Visit to Univ. of Bologna

Visit to Univ. of Bologna
1-19 November

In my visit to the Dept. of Computer Science in Bologna I had a chance to work with Paolo Ciancarini and Fabio Vitali. Their group is now working on XML in different directions, in particular for the rendering of formal notation on the Web. I was interested in knowing their point of view about our use of XML for fine-grained code mobility. Fabio's displets, i.e., Java code fragments that are coupled to XML tags, for rendering on the Internet of formal notations, appear to be interesting in a mobile code setting. It looks like they may be applicable in order to allow more flexible sending of XML code that would move together with Java code to interpret that code. The group is also working heavily with software engineering master students that are doing a big project (a distributed and cooperative text editor) following an interesting development process with roles that they have to choose. Students are obliged to produce documentation and the whole process will be judged.

Cecilia Mascolo

Last up-date: 29 Novembr 1999