Report on Visit of Bashar Nuseibeh to Steve Easterbrook (NASA/WVU, West Virginia, USA)
October 1998


During this visit, Steve Easterbrook and I worked with a recent appointee at the NASA Facility, Dr Tim Menzies. Dr. Menzies is an expert on abduction, so we compared his work on graph-based abduction with my work at Imperial College on QC logic-based abduction.

We designed and conducted an experiment (which we later wrote up as a paper and submitted for publication) using abduction to perform multi-view reasoning. The results of the experiment were counter-intuitive - suggesting limitations on the benefits of reasoning with multiple viewpoints. More experiments and analyses of this work are needed.

I extended my visit with NASA support, enabling us to identify potential case study projects towards which further research could be targetted.

All in all a very productive visit, which we hope to follow up with further visits in the not-too-distant future.

Bashar Nuseibeh

Last up-date: 13 January 1999