Activity report by :

Dafni Balia


Activity location :

UCL, London, UK

Activity title :

Presentation of typical Greek SM SW development activities and RE needs

Activity Date :


Presentation Contents


    1. SENA S.A. Fields of Activity



    1. Most Important Projects


    1. Company’s structure



    1. Application Development Environment

      1. Aims of SENA/ADE Methodology



      1. Technologies Used



      1. SENA/ADE's Components



        1. Extended System Tables


        1. Programs and Tools


        1. Libraries


      1. Advantages


      1. Selective Information Propagation

Applications’ Information Propagation by copying data from the:


      1. Platforms

        1. Client OS

        Windows 3.11 , Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT

        2. Editor, Compiler, Linker

        Centura/SQL Windows

        3. Runtime Environment

        Centura SQLBase Client Software


      3. Features of SENA/ADE Applications


      1. Application Implementation Process


      1. SENA’s RE-Needs
        1. Project Scheduling as a method to avoid time overruns
        2. Realistic project scheduling can be used to avoid time overruns. SENA would like to know more about how requirment analysis can be integrated into the project schedule and managed in order to avoid introduction time-consuming new requirments during implementation.

        3. Relationship between requirements, architecture, implementation, and project cost in bespoke applications
        4. Often small changes in the requirements can have significant effects in project cost, and thus its financial viability. How can such changes be discovered, negotiated, and managed?

        5. Non-Functional Requirements specifications in the area of multi-user client-server systems
        6. Multi-user client-server systems often implicitly contain a number of non-functional requirements in the areas of response time, security, safety, portability, and trustworthiness. How can such requirments be elicited and expressed?

        7. Meta requirements
        8. SENA often undertakes formal studies in order to create requirement specifications. How can specifications for such studies be expressed?

        9. Conflict resolution
        10. During requirement elicitation a number of parties with different interests produce conflicting requirements. This creates conflicts which hinder progress. SENA would be interested in advice for handling such cases.

        11. Use of the Internet

SENA is interested in using the Internet as "glue" between "advanced users" reporting bugs/sugestions and developers.


Last Update: 12 July 1999