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CS Appoints "Artist in Residence"

Ms Gordana Novakovic is the Computer Science Department's first Artist-in-Residence. Gordana's collaboration with the Department began in 2004 when she sought a technical partner for her Arts Council England Individual Grant 'City Portrait'. In 2005 she was awarded a Leverhulme artist-in-residence Fellowship at UCL, and also an AHRC/ACE Art and Science Fellowship with Dr Peter Bentley as the collaborating scientist.

Gordana belongs to the generation of artists who pioneered electronic art. Originally a painter, with 12 solo exhibitions to her credit, she has more than 20 years' experience of developing and exhibiting large-scale time-based media projects, such as Infonoise. A constant mark of her work throughout her experiments with new technologies has been her distinctive method of creating an effective cross-disciplinary framework for the emergence of synergy through collaboration.

During her residency, Gordana will work closely with Dr. Peter Bentley, Anthony Ruto, and the Australian composer Rainer Linz, on the interactive artwork Fugue. In addition, the team will collaborate on a new scientific tool for the audiovisualisation of the immune system. Gordana will also attend departmental seminars and other research events, and she hopes that her personal interactions with members of other research interest groups inside and outside the department will open up further interdisciplinary opportunities. A forthcoming exhibition in the new Computer Science building will show some of her large-scale paintings, along with documentaries of her previous projects, showing the evolution of the ideas behind her current work. If you would like to discuss any ideas with Gordana, you may find her in room 811, or e-mail her at G.Novakovic@cs.ucl.ac.uk.
This page last modified: 16 November, 2007 by Graham Knight

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