Report on Visit to Steve Easterbrook (NASA/WVU, West Virginia, USA)

During this visit Steve Easterbrook and I reviewed research progress at our two respective organisations. In particular, we focused on the the development and application of formal techniques for validating and verifying specifications. Dr Easterbrook outlined techniques for applying category theory to multi-perspective specfications, and I preented work at Imperial College using abduction to manage changing (inconsistent) specifications. A clear common thread emerged from our discussions - the management of evolution and change in the presence of inconsistency.

We also explored a number of case studies for evaluating our techniques. The International Space Station continues to provide many exemplars of long-term evolution of specifications, as does the NASA Shuttle programme. We examined different specifications and identified candidate fragments suitable for evaluating our ideas. We also sketched out an agenda for continuing this collaboration, and tentatively agreed on holding further meetings later in the year.

In summary, the visit provided an excellent opportunity to exchange research results, to provide input into the development of our respective research programmes, and to identify case studies for validating our work within an integrated framework. A very successful visit!

Bashr Nuseibeh

Last up-date: 20 August 1998