Genetic Programming in C++ FAQ
Q1: How do you produce repeatable results with gpc++? Everytime I run it I get different results and I would
like to reproduce the population dynamics of a particular run I have found.
Q2: Why are there so many comments as it makes it almost impossible to decide which are comments and which are
actual code?
Q3: You have (at least) 3 methods of selecting parents for crossover which is best ?
Q4: Why in the main() of do you get the argv and argc arguments the wrong way round.
Q5: I have noticed that when I put less than the correct number of arguments on the command line the system
crashes rather than giving me an error.Why?
Q6: When attempting to compile gpc++ the compilation fails with numerous errors one of which is 'Cannot
include iostream.h file not found' what can I do?
Q7: Can gpc++ be made to go even faster ?
Q8: Why the large number of files in your release? Some contain very little actual code.
DOS Only:
Q9: When uncompressing gpc++ with pkunzip a number of files with the same name are produced and have to be
overwriten or ignored. Why?
Q10: When running gpc++ it produces the output file but when on viewing the file the average fitness and length
are complete garbage. Why?
UNIX Only:
Q11: Surely you shouldn't name the variable name CFLAGS in the Makefile as you are using C++ ?
Q12: Why in UNIX compilation did you not set up the -O optimisation flags ?
Questions offering insight into the mind of the author:
Q13: Why is gpc++ public domain ?
Q14: What would happen if I offered the author a job which researched genetic programming ?
Written and 'html'ised by Adam Fraser.
If you would like to show your appreciation of the code which this FAQ documents, I do accept cheques. Please
send whatever you think the code is worth.
Gpc++ v0.1 was released in March 93.
Gpc++ v0.4 (this version) June 94.
This document: 13 September 1994