RENOIR Funding Policy

What activities will RENOIR fund?

At its first meeting the Executive Board agreed the principles and arrangements set out below for the funding of RENOIR activities, which are taken from the minutes of their decisions.

Priority Activities of RENOIR

In general all activities associated with RENOIR should either contribute to the useful dissemination of information, or add some specific value to the network. The network will be outward-facing and directed to mutual rather than individual benefit.

Activities meeting these objectives are likely to include :

Principles for Funding Distribution

All proposals must include a statement explaining:

To avoid incomplete proposals, members are encouraged to use RENOIR's on-line activity proposal form .

Procedures for Funding Decisions

  1. Proposals for expenditure not exceeding 1700 Euro and fitting within agreed priorites and policies to be decided centrally by the Director.
  2. Other proposals to be judged by the Director and a nominee of Board, normally the relevant Chair or Coordinator.
  3. Proposals with policy implications (requests of more than 1700 Euro) to be referred to all Board members for their advice. This takes place at Executive Board meetings, held four times a year.
  4. All Board members to be informed automatically of all decisions made under 1, 2 and 3 above.
  5. On the 4th Executive Board meeting it was decided that  any travel outside the EU that has not been applied for well in advance (so that permission of David Cornwell can be sought) is not going to be funded.
All outstanding bids are subject to these requirements and arrangements.

Bids for funds exceeding the limit of what the Network Director can approve, and which therefore need to be decided by the Executive Board, must be received by the Network Co-ordinator at least FOUR WORKING WEEKS before the Executive Board meeting at which the funding bid is to be considered.

  Procedures for Reimbursement of Expenses

  1. After completion of the activity, members submit an expense claim to the network coordinator Barbara Farbey, Dept. of Computer Science, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom.
  2. Members must use the RENOIR's expense claim form.
  3. All incurred costs must be substantiated by receipts. These must be submitted together with the Expenses Claim form. However, a maximum daily allowance of 53 Ecu (or equivalent) may be claimed for each full day of activity. This rate includes meal and local transportation costs, but not accommodation. Costs of accommodation and travel between cities within the destination country can be claimed separately, again original receipts must be submitted. Please label each receipt with a serial number that links it with the item on the claim form to which it relates.
  4. As far as practicable, RENOIR members are expected when travelling by air to purchase Economy Class tickets or equivalent, and not to claim any extravagant subsistence or accommodation costs. Please supply written explanation with claims, if for any reason the above expectations can not be met.
  5. Claimants are requested to attach a copy of the message informing them of the Director's approval of their bid to their claim.
  6. Members e-mail a report about the activity to Wolfgang Emmerich. On the 4th Executive Board meeting it was decided that no reimbursement of expenses will be made without receipt of such an activity report.
  7. The network coordinator will then reimburse expenses by cheque or banker's draft in one of the currencies listed on the Expenses Claim form, as selected by the claimant.
Last up-date: 3 February 1999