy to Formal" Requirements Modelling, IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA and Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, IEEE.

Kirikova, M. and J. A. Bubenko jr, (1994): Enterprise Modelling: Improving the Quality of Requirements Specification, Information systems Research seminar In Scandinavia, IRIS-17, Oulu, Finland.

Kirikova, M. and J. A. Bubenko jr, (1994): Software Requirements Acquisition through Enterprise Modelling, Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering - SEKE'94, Jurmala, Latvia.

Name: Dr. Benkt Wangler

Nationality: Swedish

Academic Qualifications & Experience: Benkt Wangler holds a fil.mag. in Mathematics and Physics(Stockholm University,1970), a Licentiate of Philosophy in Computer Science(Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 1989) and a PhD in Computer and Systems Sciences(Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 1993).

Dr. Benkt Wangler is the leader of the Information Systems Laboratory at SISU. He is also a senior lecturer in information systems methodology( conceptual modelling and databases) at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences at the Stockholm University and the Royal Institute of Technology. Prior to his current position, he was a consultant analyst and lecturer to Sperry AB (Unisys) in Sweden, in the areas of databases and systems development. He has participated in the ESPRIT projects TEMPORA (E2469) and ORES (E7224), and is currently working in the ESPRIT project NATURE (E6353). He has been involved in preparing proposals for the ESPRIT projects NATURE, LYNX (E6816) and ORES and the AIM project MILORD (A2024). His areas of interest include information systems development methodologies(emphasis in requirements engineering), database technologies, decentralized systems and object orientation. Dr. Wangler is a member of ACM, IEEE Computer Society and the Swedish Society for Information Processing.

Contact Details:

Principal Investigator: Prof. Janis Bubenko jr,

Address: Department of Computer and Systems Science, KTH, Electrum 230, Kista, S-16440, SWEDEN

Telephone: + 46 8 161615

Telefax number: + 46 8703 90 25


List of Members

Last up-date: 30 July 1998