IEEE/IFIP IWQoS '99 Call for Papers
How much Better than Best Effort Internet?
UCL, London, Jun 1 - June 4, 1999 (Paper Sessions Jun 1,2,3)
This is the seventh of a series of workshops
providing an international forum for the exchange of information on
quality of service (QoS) research in all the facets of QoS in a
networked or distributed environment, including architectures,
services, multimedia, operating systems and middleware.
The objective of the Seventh International Workshop on Quality of
Service is to bring together researchers, developers, and practitioners
working in all these areas to discuss recent innovative results and future directions.
Contributions are solicited in all areas of QoS research in distributed
systems and networking, including, but not limited to: |
We are organising a morning workshop on Internet
Economics on the Friday together with the 3 days of paper sessions.
QoS Architectures
Early Results with Differentiated Internet
Beyond RSVP
Multicast QoS
Secure QoS
Active Nets and QoS
User Level QoS
Adaptive Applications
Terabit Forwarding and QoS
Routing and QoS
QoS to the Desk, Set and Home Top
Mobile QoS
In the past the workshop has been cross-disciplinary,
small and well focused, consisting of keynote speakers and solicited
contributions with the emphasis on innovation. As a result, a considerable amount of time
is devoted to informal discussion. The Seventh International Workshop
on Quality of Service will be limited to 150 participants. |
US attendees should note that travel to London, and accomodation are
typically less expensive than cross-US trips to conferences. FOr
convenience, we have scheduled IWQoS 99 the week before
and also note that the 16th
International Teletraffic
Congress is in Edinburgh, Scotland (quite near london, England)
so that non Europeans can raitionalise their travel further.