Metadata in document navigation and authoring

Mischa Weiss-Lijn

Users information needs can be met by parts of documents as well as entire documents. Results from an exploratory study suggest that intra-document metadata can be used in a corporate environment to allow direct access to the parts of a document of interest. Such metadata could provide a basis for retrieval and the facilitation of the reading process through document overviews and navigation. For useful intra-document metadata to be produced in a business context, it is suggested that metadata schemas for document types with stable user needs must be developed. These must also be made a manageable part of the authoring process. A schema for a particular document type is now being developed and tested. Through a process of iterative consultation with the authors and audience of these document types the metadata schemes will be made to map onto the needs of the target audience. Prototypes will then be developed that attempt to make metadata authoring a manageable and beneficial addition to the author's workload.

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