1. Organisers

Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC): X. Franch, C. Quer
Technical University of Wien (TUW): M. Jazayeri and his group
Meeting takes place at the TUW

2. Day-by-day description

Day 1 (15/12/99)

Morning: A first meeting takes place involving 7 people from TUW and two people from UPC, as well as two external researchers in a visit at TUW. All the attendees describe their current research topics.

Afternoon: Peer-to-peer meetings describing in a more detailed way the concrete research.

Day 2 (16/12/99)

Morning: Peer-to-peer meetings describing in a more detailed way the concrete research (continued).

Afternoon: X. Franch gives a seminar on his main research topic. Meeting UPC (X. Franch, C. Quer) - TUW (M. Jazayeri, M. Hauswirth -leader of a ESPRIT project at TUW). A shared topic of interest is identified.

Day 3 (17/12/99)

Morning: final meeting concerning the scheduling of the future work. Farewell coffee.

3. Contents description

The goals of the meeting have been mainly two. First of all, a detailed knowledge of the lines of research of both groups. This is covered by the first day and a half of the meeting. UPC participants present their main topics: non-functional requirements, software process modeling, semi-structured databases. TUW presents theirs: mobile agent technology, e-commerce and push systems.

The second goal consists on identifying a common interest. The framework of our collaboration is a ESPRIT project in which TUW is involved. The topic turns out to be the modeling of the e-commerce process. After discusing some preliminary ideas, we focus on the future work. Main references on process modeling and e-commerce are listed, to be read for the non-expert groups in each case. We plan a future visit from UPC to Wien which has to be covered by spanish funding. Also, we agree on the interest of people from TUW visiting the UPC in the next months.

Xavier Franch
Dept. LSI (UPC)
Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain