Computer Science

Departmental Seminars 1997

Room 229, Pearson Building

1pm - Bring your lunch with you.

The departmental seminar series is open to all.

If you wish to be notified of seminars, you should email ucl-cs-seminars-request.

Abstracts are available for highlighted titles.

Summer series

Autumn series

Other years are available from the page for the current year


9 January
Chair: Peter Kirstein
Speaker: Michael Lesk, Bellcore
Projections for Making Money on the Web

16 January
Chair: Angela Sasse
Speaker: Tony Hunter, UCL
Making Inconsistency Respectable

23 January
Seminar cancelled due to illness.

30 January
Chair: Angela Sasse
Speaker: Anne Adams, UCL
Can passwords be secure and usable?

6 February
Chair: Mel Slater
Speaker: Dennis Parkinson, QMW
Teraflops and Beyond

13 February
Chair: Chris Clack
Speaker: Raghbir Singh, UCL
EVENT: Growing virtual companies on the Internet
Chair: Angela Sasse
Speaker: John Nicholles, UCL Careers Service

20 February
Chair: Phil Treleaven
Speakers: Ruth Conroy, Laura Dekker, Alan Penn, Alasdair Turner, UCL
Intelligent Architecture

27 February
Chair: Phil Treleaven
Speaker: Suran Goonatilake, UCL
Intelligent Systems for Finance and Business

6 March
Chair: Vicky Hardman
Speaker: David Greaves, University of Cambridge Computer Lab
Low cost ATM and the ATM Warren

13 March
Chair: Angela Sasse
Speaker: Anna Watson, UCL
Assessing Audio and Video Quality in Multimedia Conferencing Systems.

20 March
Chair: Mel Slater
Speaker: Massimo Bergamasco, Scuola Superiore S.Anna, Pisa
Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environments


20 May
Chair: Steve Wilbur
Speaker: Mike Lesk, Bellcore
United States Digital Library Research
30 May
Chair: Peter Kirstein
Speaker: Randy Katz, UCB
The Case for Wireless Overlay Networks
11 June
NOTE: This seminar will take place at 4pm in Room 229, Pearson Building
Chair: Peter Kirstein
Speaker: Danny Cohen, Myrinet
Myrinet, an EXISTING gigabit/sec network
28 July
NOTE: This seminar will take place at 12:00
Chair: Simon Arridge
Speaker: Jason Bastek, Amerinex Applied Imaging (AAI)
Image Understanding Environment (IUE)
30 July
NOTE: This seminar will take place at 2pm in Room 229, Pearson Building and will be multicast to the MERCI Project partners in Europe and Canada
Chair: Jon Crowcroft
Speaker: Jonathan M. Smith, University of Pennsylvania
SwitchWare: Accelerating Network Evolution


17 October
Chair: Angela Sasse
Speaker: Dr Mark Levene, Department of Computer Science, UCL
Towards a better understanding of the minimax procedure for game playing
24 October
Chair: Martin Usoh
Speaker: Frederick P. Brooks, Jr., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
An Across-the-Board Attack on Virtual Reality Challenges
31 October
Chair: Angela Sasse
Speaker: David Adams, Deutsche Bank
Mission-critical User Interfaces
14 November
Chair: Angela Sasse
Speakers: Angela Sasse & Ismail Ismail, Department of Computer Science, UCL
Coursework via the Web - the TACO project
21 November
Chair: Martin Usoh
Speaker: Steve Ellis, NASA Ames Reseach Centre
Some dynamic requirements for interaction with virtual objects
28 November
Chair: Steve Wilbur
Speaker: Wolfgang Emmerich, Department of Computer Science, UCL
CORBA and ODBMSs in Viewpoint Development Environment Architectures
5 December
Chair: Steve Wilbur
Speaker: Anthony Finkelstein, Department of Computer Science, UCL
The Voice of the Customer

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