eOS - The Dawn of the New Resource Economy

Dr. John Wilkes HP Laboratories, Palo Alto

Achieving the benefits of a resource economy, which supports the execution of services wherever and whenever it is most convenient, cost-effective, and trustworthy, represents the next big computer systems research opportunity. That is, we believe that the emphasis in the operating research community should move away from working out how to extract a few more percentage points of speed from individual computing resources, and focus instead on how to size, provision, and manage those resources to serve the needs of a rapidly diversifying set of services.

The seminar will expand on this view, with supporting information from experience gained at HP Laboratories.

HP Laboratories are embarking on a major endeavor to pursue th view. The seminar will outline our view --and a taxonomy -- of some of the issues involved, and highlights some of the research opportunities that it presents. We are actively seeking research partners to collaborate with us.

John Wilkes is a Principal Research Scientist in storage systems at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories. His main research interest is in the design and management of fast, highly available, distributed-storage systems; he has also dabbled in network architectures (the Hamlyn sender-based message model), operating systems (most recently as program chair for the 17th SOSP), and learning about early Renaissance art and architecture. He earned a BA and MA in physics and a Diploma and PhD in computer science from the University of Cambridge. He can be contacted at Hewlett-Packard Labs, Mail Stop 1U-13, 1501 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304; wilkes@hpl.hp.com; http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/John_Wilkes/.

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