Computer Support for Vicarious Learning
Peter Monthienvichienchai,
Department of Computer Science, UCL
This research investigates how best to implement computer support for
vicarious learning by taking a principled approach to selecting and
combining different media to capture dialogues that take place during
collaborative learning activities. The main goal is to create vicarious
learning materials that contain the appropriate pedagogic and production
quality, whilst minimising cost, both in terms of money and the time
required to produce such materials. In particular, it proposes that
multimedia and television production principles can be used to aid
production of high quality vicarious learning materials for collaborative
learning of diagram construction in the field of computer science. The
expected result of this work is a design specification for computer support
for vicarious learning in higher education, which will then be implemented
and evaluated. The research is grounded in the works of Diana Laurillard,
on the role of dialogue in learning in higher education, and Terry Mayes,
on using computers to support vicarious learning.
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